Dear compatriots!
Dear friends!
Sincerely, I extend my warm congratulations to you, to the entire multinational people of Uzbekistan on the occasion of the Peoples’ Friendship Day, which is being celebrated for the first time in our country, and I express my deep appreciation and best wishes to all of you.
It is well-known that in accordance with the resolution of the UN General Assembly, the International Day of Friendship is celebrated around the world on July 30. In Uzbekistan, on the basis of the law adopted on February 10 of this year, this date has been established as the Peoples’ Friendship Day. The establishment of this holiday has become a long-awaited event for all residents of the country.
Our ancient and fertile land for many centuries was at the crossroads of the Great Silk Road, the center of interaction of different civilizations and cultures, and not only trade, but also humanitarian ties were established. It is the friendly, good-neighborly relations of representatives of different nations, cultures and religions living side by side here which have become a strong impetus for the civilization of our region.
Indeed, during hard times, our ancestors overcame all difficulties and challenges, relying primarily on the solidarity and unity, dedication, humanism and generosity of our multinational people.
Uzbekistan is a country, which has vast resources. However, our greatest wealth is peace and stability, mutual respect between representatives of different nations and confessions.
We are proud of this priceless wealth and will turn our focus and capabilities of our state and society to strengthen the spirit of friendship and harmony in the country.
In independent Uzbekistan, one of the key priorities of state policy has become the strengthening of interethnic and interfaith harmony and mutual understanding, education of the younger generation in the spirit of tolerance, respect for national and universal values, and patriotism.
Our Constitution and legislation embody that all citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, regardless of their nationality, language and religion, have equal rights and freedoms. They are provided with all opportunities for the development of their culture, traditions and customs.
Over recent years, the work carried out in this direction in terms of its quality and content has been raised to a new, higher level.
Today we have set ourselves a great goal – building a new Uzbekistan. Undoubtedly, on this path, the spirit of friendship and unity that has established in our society is a solid basis for maintaining and strengthening peace and stability in the country, consistent progress along the path of reforms and renewal, and the growth of its authority in the international arena.
Dear friends!
As you know, we have adopted the Concept of State Policy in the Field of Interethnic Relations. This document has become an important legal basis for increasing the efficiency of our consistent work in this direction.
We are all glad that today representatives of more than 130 nations and nationalities live in the country as a united and friendly family. They selflessly work in all areas and industries and make a worthy contribution to the development and prosperity of their native Uzbekistan.
Religious organizations of 16 confessions freely conduct their activities. An important role in the further harmonization of interethnic relations in the country is played by 150 national cultural centers. Their multifaceted activities are fully supported. In particular, the Public Fund at the Oliy Majlis (Parliament) allocates significant funds for these purposes, as well as various subsidies and grants.
The Park of Friendship is being established in Tashkent, Friendship Houses have been constructed in the capital and regions, which are becoming the centers of attraction for our citizens.
In state educational institutions, training is conducted in 7 languages, the National Television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan broadcasts its programs in 12 languages.
Over the past few years, we have attached particular importance to strengthening the ties with our compatriots living abroad. A program of measures in this direction is being implemented.
We are all well aware and highly appreciate the worthy contribution of representatives of different nations and nationalities living in our country, including the leaders and activists of national cultural centers who selflessly work for the good of the Homeland.
Among them I would like to mention such well-known public figures as Viktor Pak, Margarita Filonovich, Galina Melnikova, Vladimir Boiko, Victoria Akilova, Rakhmatulla Jabbarov, Rishat Nabiulin, Gulandom Subkhanova, Khanif Salikhov, Umriuzok Kuvvatov, Serikbai Usenov, Kaikep Alieva, Timur Kapadze, who serve as an example for the younger generation.
On the eve of a wonderful holiday – the Peoples’ Friendship Day, a number of our citizens of different nationalities were awarded the high state awards.
I take this opportunity to sincerely congratulate them and express profound gratitude to all of them.
Dear compatriots!
In current challenging time, the interethnic and interfaith tensions are increasing in different regions of the world. In these difficult conditions, we first of all must, like the apple of our eye, protect peace, stability and civil harmony in our society, raise children on the basis of the high spiritual and moral values of our multinational people.
Dear friends, once again I congratulate all of you on the Peoples’ Friendship Day.
I am confident this holiday will take its rightful place in the hearts of our people and become a good tradition in our lives.
I wish all of you a sound health, success, peace and prosperity to your families!
May peace and tranquility always reign in our beautiful country, the multinational people of Uzbekistan will be happy!
Shavkat Mirziyoyev,
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan