On November 20, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a meeting on measures of socio-economic development of Samarkand region and improvement of welfare of the population.
The region is located in the center of our country, with well-developed trade, industry, tourism, transportation and agrarian sector. The tasks set during the visit of the Head of our state in August 2023 are being consistently fulfilled.
Now it is necessary to reach new milestones. To this end, meetings with the population and entrepreneurs have been held, opportunity to implement 120 projects worth $4.1 billion has been identified. In particular, next year within the framework of regional programs it is planned to absorb investments worth $1 billion 850 million in Samarkand region, create 20 thousand jobs and additionally produce products worth 1.2 trillion soums.
For example, a special industrial zone can be created on 234 hectares of land in the territory of Chimboyobod village of Pastdargom district, which is in the reserve of the khokimiyat. Entrepreneurs have expressed their willingness to invest $500 million and launch projects in pharmaceuticals, chemistry, electrical engineering, construction materials and food processing.
If 25 hectares of stony lands around the Zarafshan River are included in the Urgut free economic zone, it will allow to implement projects worth $30 million. It is also planned to implement projects worth 500 billion soums at the first stage, providing for the organization of a 35-kilometer tourist route along the Dargom canal and a gastronomic bridge on the Narpay canal.
It is necessary to turn pastures and rainfed lands in the region into an economic asset. For example, in Samarkand district a tourist and recreational zone can be created on 350 hectares of rainfed lands, accommodate a thousand entrepreneurs and create 3.5 thousand jobs.
The soil and climate of Bulungur are favorable for horticulture. If 6 thousand hectares of inefficient grain areas in the district are specialized in growing horticultural products, the income from each hectare will exceed $10 thousand, 45 thousand people will be employed. Half of the production will be exported, which will provide additional export revenue of $52 million dollars.
Residents of Ishtykhan, Urgut, Payaryk and Koshrabot grow grapes on 35 thousand hectares. However, yields are low due to lack of skills in planting high-yielding varieties, disease control and application of new agro-technical measures. In connection with this, it was proposed to create an experimental station of the Scientific Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture in Ishtykhan. It will be used for in vitro cultivation of seedlings and cultivation of such popular grape varieties as “Giant”, “Sirliboi”, “Avatar”. As a result, yields will increase by 25-30 centners and exports will increase by $20 million.
It is also possible to open enterprises on processing of minerals at deposits in Koshrabot, Ishtykhan, Nurabad, Pastdargom, Pakhtachi and Urgut.
At the meeting, the khokim of Samarkand region presented measures to realize untapped opportunities.
The Head of State approved the proposals and instructed to introduce a resolution to improve investment and business climate in Samarkand region. Instructions were given to place projects based on the master plan, create more jobs and modern housing, and improve the welfare of the population.