On March 5 President of the Republic of Uzbekistan attended a meeting of the National council on combating corruption. The meeting analysed the work carried out on creating corruption-free environment and defined further goals.
In his speech, the Head of State mentioned that corruption is a serious challenge in the course of reforms.
In this connection in the past years laws were adopted and a new system on combating this vice was created. Responsible committees were formed in the parliamentary chambers, a National council and Anti-Corruption Agency were established.
Particular attention is paid to creating conditions where the public can openly raise and discuss the problem of corruption. The role and influence of the media in this sphere are raising.
Primarily, measures are taken to combat the causes of corruption. For example, the abandonment of allocation of land plots by decisions of khokims and transition to the auction system made the allocation process more open. There have also been positive changes in this area since the introduction of the “Shaffof Kurilish” program.
The adoption of the law on public procurement, digitalization of the system of elections and tenders, as well as the establishment of healthy competition allowed saving 14 trillion soums of budget funds last year.
Today, all banks provide household loans up to 100 million soums online in 5 minutes without human involvement. As a result, thousands of bankers, who used to process such applications, now work directly in mahallas, offering projects and credit programs, thus contributing to the growth of the customer base.
In the pre-school and school education system, more than 10 types of services have been fully converted to electronic format, reducing the number of applications by 2.5 times.
The higher education system was also digitalized: a system for taking tests and selecting universities based on their results was introduced, and the automated receipt of 35 types of documents reduced the number of requests by 2.2 times.
Due to the use of body cameras by traffic safety inspectors, the sale of license plates through auctions, and the elimination of paper protocols, corruption factors have been significantly reduced.
Services to the population and entrepreneurs are organized on the basis of the principle of “the state serving the people”: the requirements to provide 120 types of documents, more than 160 licenses and permits have been abolished. This led to the emergence of almost 200 thousand new entrepreneurs in the market, and the number of enterprises with foreign participation increased almost 5 times, reaching 23 thousand.
The number of electronic public services increased 15 times, reaching 721, and the number of their users exceeded 11 million.
Most importantly, these measures have strengthened the faith of the population, entrepreneurs, foreign partners, international organizations and investors in the ongoing reforms. Over the past seven years, over $120 billion in investments have been attracted, and the country's economy has doubled, reaching $115 billion last year.
The President emphasized that the fight against corruption is an ongoing process and outlined the current issues and future tasks in this sphere.
It was noted that law enforcement agencies are mainly focused on detecting and punishing corrupt acts, while preventive measures aimed at eradicating corruption factors are neglected.
In this regard, it was decided to change the working methodology of the Anti-Corruption Agency. As an experiment, compliance control in five agencies - the Ministries of Health, Construction, Water Resources, Joint Stock Companies “Uzbekneftegaz” and “Uzsuvtaminot” will be transferred to the Agency.
In addition, an in-depth study of factors of domestic and systemic corruption will be conducted at the district level, which will be used to develop specific measures and submitted to the National Council.
It was noted that 75 percent of corruption crimes are committed in the form of domestic corruption in districts and mahallas, so the composition of the regional councils on combating corruption will be completely renewed. They will be headed by chairmen of regional councils of people's deputies.
The regional councils will propose to the National Council amendments to legislation aimed at eradicating corruption factors and ensuring inevitability of punishment.
Eight years ago, a system of sectors for the integrated development of territories was introduced. They contributed to solving socio-economic problems. In recent years, the potential of the regions has increased significantly.
In this regard, it was decided that prosecutors, heads of internal affairs and tax authorities would no longer be involved in sector activities. Additional tasks have been set to prevent and combat crime.
Special attention is paid to preventing corruption in public procurement. An Expert Commission will be established for this purpose. Based on best practices, an electronic platform will be developed to monitor that the prices of goods and services purchased through public procurement do not exceed the market average by more than 20 percent. Accountability measures and fines will be introduced for violation of this requirement.
Requirements for the procurement of fixed assets at the expense of the budget and extra-budgetary funds will also be tightened. Domestic transportation and furniture will be given priority in procurement by government agencies, and a requirement for evaluation against high anti-corruption standards will be introduced for major projects.
The fight against corruption begins with the selection of professional and dedicated employees for the civil service. In this regard, instructions have been given to improve procedures for hiring and evaluating candidates.
The need to adopt a law on the declaration of income of civil servants was noted, and a draft of this law will be submitted for public discussion.
The importance of instilling the ideas of honesty in educational institutions was emphasized in order to educate a new generation intolerant of corruption, as well as to support the initiatives of young people.
Addressing the public, the President said that the fight against corruption is a national task and a matter of conscience for every patriot of the country.
- If we all join forces, we will definitely achieve significant positive results. That is why mahalla activists, the older generation, intellectuals, writers and poets, art and culture workers, businessmen, well-known figures, leaders, deputies and senators - the entire public should become united and consider corruption as a “plague on the body of society”.
During the meeting, a dialogue was held with members of parliament, government representatives and the public.
For the first time, the event held in such a format demonstrated a strong political will to fight corruption.
The Head of State presented 55 concrete initiatives, which will include the development of 5 laws, 12 decrees and resolutions, as well as strengthening the role of Parliament, National and Regional Councils and civil society institutions in the fight against corruption.
The legal basis for the fight against corruption will be strengthened: the introduction of a new system of income declaration and a procedure for preventing illicit enrichment will reduce corruption factors. The activities of the Anti-Corruption Agency and internal control structures in organizations will be strengthened.
The responsibility of heads of ministries and agencies in preventing domestic corruption will be increased. A system of public evaluation of the quality of public services will be established, and strict measures will be taken against managers with the worst performance.
The independence of control inspections will be strengthened, and corruption prevention mechanisms will be introduced in major investment projects and auctions.
By streamlining the public procurement system and restricting direct procurement, budget savings will be achieved, and diversion of public funds will be curbed.
The freed resources will be mobilized to fight crime, which will lead to greater stability in society and increase the confidence of citizens. Strengthened prosecutorial oversight of illegal inspections will contribute to improving the business and investment climate in the regions.
The achieved results will improve the position of our country in international ratings, and by 2027 conditions will be created for Uzbekistan's candidacy for the UNCAC conference.
Most importantly, the legal consciousness of the population, especially young people, will be raised, and the society will form ownership of the fight against corruption.