Dear privates and sergeants, officers and generals, veterans of the Armed Forces!
Dear compatriots!
I sincerely, from the bottom of heart congratulate you, who have dedicated themselves to the greatest and noblest cause of protecting the Fatherland and our entire nation, on the 28th anniversary of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Day of Homeland Defenders!
On this significant day, all of us honor, first of all, our selfless fathers and grandfathers, the courageous, fearless and faithful sons, true patriots of our Motherland, standing at their posts and safeguarding the borders of the country as the apple of the eye, and express our best wishes to them.
We convey our deep appreciation to the esteemed parents, who raised and nurtured such brave and devoted children, and servicemen’s families who always support them in performing the sacred duty.
We will not be mistaken to say that the strength and prowess of our army is in the unity and solidarity of the military and the whole society.
As long as we have the source of such great spiritual power, no evil force can threaten the peaceful and harmonious life, the independence of Uzbekistan, and turn us from the path of democratic change.
Dear friends!
The Armed Forces of Uzbekistan, a reliable guarantor of the sovereignty of our land, the peaceful and prosperous life of the people, have gone through a difficult and glorious path of formation over 28 years.
In particular, as a result of radical reforms carried out in recent years, the national army becomes powerful, agile and efficient, capable of adequately repelling any threat.
As part of the execution of new regional policy based on the principles of openness and mutual consideration of interests, our Armed Forces have been building up close partnerships with colleagues from all countries of Central Asia. Recently, we held a series of joint military exercises, exchanged visits of high military delegations and experience in operational and combat training.
Our such increasing cooperation today is becoming an important factor in ensuring regional security and stability, peace in our common Central Asian home.
The system of enduring military education, arranged in accordance with the highest world standards, continues to develop. The newly established, unique Military Institute of Information and Communication Technologies and Communications has been earning a well-deserved place in the rank of modern higher educational institutions of the country.
Along with this, a new faculty for training officers of the operational-strategic level was established, additional educational infrastructure facilities at the Academy of the Armed Forces were commissioned. The process of creating a center for training military personnel of special forces is nearing completion. Much work is being done to improve the activities of the Military Technical Institute of the National Guard.
The transition to a new organizational structure of the Armed Forces, combined with the introduction of a modernized flexible combat training system, has boosted the combat readiness and capabilities of the army several times.
Today, our soldiers, not in words but in practice, prove that in terms of the level of their professional training they are not inferior to the servicemen of the leading nations of the world. At international exercises, army and sporting competitions, Uzbekistan’s representatives have been demonstrating their skills, fortitude, will to overwhelm, and showing themselves worthy heirs of our great ancestors.
All this undoubtedly affords the entire population of Uzbekistan, and especially the youth, a sense of pride in our army and respect for the glorious profession of defender of the Motherland.
The issues related to the further development of our defense industry complex, capable of providing the national army with the necessary arms and other means, are being addressed gradually.
Vivid examples of this are the modernized and technically re-equipped Chirchik Aircraft Repair Plant and the ammunition manufacturing enterprise, while the scientific and technical potential recreated in them becomes the basis for the formation of academic and industrial clusters in these directions.
Our work on the formation of a full-fledged defense sector in the near future will not only provide the national army with weaponry and equipment, but also create additional jobs and diversify the country’s economy.
Significant achievements are observed in the activities of the military-administrative sectors, which have become a reliable ‘bridge’ between the people and the army. Since their inception, large-scale work has been undertaken under the motto “People and army stand united” to modernize military infrastructure and addressed accumulated social problems.
Military camps have gained a modern look, an outsourcing system has been introduced in the logistics services. Over the past three years, in order to provide more than 8 thousand families of military personnel with comfortable apartments, 275 multi-storey buildings have been erected, about 600 jobs have been created for the spouses of servicemen, 1.9 thousand military pensioners have been employed.
I would like to note in particular the energetic engagement of the army in fostering the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism and love for the native land, respect for our traditions and values, and knowledge of our glorious history. I feel convinced that such organizations as Veteran, Vatanparvar, as well as the Public Council under the Ministry of Defense will continue joint work in extreme demand to bolster the military-patriotic education of young people and to form a sense of active citizenship in them.
Along with this, I would like to stress the need to buttress civilian control over the Armed Forces. As part of its expanded powers, the parliament monitors today the implementation of the Law on Defense Doctrine and other legislation in the field. Last year, the Senate of the Oliy Majlis heard the reports of the heads of power ministries and departments on pressing issues pertinent to the construction and development of the Armed Forces as well as military service by citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Dear compatriots!
The rapidly changing state of affairs in the world and the aggravating circumstances in its individual regions, along with the growing threats of international terrorism and extremism require that we analyze the international and regional situation profoundly and make forecasts, take comprehensive measures aimed at ensuring our country’s security and stability, elevating the combat readiness and might of our Armed Forces.
It is essential to consistently carry on active efforts to further strengthen the system of protection and defense of the State Border, improve the command and control systems, increase the effectiveness of the organization of combat training, outfit the Armed Forces with state-of-the-art armory and equipment, and advance our nation’s defense industry.
We will continue to attach paramount importance to the training of highly qualified military forces, to the widespread introduction of cutting-edge foreign experience as well as teaching and information technologies in the educational process. Particular emphasis will be placed also on the consolidation of the social and legal protection of servicemen, members of their families and veterans of the Armed Forces.
Dear friends!
Audacious and bold defenders of our native land!
On these festive days and ahead of the celebration of the 75th anniversary of Victory in World War II, we are undertaking a great deal of practical work and more deeply than ever feel how important our deference and attention is to our ancestors who, at the cost of their lives, saved the freedom of the peoples of the world.
I wish all the military personnel – privates and sergeants, officers and generals, veterans of the Armed Forces a sound health, every success, strength and energy in serving the Fatherland, as well as happiness and prosperity to your families in the new year 2020!
Shavkat Mirziyoyev,
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces