Bismillahir rahmanir rahim.
Dear compatriots, our fathers and mothers!
Dear guests!
Once again, I sincerely congratulate you, all our people, the entire Muslim ummah of the far and near foreign countries on the holy month of Ramadan.
I wish you all peace, tranquility, health and well-being.
In this blessed month, we are happy to spend the ceremony of iftarlik (evening meal in the days of Muslim fasting) together with our people on our fertile land, for which we endlessly thank Allah the Merciful.
Taking this opportunity I express my heartfelt gratitude to the distinguished guests among us – ambassadors of foreign states, representatives of international organizations, heads of confessions for high respect and attention to our country and people.
Dear friends!
As you know, in recent years we have made significant efforts to preserve our national and religious values, to develop them in line with modern requirements.
The noble idea “For the sake of man, for the sake of his happiness” is becoming programmatic in our activities in this field. Based on it, ensuring the rights and interests of every compatriot, irrespective of nationality, language and religion, comes to the forefront in the life of society. Thus, the complete fulfillment of the constitutional rights of citizens in the sphere of freedom of conscience is vividly manifested in the current month of Ramadan.
The noble values prescribed to us by our sacred religion, such as friendship and harmony, kindness and support, patience and endurance, morality and decency, and the pursuit of science and enlightenment, are being strengthened in society every day.
Special attention is paid to a thorough study of the humanistic meaning of Islam religion, collection and wide popularization of the treasury of our great history and culture, rich heritage of the prominent thinkers.
On the way to this noble goal, the Center of Islamic Civilization is being built in Tashkent, attracting great interest among many in the country and abroad as a grandiose scientific and spiritual project implemented in Uzbekistan for the first time.
The Center, which embodies the accomplishments of many thousands of years of development, confirms that Islamic civilization in our country has developed precisely through science, education and upbringing, culture and enlightenment.
It is worthy of special attention that it not only preserves monuments of antiquity, but also inspires our people, our youth for future great discoveries.
As you know, the construction of the majestic complex of our great compatriot, the sultan of hadith science, Imam Bukhari, is proceeding rapidly in Samarkand.
Here, along with a museum dedicated to his life and work and scientific institutions, a mosque with a capacity of up to 10 thousand people is built.
This year, together we will inaugurate these two majestic structures - the Center for Islamic Civilization and the Imam Bukhari Complex.
In order to further explore the invaluable contributions of our people to Islamic religion and philosophy, another important decree has recently been issued. This year, we will widely commemorate the 1155th anniversary of Imam Maturidi, our distinguished ancestor, philosopher, and great representative of the science of qalam.
In particular, his tomb site in Samarkand will be further improved.
Most importantly, this work will become a new significant step in the study of the legacy of Imam Maturidi and the teachings of Maturidism on a scientific basis, in cooperation with scholars and ulema from Uzbekistan and other countries.
Dear friends!
The tasks of strengthening peace and harmony in our multinational society, as well as fostering friendship and unity among representatives of different nations and faiths, remain at the center of our constant attention.
In September this year, we will hold a prestigious international forum in Tashkent and Samarkand. This major event is titled “Dialogue of Declarations”. It will serve as a logical continuation of the forum that took place in Tashkent, Samarkand, and Bukhara in 2022 and will provide a unique platform for an educational dialogue among representatives of different religious beliefs.
Here, I would like to emphasize once again: the peace and stability prevailing in our country are our greatest treasures. We are firmly committed to continuing our efforts to carefully preserve this invaluable asset and to strengthen the atmosphere of friendship, equality, and tolerance in the country.
We will mobilize all our resources and capabilities for this purpose.
This issue, especially in the current challenging times, holds an exceptionally important place in our policy of freedom and openness to the world.
Dear compatriots!
The New Uzbekistan, with its new priority principles, in particular the social state status clearly enshrined in our Constitution, is pursuing a truly national and people-centred policy.
Let me give you an example. Last year alone, 16 trillion soums worth of material assistance and benefits were provided to people in need of support. 51 thousand children from low-income families were placed in kindergartens, 176 thousand members of low-income families received medical assistance, 182 thousand were covered by social services.
Through the “Kindness and Support” fund, about 94 thousand low-income families were reimbursed 130 billion soums for medical treatment, food, clothing and utility bills.
3.5 million women received assistance under the “Women's notebook” for 5 trillion 700 billion soums. Since the introduction of the “Youth notebook”, 1 million 300 thousand young people in need have received social assistance worth 1 trillion 700 billion soums.
Most importantly, this work is consistently continued.
Dear participants of the event!
Another priority of the New Uzbekistan – “green” development.
Currently a new ecological space is being created in the country. This is precisely the goal of the nationwide project “Yashil Makon”.
This year has been declared the Year of Environmental Protection and Green Economy in the country, and a special State program is under implementation.
Recently, at a meeting of the Interfaith Council held in an expanded format for the first time in the city of Khiva, representatives of the country's religious communities adopted an appeal calling for active participation in this State program.
Of course, we gratefully acknowledge the dedication of esteemed ulema, representatives of the older generation, and the wider public in carrying out good deeds. As part of the "Yashil Makon" project, during the spring season alone, clergy members planted more than 10 thousand trees and around 32 thousand flowers, while 25 hectares of land around mosques and places of worship were improved.
It is also gratifying that the Hajis of our country (those who have completed the sacred pilgrimage) continue to set a personal example in many charitable activities. Last year, under the leadership of Mufti Nuriddin Kholiknazar, they launched an initiative “As Patriots of the New Uzbekistan, let us become advocates of spirituality”. As part of this initiative, material assistance amounting to 6.3 billion soums has been provided to low-income and bereaved families to this day.
We wholeheartedly thank them for such noble deeds.
Dear compatriots!
Today we all are witnesses of the unstable and very complex situation in the world.
We are deeply concerned that most of the contradictions and conflicts are unfortunately taking place in the Islamic world. There is a growing threat of expanding areas of tension and their spread to entire regions.
Today, it is more urgent than ever to further strengthen the unity and harmony of the Islamic ummah in order to ensure peace and stability in Muslim countries.
Another issue should be at the center of our attention - it is related to the threats that poison the hearts and minds of our young people and destroy their lives.
The role of our respected imam-hatibs, representatives of the older generation with great life experience, mahalla activists, hojis is undoubtedly invaluable in popularizing knowledge and enlightenment among the youth, protecting them from the influence of alien ideas.
We all highly appreciate your activity in this field.
The precept of our great ancestor Bahauddin Nakshband: “Let your hands be in labor and Allah in your heart” has become our main conviction in life. Training the youth in labor and profession is extremely important in their upbringing.
I am sure our respected elders, mahalla activists, skillful farmers, entrepreneurs will teach the youth to work honestly, to live in relentless search for the welfare of their families and prosperity of the Motherland.
Dear friends!
During the holy month in 9,500 mahallas of the country, dastarkhans were set up for low-income families for iftarlik and charitable work was carried out.
Hazrat Mufti and imam-hatibs actively participated in local events, visiting the people in need.
I think that such noble ceremonies held under the slogan “Ramadan is the month of generosity, unity and benevolence” serve to elevate human value, unity of all compatriots with pure thoughts.
As our great ancestor Alisher Navoi wrote: “The deed of the good is to do good”. It is due to goodness and good deeds that life on earth continues and is illuminated with light.
In the holy month of Ramadan, on the eve of Qadr Night, when all good hopes come true, we raise our hands in prayer that peace, prosperity and kindness always reign in our country, in the whole world!
May our lives be filled with happiness and well-being!
May our esteemed fathers and mothers, who offer their gratitude to the Almighty, live in good health!
May loving sisters and brothers be our steadfast support!
May our educated, energetic, and proactive youth bring even greater glory to our homeland all over the world!
May our noble and hardworking people always be blessed with happiness!