President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited Akhsikent archaeological site in Turakurgan district.
Akhsikent appeared in the 3rd century BC and was the capital of ancient Fergana, one of the main transit points of the Great Silk Road. It had its own underground water source and was convenient for defense. It consisted of an arch, inner and outer city. Glass, pottery, blacksmith, weapons production and other crafts had been rapidly developed at that time. By 1620, the city was destroyed by an earthquake.
Part of the ruins with an area of 60 hectares has been preserved, which makes this place the largest archaeological monument of Fergana valley. The blacksmith’s workshop, remains of a bath dating from X-XIII centuries, barracks, mosque, fortress walls, underground irrigation networks, artisan’s makhalla, Palace of Ruler – Ark are excavated and studied by archeologists.
By the President’s order, large-scale activity on preservation and studying of ancient Akhsikent, formation of its reliable historical chronicle started in 2017. Directorate for protection and studying of archaeological heritage Akhsikent State Unitary Enterprise was founded.
This place is important for improving tourism potential of Namangan region. Presentations on ancient Akhsikent are being held at tourism fairs in Uzbekistan and abroad. As a result, this place attracts domestic and foreign tourists. To date, the settlement was visited by tourists from Belgium, Austria, Japan, South Korea, Russia, Iran, Pakistan, India and other countries. A special concept has been developed for studying the archaeological site, increasing its attractiveness and tourist’s flow. Measures are being taken on developing domestic tourism in Fergana valley on its basis.
The President was informed about the master plan of the complex, objects, where research is planned, as well as on tourism complex project.
It is planned to organize a museum, build a symbolic arch as a sign of former glory of Akhsikent, establish monuments to Umarshaykh Mirzo and Babur using images drawn by Kamoliddin Bekhzod. Conditions will be created for boat tours along Syrdarya river and sightseeing on camels. In general, necessary infrastructure will appear and Akhsikent will become a tourism center.
The Head of the state noted the need for deep scientific studying of Akhsikent’s history, collection and dissemination of information to youth about glorious deeds of ancestors.
– Akhsikent is a mirror of our rich history. There is a lot of evidence of life and deeds of our ancestors, which serve to restore the picture of the past. So far, we have studied history of only well-known cities, but such settlements were not given attention. If we want to raise spirituality, it is necessary to attach people, youth to heritage of our ancestors.
Shavkat Mirziyoyev gave recommendations on holding a history festival in the complex, opening of archaeological department in Namangan State University.
The need for conducting practical training and individual school lessons on the territory of historical monuments was noted.