The President visited the Cultural Centre for Deaf People of the Society of the Deaf of Uzbekistan.
Construction and repair work was carried out here. The concert hall for 450 people, study rooms, gyms are equipped at the modern level.
The Head of the state talked with members of the society, asked about their problems and shortcomings in the sphere.
Attention was paid to training teachers for deaf-mute children and sign language interpreters.
Shavkat Mirziyoyev instructed to prepare a resolution providing for the improvement of conditions for education, training, labor, recreation and treatment of citizens of this category.
The Head of the state presented the world chess champion Sirojiddin Zayniddinov, the winner of the Asian Taekwondo Championship Davron Khidirov, the young director Oleg Oshipenko apartments in Tashkent, as well as a bus to the Cultural Centre.
As you know, our main principle is that the state serves people. You are also worthy members of our society. We will create all conditions in this area. Every person in Uzbekistan is dear to me, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
In accordance with the resolution of the Head of the state "On organizational measures of stimulating the provision of employment of socially vulnerable segments of the population" of June 11, 2018, privileges were introduced to support business entities of a particular category, involving persons with disabilities to work.
To this end, a sewing enterprise was organized in the territory of the Society of the Deaf of Uzbekistan, employing more than 100 women.
The President got acquainted with activities of this enterprise, talked with seamstresses. The Head of the state noted that the work in the field will continue consistently, special attention will be paid to creation of jobs for persons with disabilities.