The Head of State was provided with information on priority tasks in the system of preschool and school education for 2025.
The attention of the state to these parts of education, which form the basis for personal formation, is constantly growing. Every year new educational institutions are built, the capacity of specialists is improved, textbooks and teaching aids are updated in accordance with modern requirements.
Preschool education is moving to a new stage of development based on the best foreign experience. In recent years, the number of kindergartens has increased eightfold, reaching 38,000, and the coverage of preschool education has risen from 27 percent to 76 percent.
The development of school education in our country has acquired a national character. Over the past seven years, construction and repair works have been carried out in more than 5 thousand schools, including 608 schools this year. For the first time inclusive education has been introduced in 530 schools.
The Minister of preschool and school education reported on further plans.
It was noted that over 100 schools will be organized next year, 257 thousand student places will be opened. State educational programs will be brought in line with international requirements. The number of schools with teaching of the second foreign language will be brought to 420, with training of professions - to 400.
The best international experience and modern methods are being introduced into practice. In particular, this year a new evaluation system has been introduced in 1.5 thousand general education schools. Considering the analysis results, it is planned to expand it to more schools next year.
A digital system has been introduced for assigning qualification categories to teachers. Now teachers who have successfully upgraded their category will receive a bonus of up to 70 percent of their salary depending on the points they have earned.
The Head of State emphasized the need to improve the procedure of qualification examinations, create healthy competition and ensure equal conditions for all teachers.
To this end, from next year, the training programs will be changed in regional centers of professional development. There will be a differentiated system of professional development for each teacher.
Teachers who have not passed the qualification tests will undergo additional training under a separate program. Five centers of pedagogical excellence in modern format will be launched in the regions. All centers will be equipped with situational learning equipment and virtual laboratories.
With the aim of attracting qualified managers to educational organizations and supporting their activities, it was proposed to establish financial incentives for school and kindergarten principals and their deputies at the expense of additional sources.
The harmonization of educational and training processes will be a priority. According to the decree of the President of Uzbekistan dated November 15 this year, the attention to the system of primary pre-enlistment training of schoolchildren has been strengthened. The number of hours on military-patriotic education has been increased in high schools, and a procedure for awarding them military ranks has been introduced to strengthen the prestige of teachers in this area.
It is planned to prepare new textbooks on these disciplines and attract teachers with a high level of professionalism before the beginning of the next academic year. Together with the Ministry of Defense, “Schools of Courage” will be created in 208 educational institutions, which will also provide training for teenagers with difficult behavior.
On September 30 this year, another important document aimed at further improving the quality and efficiency of preschool education was adopted. According to it, the position of deputy director of preschool educational organizations will be introduced from 2025. New formats of professional development will also be introduced - “Methodical Mastery Hour” and “Methodical Mastery Day”.
Next year, it is planned to build 162 preschool educational institutions, open 100 private kindergartens and 1,000 family kindergartens, thus increasing the coverage of preschool education to 78 percent.
The interconnectedness of the curricula of school readiness groups and primary classes will be strengthened.
The President has instructed to systematically develop the sphere in all regions, improve the quality of general education with special emphasis on remote areas.