
by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the Ceremony of Unveiling
the Monument to Jaloliddin Manguberdi in the city of Urgench
Dear compatriots!
Distinguished guests!
Today, on the eve of the Independence Day, we solemnly unveil the memorial complex established in honor of the outstanding son of our people, Jaloliddin Manguberdi.
Undoubtedly, this has a deep symbolic meaning. After all, the greatest feat in the world is a feat in the name of the freedom and independence of Homeland. It shall never be forgotten, it shall forever remain in the heart of the people.
Jaloliddin Manguberdi is the brightest representative of our ancestors who, not sparing their lives, fought for the freedom of the country.
Indeed, few great personalities in the world can compare with Jaloliddin Manguberdi in love and devotion to Homeland, dignity and glory. This is confirmed by the words of our outstanding scientist and wise ruler Mirzo Ulugbek: «Before Jaloliddin and after him, the world did not know such a hero-warrior. Greatness itself bows before his valor and fearlessness».
For eleven years, Sultan Jaloliddin participated in more than three hundred battles against the Mongol conquerors, making the enemies tremble with fear. His exploits are amazing to anyone.
Let us recall how the invincible commander bravely fought on the banks of the Sindh River against the troops of Genghis Khan, who outnumbered with his army by four times. Or how, in the battle near Isfahan, together with fourteen soldiers, he was able to break through the encirclement of more than a thousand Mongols.
Even the cruel Genghis Khan, seeing his resilience, was forced to admit: «It is a real happiness for a father to have such a heroic son as Jaloliddin».
Many countries recognize that Jaloliddin Manguberdi defended not only his land, but also dozens of other states from the invasion of conquerors. Despite the fact that his whole life was spent in incessant battles, even in difficult times, as a patron of science and education, he managed to build mosques and madrasahs, caravanserais and palaces, roads and bridges.
The name of our valiant ancestor, who overcame the hardest trials of fate and died at the age of 32, his unfading feat reminds all of us of the enduring truth: no one can ever break the people who rallied in the struggle for the freedom of Homeland.
Dear participants of the ceremony!
All of you are well aware of the work to immortalize the everlasting memory of Jaloliddin Manguberdi. The Supreme State Award - the «Jaloliddin Manguberdi» Order has been instituted. The notable dates associated with his name are celebrated decently. The new scientific and fiction works about his life and activity are being created.
In order to bring up the successors of the deed of our great ancestor, we have established the Jaloliddin Manguberdi Military Academic Lyceum in the city of Urgench. This school of courage shall welcome its first students this year. I wish them success and I am confident that they will become worthy successors of the outstanding military leader, real patriots, courageous officers and generals.
Dear friends!
We have worked hard on the design of the memorial complex being unveiled today. We have studied the opinions and suggestions of our intellectuals and the general public.
It is a grandiose 25-meter high monument, and in the determined and proud look of Sultan Jaloliddin there is a patriotism and unshakable will of our people, who boldly and confidently look into the future.
A copy of the ancient stone slab in honor of Jaloliddin Manguberdi was placed in front of the monument. The ayats of the Holy Koran and the genealogy of the hero were engraved on it, as well as the history of its creation.
During the construction of Jaloliddin Manguberdi complex in Urgench and the city’s central square a large-scale constructive work has been carried out. This area of nearly eight hectares has changed completely. About 18 thousand ornamental trees, flowers and bushes have been planted. A unique four-lane automobile tunnel with the length of 500 meters was built under the central city square.
Dear participants of the ceremony!
Thanks to the implementation of wide-scale reforms in recent years, Khorezm Region, like all parts of the country, has undergone a remarkable transformation. In particular, district centers and some 100 villages and makhallas (the local neighborhood community areas) have been improved over the past five years. We have built 80 hotels for tourists.
The new hotels and family guest houses shall be created in the region in the next five years. The number of tourists is projected to grow tenfold to half a million.
A railroad was laid to Khiva, which is called «a museum in the open air» and a new railway station was put into operation. It is planned to launch a high-speed train to this ancient city in 2024.
More than 100 modern service facilities will also be built along the highways in Urgench and Khiva.
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s announcement of Khiva as the Tourism Capital of the Islamic World in 2024 was a worthy recognition of these efforts.
Based on a specific plan, a work has begun and is consistently continuing to create a tourist brand «Khorezm» in the oasis, attractive for both domestic and foreign tourists.
In order to increase the flow of foreign tourists coming to Khorezm, the necessary infrastructure will be created to further improve interregional and international transport links. In addition, the Urgench International Airport, which is the second largest in terms of the number of passengers after the capital’s airport, will be reconstructed and turned into a tourist transport hub in the next two years.
Taking into account the wishes of the population, especially after consulting with the youth, we have started the construction of the town of «Al-Khorezmi» in Urgench. The Al-Khorezmi University and specialized school, the Al-Khorezmi Center, as well as a monument to our prominent ancestor are to be erected at an area of more than 130 hectares. In addition, a Techno park, an industrial zone and offices, medical, innovation and cultural centers, a school and kindergartens, green areas and squares, sports complexes, parking lots, commercial buildings, consumer services, most importantly and 104 high-rise modern comfortable homes for the population will be built here.
I am confident that the «Al- Al-Khorezmi» town shall become one of the most beautiful, remarkable places in the country, the visiting card of Urgench – as well as the International Tourist Center «Buyuk Ipak Yuli»(‘The Great Silk Road’) in Samarkand.
Taking this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to the builders and engineers, architects and sculptors, technical specialists and responsible workers, our foreign partners, the hardworking and noble residents of Urgench - all those who are carrying out these good deeds in the ancient land of Khorezm.
Dear compatriots!
Considering that the representatives of the intelligentsia and youth are participating in today’s ceremony, I want to focus on the following issue.
We can still build many magnificent buildings and monuments. However, the most important thing is that we should fill our creative work with deep spiritual meaning and content, so that they penetrate into the heart of every citizen, especially the youth. Only then will we be able to achieve our lofty goals.
We live in a difficult time, when various threats and challenges are intensifying in the world and in our region. Destructive forces in their selfish interests, are trying to capture the minds of our younger generation. All of us are well aware that in such an alarming situation, it is crucial to educate children in the spirit of high patriotism by the example of the life and work of such our brave ancestors as the great commander Jaloliddin Manguberdi. It is the duty of each of us.
Along with this, we should support the scientific and creative research of dedicated scientists and writers of our country, encourage the creation of new scientific works and works on this topic. As it is well-known, owing to such research, the burial place of Sultan Jaloliddin was found in the city of Silvan. It would be advisable to build here a symbolic mausoleum of our great ancestor on the basis of an agreement with the Turkish government.
It is necessary to take the measures to comprehensive, including financial support for the activities of the Jaloliddin Manguberdi Foundation, established by the efforts of the khokimiyat (governor’s office) and the creative intelligentsia of the Khorezm Region. Along with the consistent continuation of the creative work we have begun, an important task is to issue a scientific encyclopaedia dedicated to the history of the life feat of Jaloliddin Manguberdi.
We are rightfully proud of our great ancestors, such as Jaloliddin Manguberdi, whose short but bright life was filled with boundless love and devotion to Homeland, inherent in the Uzbek people from time immemorial.
I am confident that centuries shall pass, but the image of Sultan Jaloliddin shall always serve as an example of true filial love, firm will and dedication in the reliable defense of his country, selfless service to the interests of Homeland.
Dear compatriots!
I sincerely, wholeheartedly congratulate all of you on today’s historic event and on the upcoming Independence Day.
I wish you a sound health, peace and prosperity to your families.
May our sacred land, our people, who gave the world such immortal heroes as Jaloliddin Manguberdi, always prosper!
I wish happiness and success to the brave and noble residents of Khorezm!
Thank you for your attention.