A solemn event dedicated to the International women’s day was held at the Kuksaroy residence.
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev spoke at the ceremony warmly congratulating all women in our country.
The Head of State emphasized that protecting the rights and interests of women and increasing their authority in society is one of the key areas of state policy.
Since 2017, the share of women in managerial structures has increased from 20 to 35 percent. Today, 38 percent of the deputies of the Legislative Chamber and 27 percent of the members of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis are women. Their active participation in various spheres contributes to the development of society as a whole.
The women of our country have demonstrated outstanding achievements. Last year, Uzbek sportswomen won 3 gold, 8 silver and 3 bronze medals at the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Twenty-five representatives of Uzbekistan won international competitions in the sphere of culture and art, and 71 talented girls won national competitions.
The President paid special attention to improving the quality of life of women and creating additional opportunities for them.
- Women who have time to take care of their families, raise children, receive education, work and engage in entrepreneurship are true heroes of our time. In the New Uzbekistan, ensuring the well-being of women and creating conditions for their self-realization in all spheres will remain one of the main priorities of the state policy, - said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
In accordance with the principles of the social state enshrined in the updated Constitution, new measures of social protection for women are being implemented in the country. This year, 162,000 women with disabilities will receive medical assistance in sanatoriums, hospitals and at their place of residence. About 130 thousand women who have lost their providers will receive material support, and the housing conditions of 6 thousand families will be improved. Women who are able to work will be provided with jobs.
Also, every year 50 thousand women in difficult life situations will receive vouchers to picturesque areas of the country for education and recreation.
Healthy women are the basis of a healthy and strong society. This year 230 maternity institutions will be equipped with 21 thousand modern medical devices. In addition, 1.5 million women are to be screened for early detection of cancer.
Educating girls benefits the whole family, which was once again emphasized in the President's speech. An educated society is a society with a high level of consciousness and culture.
Today, 52 percent of university students are women. Last year, 15 thousand female undergraduates received financial support to pay for a contract worth about 100 billion soums.
More than 6.2 thousand women work in the scientific sphere, and they create 25 percent of all scientific developments in the country. This once again confirms the growing role of women in society.
In the future, the state will continue to create conditions for girls' education - from kindergartens to universities. This year, 250 thousand girls will enter higher education institutions - 3.5 times more than in 2017. Another 250 thousand women will receive vocational education and learn entrepreneurship. Under the “Bright Future” program, at least 200 girls will be sent to prestigious foreign universities every year.
The President emphasized the issues of women's employment and the development of women's entrepreneurship.
On his initiative, a Business Women's Council will be established at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which will have the right to raise issues related to the pressing problems of businesswomen before Parliament.
An additional 3.3 trillion soums will be allocated this year to support women's entrepreneurship. In particular, $100 million will be allocated within the framework of family business programs. Another $100 million will be raised by commercial banks to provide interest-free loans of up to 50 million soums to self-employed women.
A four-stage system for the development of women's entrepreneurship will be introduced. At the first stage, 20,000 women wishing to start a business will be trained. At the second stage, 100,000 self-employed women will receive support to start their own businesses. At the third stage, two small companies in each district will be transformed into model medium-sized enterprises. At the fourth stage, 50 most successful women-entrepreneurs will be assisted to raise businesses with the annual turnover of more than 100 billion soums.
Overall, this year we plan to create jobs for 2 million women through vocational training, employment and entrepreneurship development.
- We set ourselves ambitious goals in all spheres. Their achievement depends on the upbringing of a worthy generation, which is in your hands, dear women, caring mothers - emphasized the President.
According to the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 3, 28 girls were awarded the Zulfiya State Prize, and on March 4, a group of women who have achieved high results in labor activity and public life were awarded orders and medals. A solemn presentation of these high awards took place at the event.
At the end of the celebration, Shavkat Mirziyoyev once again congratulated the women on behalf of the people and expressed his best wishes to them:
- I wish you good health, peace and prosperity in your homes. May the greatest wealth in life - happiness in the family - accompany you. May you always be surrounded by love of your children, relatives and respect of the people!
As part of the celebration, a gala concert was held at the “Uzbekiston” Palace.