Dear friends!
Distinguished workers of culture and art!
It is my pleasure to sincerely and heartily congratulate you, in your person the millions of art admirers on the International Theater Day, celebrated on March 27, and express you my deep respect and best wishes.
We are all well aware of the great role and significance of performing art in the life of a person and society, in enrichment of the spiritual world and worldview of people, our multinational people.
As the prominent educator Mahmudkhoja Behbudi said, the theater is indeed a temple of art, education and enlightenment, where you can find answers to many spiritual and moral questions.
Being one of the most popular and effective forms of art in the world, the theater for centuries has been encouraging people to love and to do something good, contributing to the development of noble qualities, fostering wonderful feelings, strengthening the atmosphere of friendship and harmony in society, as well as affirming the principles of high morality and justice.
On this holiday, celebrated in more than 100 countries around the world, it is appropriate to say that the performing art of Uzbekistan, which has more than 100 years of glorious history, has well-known creative schools, maintaining its rich traditions and values, it is dynamically developing today, keeping pace with time.
I want to wholeheartedly thank you for the hard, diligent work, my dears, – outstanding stage masters, famous playwrights and directors, musicians and composers, young actors, artists and technical personnel, who despite the thorny path of the profession, are devoted to their beloved work, stage, admirers of their talent and heartening, selflessly serve the theater for their dedication to the lofty ideals of humanism.
We find in you, the noble people who carefully preserve and develop such a unique, priceless spiritual wealth as performing art, in order to hand it over to future generations.
I think you are well aware that in recent years, as much as in all spheres, the fundamental transformations have been carried out in the cultural system as well, among them is the life of our theaters.
A number of resolutions and decrees were adopted on further development of this sphere, solidifying its material and technical base and personnel potential, increasing interest and attention in society, primarily among young people, to performing art.
It should be noted that a special attention was paid to these issues in the recently adopted decree of the President «About the Formation of a Trust Fund on support of the sphere of spirituality and creativity» and «On measures to radically improve the system of spiritual and educational work».
In our beautiful capital city of Tashkent, in all regions, more and more new facilities of science and culture, modern theaters and amphitheaters are being built; creative teams have their «Clubs of Friends», organised together with large companies and banks.
To develop the talents and abilities of our youth who are fond of art, creative contests and festivals are held; the new educational institutions are being established. The branches of higher educational institutions in the field of culture are opening in the regions, the number of quotas for enrolment is increasing, and girls from the low-income families are getting benefits.
Recently, the Uzbek National Institute of Musical Art named after Yunus Rajabiy, the Margilan City Theater of Maqom Music (the Uzbek national classical combination of music and song) were created.
I am glad to announce that a large preparatory work has begun in the capital city on the construction of a new building for the Uzbek National Academic Drama Theater, which meets the highest modern international standards.
Dear compatriots!
In this rapidly changing time, life itself poses very important and complex tasks for all of us. First, to protect our people from various threats and ignorance by the means of education, educate the younger generation harmoniously developed, in the spirit of love and devotion to Motherland, respect for national and universal values.
In this direction, the distinguished culture and art figures, we rely on your talent and potential, knowledge, experience and noble qualities, as well as on all our intellectuals.
We will continue to widely support your hard work and creative search in order to create the vivid artistic images of our contemporaries, who honestly and selflessly work to build the New Uzbekistan – a free and prosperous country.
Our attention will always be focused on the issues of comprehensive stimulation of representatives of performing art, all cultural workers, and the creation of decent living and working conditions for them.
Distinguished friends!
Once again, I sincerely congratulate you on International Theater Day, I wish all of you a sound health, strength, energy and further successes.
May there be more such joyful days on theatrical venues, in your creative teams!
May peace, happiness and prosperity always reign in your homes!
Most Sincerely,
Shavkat Mirziyoyev,
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan