
Dear compatriots!
Dear friends!
I sincerely and wholeheartedly congratulate You, and in Your person, all our multinational people on the New Year according to the Eastern calendar – the holiday of Navruz.
I express my deep respect and best wishes to our venerable veterans, dear women, energetic youth and compatriots abroad – to our entire people.
I congratulate you on the long-awaited holiday of spring and renewal, my dears!
As the great poet, Alisher Navoiy said: «May our everyday be like Navruz! »
Dear compatriots!
Due to the pandemic, last year we were not able to celebrate Navruz as widely as before. We hoped with good intentions that the challenging days would definitely be left behind and we all together would celebrate many more bright holidays.
Today these good dreams and hopes are coming true. The joyful holidays have come to our beautiful land again.
Certainly, we understand that the danger of coronavirus has not yet passed around the world. It is still present in our lives.
You are all aware what great work we have accomplished to preserve the health of our people. Now, so that our work is not in vain, the fight against the pandemic must not be stopped for a moment. It is necessary to protect oneself and loved ones from this misfortune, avoiding carelessness and indifference. It is imperative to remain vigilant and responsible, relying on the experience gained, to work on a systematic basis, observing precautions.
Only then, together with our hardworking people, with renewed vigor and energy, we will be able, realizing big plans, to continue the path to achieving our noble goals.
Today, seeing your joyful faces, I am again convinced that spring gives a powerful creative force to our people.
We thank the Almighty for these bright days, for the breath of spring felt on our soil.
Dear friends!
In the early days of the pandemic, I have turned to our people, expressing confidence that we will emerge from this test even stronger.
Indeed, our strength lies in unity and solidarity; our vigor lies in kindness, spiritual generosity and mutual support; our success lies in firm confidence in the future.
The trials we have endured have confirmed the validity of this truth.
The past very difficult period has demonstrated how interconnected we are, how much we need one another, how important it is to protect and appreciate those who are around us. I believe you will agree – it has once again proved that together we are capable of great deeds.
Certainly, the pandemic has changed a lot in the world. Only the love of our people for this sacred land, native nature, devotion and respect for their eternal national values remain unchanged. Moreover, these noble qualities have intensified and began to manifest themselves even more vividly.
Therefore, the holiday of Navruz, a symbol of beauty and the awakening of nature from time immemorial, is especially important to us today.
Another important feature of Navruz this year is its congruence with the spirit of the events dedicated to the upcoming significant date - the 30th anniversary of the independence of our Homeland.
Navruz is truly a national holiday, a mirror of our national identity, an integral part of our spiritual and cultural life.
Today our people, akin thousands of years ago, greet Navruz in high spirits and with pure thoughts. The melodies of Navruz sound everywhere-- on the green fields and in flowering gardens, on squares and alleys, in villages and auls (villages, rural areas), makhallas (the residential community areas) and on the streets - like the song of the New Day. In the valleys and on the hills, courageous riders compete, and kurash (Central Asian folk wrestling) competitions are held. Both adults and children have fun, participate in the preparation of national Uzbek dish sumalak, treat each other with unique spring dishes, share the joy of the holiday.
On such radiant days, we are all increasingly aware of the value of a peaceful and tranquil life.
At this blessed time, hardworking dekhkans (peasants) and farmers go out into the fields with great hopes.
Taking this opportunity, we sincerely congratulate our selfless farmers on the beginning of the new season and wish collection of a rich harvest this year, well-being and prosperity to every home.
Dear compatriots!
The generous spirit and life-affirming philosophy of Navruz are consonant with the ideas of the New Uzbekistan that we are building today.
At this wonderful time, when everything around is awakening, the dream of a new Renaissance – the Third Renaissance fills our hearts with tremendous strength, inspires us to new achievements.
Thanks to the selfless work of our people and strong political will, we will consistently and dynamically continue the large-scale reforms. In addition, despite the difficulties, in the name of the interests of the people, for the sake of the future of our children, we will never deviate from the chosen path.
To that end, the dozens of modern enterprises, industrial zones and clusters, IT and techno parks, transport and communication networks are being created in the country, comfortable housing, wonderful kindergartens and schools, higher educational institutions, healthcare, culture and sports facilities are being built. The cities and villages are being modernized. The whole country is changing and becoming even more beautiful.
As it is well-known, the main point of Navruz is a vivid manifestation of humanism, respect for the honor and dignity of a person.
In Uzbekistan, priority attention is paid to tackling the problems of all segments of the population, primarily women and youth, teaching them knowledge and professions, employment, providing sources of income and housing. An important part of our work is doing good deeds, providing comprehensive care and attention to those who are in need of social assistance and moral support.
In the Year of Supporting Youth and Strengthening the Health of the Population, we will raise to a qualitatively new, higher level every work carried out in this direction.
The scale of such practical deeds will expand in the future, our people will certainly achieve their noble goal that claims «We live in a new Uzbekistan – a free and prosperous country!»
Dear friends!
Navruz is a great holiday that calls for careful treatment of man and nature, to strengthen peace, mutual understanding and cooperation. On these joyful days, all strives and conflicts, grievances and quarrels are forgotten, friendship and harmony are growing among the peoples.
Thanks to its unique features, Navruz has remained an integral part of the life of not only ours, but all peoples of the East for millennia. Today Navruz has been given more profound meaning and content, this wonderful holiday in our country became truly nationwide, uniting the representatives of more than 130 nationalities and ethnic groups living in Uzbekistan into a single and close-knit family.
As you know, the United Nations has declared March 21 as the International Day of Navruz. It is included by UNESCO in the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The widespread celebration of Navruz at the international level demonstrates its gravitas and importance throughout the world.
On this bright day, we greet and congratulate the peoples of all countries of the near and far abroad, our foreign friends and partners, and wish them peace and prosperity.
Dear compatriots!
Once again, I sincerely congratulate you on the ancient and wonderful holiday of Navruz!
May Navruz bring peace and tranquility, health and prosperity to every home!
May all our cherished dreams come true!
May our native Uzbekistan flourish, the life of our people will be happy and prosperous!
Happy Navruz, my dears!