The Head of our state was presented information on the progress in implementing highway construction projects.
The total length of highways in Uzbekistan is more than 184 thousand kilometers. According to estimates, 25 percent of roads of international importance in the country are operated with high load. For example, the “Tashkent-Samarkand” highway, designed for 32 thousand vehicles per day, now serves 45 thousand vehicles, and the travel time takes up to 6 hours. By 2030, it is expected that the traffic intensity may exceed 80 thousand vehicles per day.
In the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 10, 2023, the prospects of creating modern highways are defined. The main goal is to create convenient conditions for the population, strengthen transportation and logistics links in the national economy.
According to the document, work is underway to build alternative highways from Tashkent to Samarkand and Andijan. In particular, the “Tashkent - Andijan” road project has been developed with the participation of the World Bank. In January this year, an international tender for its construction was announced. In a short period of time, more than 30 leading foreign companies have already shown interest in the project.
The length of the high-speed road will be 314 kilometers. Its commissioning will reduce travel time between Tashkent and Andijan from 5 to 3 hours, increase gross domestic product by 2.6 percent and reduce the number of road accidents by 40 percent.
Another major project is the construction of an additional road connecting Tashkent and Samarkand. A feasibility study of the project has been prepared with the participation of foreign specialists. The new highway with a length of about 300 kilometers will also reduce the travel time between the two cities from 5 to 3 hours and significantly reduce congestion on the existing highway.
In general, the new highways will be modern, convenient and compliant with all current requirements. Various toll services for drivers and passengers will be organized along them.
Domestic construction companies will also be widely involved in the construction process.
The Minister of transport presented the progress of implementing these projects. Measures on acceleration of geodetic works, preparation of sites for construction, attraction of investments and contractors were discussed.