
The Louvre is a world-famous museum, the world’s largest on art collection and the second largest for its area. Almost 10 million tourists visit this museum every year.
The museum’s building was erected in 1190 as a castle-fortress by the King of France Philippe Auguste. For several centuries it served as the residence of France’s kings. After construction of the Palace of Versailles in 1793 the castle was turned into a museum.
The Louvre has over 300 thousand exhibits, the most ancient of which date back to the 7th century BC. Only 35 thousand exhibits are exhibited in the halls of the museum. The most popular among them are the Venus de Milo and the Law Code of Hammurabi, the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci and the Lacemaker by Johannes Vermeer.
Museum’s exhibits are grouped into 6 collections. The collection of the East alone occupies 24 rooms. There are thousands of exhibits about the history of Uzbekistan. In particular, the letter of Amir Temur to King Charles VI, one of the candlesticks made for the mausoleum of Yassawi by the order of Sahibkiran, inscriptions on tombstones and other objects.
The President of Uzbekistan examined these exhibits, became acquainted with their history. He noted the need for organizing joint exhibitions of museums of Uzbekistan and France, expansion of scientific and cultural ties between the two countries.