
On September 19, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting devoted to the analysis of activities in the system of information technologies and communications, identification of additional measures on accelerating development of the sphere.
– Information technologies and communications contribute to accelerated development of all spheres, create convenience for people, – said Shavkat Mirziyoyev. – The tasks defined at the beginning of the year for development of this sphere have not been executed at the proper level. The state of attracting investments in the industry, export of services and ready-made software products is absolutely unsatisfactory.
Therefore, we had to replace the leadership of the ministry. The new minister and his deputies must draw appropriate conclusions and organize their activity in a completely new way. It is necessary to quickly eliminate existing problems and accelerate development of the industry, sharply increase the volume of investments and exports, the most important is to ensure positive changes in the system in the shortest possible time, – said the President.
Implementation of the Decree of the Head of the state “On measures of further improving the sphere of information technologies and communications” of February 19, 2018 and corresponding instructions of the President were analyzed at the meeting. Important tasks for accelerated development of the sphere were identified.
The need for attracting foreign investment in the field of information technologies and communications, increasing the number of projects involving direct investment was noted. The task was set to bring the volume of investments, especially direct, to $200 million in the current year and $500 million in 2019.
Instructions were given on increasing the authority of Uzbektelecom company, development of the national mobile communication operator UzMobile.
It was noted that the level of export of services in the industry is insufficient, it is necessary to sharply increase this indicator, primarily the development and export of software products.
Low quality of telephone services and Internet access provided to users, as well as the fact that only 27 percent of existing communication networks consist of fiber optic, the rest – copper lines, was criticized. Instructions were given for speeding up connection to the Internet, complete replacement of communication networks with fiber-optic lines.
Tasks for further development of “Electronic Government” system, cardinal improvement of provision of interactive public services were determined. The need for radically improving the activity of postal communication was noted.
Attention was paid to strengthening information security.
It was noted that in the industry there is a shortage of personnel, at Tashkent University of Information Technologies and its branches, teachers with scientific potential make up only 21% of the total number of teaching staff. In this regard, the need for increasing the scientific potential of teachers and expanding the scale of scientific-research work at the university was noted.
Instructions were given on development of a national program for development of information and communication infrastructure of the country on the basis of an in-depth study of foreign experience for five years.