On March 25 an Iftar ceremony was organized throughout all regions of the country. President Shavkat Mirziyoyev took part in Iftar held in Tashkent.
In the beginning of the event the Head of State again congratulated the people and the entire Muslim ummah on the holy month of Ramadan.
- In this blessed month, we are happy to spend the ceremony of iftarlik (evening meal in the days of Muslim fasting) together with our people on our fertile land, for which we endlessly thank Allah the Merciful, - said the President.
The noble idea “For the sake of man, for the sake of his happiness” is becoming the bedrock of all public policy. Freedom of conscience and the rights of citizens are reliably protected, which is particularly evident during the holy month of Ramadan. The noble values, such as harmony, kindness and support, patience, endurance, morality, decency, the pursuit of science, are more strengthened in our society.
Special attention is paid to a thorough study of the humanistic meaning of Islam, collection and popularization of the rich heritage of the prominent thinkers. In particular, the Center of Islamic Civilization is being built in Tashkent – a major scientific and spiritual project, which will reflect the achievements of the Islamic world in the sphere of science, education and culture. This center will inspire youth for new discoveries.
Also construction of the Imam Bukhari complex continues in Samarkand – a great hadith scholar. Along with a museum and scientific institutions, a mosque with a capacity of up to 10 thousand worshippers is being built. It’s planned to open the two majestic structures already this year.
In accordance with the decree of the President dated March 14 this year it’s planned to widely commemorate the 1155th anniversary of Imam Maturidi. His tomb site in Samarkand will be improved, the scientific legacy and the teachings of Maturidism will be studied together with foreign scholars.
In order to strengthen inter-ethnic and inter-confessional harmony, the International Forum “Dialogue of Declarations” will be held in September in Tashkent and Samarkand. It will be a unique platform for interreligious and intercultural dialogue.
In accordance with the Constitution, Uzbekistan is a social state implementing a humane and people-centered policy. Only last year, 16 trillion soums worth of material assistance and benefits were allocated. More than 51 thousand children from families in need were placed in kindergartens, 176 thousand people received medical assistance, 182 thousand – social services.
Through the “Kindness and Support” fund 94 thousand low-income families received assistance worth more than 130 billion soums for treatment, food, clothing and utility bills.
Under the “Women's notebook” 3.5 million women received assistance for 5.7 trillion soums. In the framework of the “Youth notebook”, 1.3 million young people in need received social assistance worth 1.7 trillion soums.
Moreover, at the initiative of our pilgrims material assistance worth 6.3 billion soums was provided to low-income and bereaved families.
Creating green zones, planting trees is also a good deed. The nationwide project “Yashil Makon” serves this purpose. This spring, representatives of the clergy planted more than 10 thousand trees and about 32 thousand flowers, and landscaped the areas around mosques and places of pilgrimage.
In the framework of the State program in the Year of Environmental Protection and Green Economy ecological initiatives are expanded. Recently, at the Interfaith Council held in Khiva, representatives of the religious confessions adopted an appeal calling for active participation in the implementation of the program.
At the current Iftar ambassadors of the foreign countries, representatives of international organizations and religious confessions attended, which became yet another confirmation of the atmosphere of tolerance and mutual respect in our country.
In his address, President also touched upon the world situation, expressing regret that most of the contradictions and conflicts are unfortunately taking place in the Islamic world. He underlined that in the conditions of growing threats, the unity and harmony of the Islamic ummah is more urgent than ever.
Special attention, according to the Head of State, should be paid to protecting youth from alien ideas, and upbringing in the spirit of knowledge and enlightenment. The president quoted the precept of Bahauddin Nakshband: “Let your hands be in labor and Allah in your heart”, underlining the importance of educating young people in the spirit of hard work and professional self-realization.
These days under the slogan “Ramadan – the month of generosity, unity and benevolence” Iftars are organized in 9.5 thousand mahallas of the country for low-income families, they are provided with assistance. Such good deeds contribute to elevating human value and strengthening unity among the compatriots.
- As our great ancestor Alisher Navoi wrote: “The deed of the good is to do good”. It is due to goodness and good deeds that life on earth continues and is illuminated with light, - stated Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
Surahs from the Quran were recited and prayers were offered to the Almighty that peace, prosperity and kindness would always reign in our country and in the whole world.
Representatives of the older generation, intellectuals, representatives of various religions and confessions, people with disabilities and low-income citizens, about 60 thousand people took part in the Iftar events held in all regions of the country.