On January 11, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev reviewed a presentation on the achievements and further objectives in the electrical industry.
The share of this sector in the total volume of industry is 3.5 percent, and in exports of goods - 10 percent. Last year, 31 trillion soums worth of products were produced and $1.3 billion were exported. Investments of $516 million were utilized, 85 new enterprises were launched. Today, over 27 thousand of our compatriots work in the industry.
At the video conference call on September 5 last year, additional opportunities were identified to increase efficiency in the sector. Accordingly, a number of tasks have been outlined for the current year.
During the presentation, Chairman of “Uzeltehsanoat” Association said that 290 new projects worth $4 billion will be launched in the regions this year, $600 million of investments will be utilized and copper processing rate will reach 75 percent.
First of all, it is necessary to effectively use localization programs. Thus, this year, investment projects worth $75 billion will be implemented in the country, $28 billion of which can be covered by local products.
Additional land plots have been allocated to expand the electrical cluster: 200 hectares in Ahangaran, 10 hectares in Fergana and 4 hectares in Urgench. The relevant infrastructure has been built for the amount of 181 billion soums.
Now entrepreneurs will be allowed to construct ready-made buildings on the territories of technoparks and sell them to enterprises of electrical and related industries. Entrepreneurs who have introduced high-tech production are proposed to be exempted from profit tax and property tax for three years.
This will open up opportunities for launching new projects, including in Ahangaran copper cluster for $68 million, as well as in Kashkadarya, Fergana and Urgench for $30 million.
A guaranteed market of 15 trillion soums is also being created in the context of ministries and industries to sell the products. A procedure for purchasing renewable energy devices for social facilities from local manufacturers is being developed.
The Head of our State emphasized that this industry is of particular importance for a green economy and sustainable development. In this regard, he instructed to maximize the use of all local opportunities, as well as provide entrepreneurs with additional conditions in terms of infrastructure, financing and raw materials.
The responsible persons noted that due to these measures it is possible to increase annual exports to $3 billion dollars and production volume to 50 trillion soums.
The issues of development of innovations and in-demand products, training of qualified engineers, technologists and mid-level specialists were also touched upon.