
Dear compatriots!
I cordially congratulate you, all our multinational people with the Constitution Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan celebrated on December 8.
Undoubtedly, this year we all feel the significance of this holiday especially deeply. After all, above all, it takes place in the context of historic transformations in the political-legal, socio-economic and spiritual spheres of our life.
It should be emphasized once again that the elections to the Oliy Majlis and local Kengashes, held in the spirit of open and competitive contest on October 27 this year, became an important step towards the implementation of our updated Fundamental Law. As a result of the elections, which vividly demonstrated the high political culture, unity and cohesion of our hardworking and tolerant people on the path of building the New Uzbekistan, a new system of representative power has been formed in the country. Its constitutional rights and powers have been strengthened and its responsibility has increased manifold.
One more important aspect: we have moved from the practice of the recent past, when khokims were simultaneously in charge of local councils, to a new system in which, for the first time, councils are headed by chairmen elected among deputies.
The transfer of more than 30 powers of khokims to local councils testifies to an even broader establishment of the principles of democracy in our society.
In accordance with the constitutional provision that the people are the only source of state power, we will resolutely continue our reforms aimed at expanding the powers of the Parliament and local Kengashes, further increasing their activity, creating the necessary conditions for effective activity, in short, turning them into the true voice of the people.
Dear friends!
Large-scale measures are taken in the country for consistent implementation of the priority principles of ensuring human rights, interests and dignity enshrined in the Fundamental Law.
Thanks to the selfless labor of our people, in recent years the national economy has doubled, the per capita income has reached 3 thousand dollars, the poverty rate has decreased from 23 to 11 percent, the coverage of preschool education has exceeded 74 percent, higher education - 39 percent, and this is undoubtedly a historic result.
In order to dynamically continue the reforms, to apply in practice the norms of the Constitution in the new edition, the issues of entrepreneurship development and, on this basis, increasing the population's income, strengthening the atmosphere of mutual respect and harmony in families and mahallas, and comprehensive support for representatives of the older generation, women and youth will continue to be at the center of our attention.
The Fundamental Law stipulates that Uzbekistan is a social state, therefore, further improvement of cities and villages, construction of new residential buildings, health care, education, culture, art and sports institutions, modernization of road and communication networks, strengthening of targeted social protection will be of paramount importance for us. In particular, the priority task is to increase twofold the amount of funds allocated to the health sector, transition to a health insurance system and provide the population with fully guaranteed medical services.
Within the framework of programs in the field of education, we will bring the coverage of higher education to 50 percent in the coming years. In 2025 alone, 4 trillion soums will be allocated from the state budget for the repair of existing kindergartens and construction of new kindergartens and schools.
Another important area is support for those in need of social protection, for which it is planned to allocate a total of 46.5 trillion soums and lift 1 million citizens out of poverty.
We will also raise to a new level the work on creating even more favorable conditions for persons with disabilities, their socialization, and in general on ensuring inclusiveness in society. Necessary measures will also be taken to reform the pension system.
As you know, the new version of the Fundamental Law for the first time enshrines the rights of citizens in the sphere of ecology, emphasizing the state's obligations to protect the environment and maintain the ecological balance.
We have declared 2025 the Year of Environmental Protection and Green Economy in the country and have set clear objectives in this field. I am confident that this will serve as an important basis for implementing the relevant constitutional norms and principles.
I take this opportunity to urge you, dear compatriots, all our people to take an active part in the development and implementation of the State Program of the coming year.
We have no right to forget that the protection of nature is the protection of the humans, our future. We must protect our priceless wealth - fertile fields, clean springs, rivers and lakes, mountains and plains, create new gardens and parks, green territories, so that our motherland Uzbekistan becomes even more beautiful, and future generations live in a free and prosperous country.
Dear compatriots!
Our Constitution has always been and remains a reliable guarantor of strengthening national independence, preserving peace and stability in the country, interethnic friendship and harmony, ensuring the irreversibility of the ongoing reforms.
We are proud of our Fundamental Law - a vivid symbol and practical embodiment of the legal consciousness and will of the people. I believe that studying every article, every norm of this unique legal document, showing respect for them should become a sacred duty and a life principle for all of us.
I am convinced that by working in good faith, recognizing our responsibility, we will be able to further increase the effectiveness of the reforms carried out and will definitely achieve the great goals before us.
Once again I sincerely congratulate you, dear compatriots, with Constitution Day, wish you all health, peace and prosperity to your families.
May the authority and glory of our Motherland grow!
May the people of Uzbekistan - the creator of all our achievements - be happy!
Shavkat Mirziyoyev,
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan