On June 27, the second International Forum of Makom Art was inaugurated in the Zaamin district of Jizzakh region.
The International Forum of Makom Art, organized at the initiative of the President, was held for the first time in 2018 in Shakhrisabz. Later, because of the pandemic, the forum was postponed. This year, it is being resumed with a new spirit and enthusiasm.
At the opening ceremony, the President made a speech highlighting the history and importance of makom art.
- Makom art, a symbol of our ancient history, rich culture and ancestral values, with its deep philosophy, unique artistic techniques and creative traditions occupies an important place in our spiritual life. Makom is valuable as a unique kind of art, singing universal human values with most exalted notes, - said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
In the Muslim East Makom rapidly developed and flourished during the First and Second Renaissance. Abu Nasr Farabi in his “The Great Book of Music” cited the theoretical and practical aspects of music with the aid of the Oud instrument. Great scholars such as Abu Rayhan Biruni, Ibn Sina, Alisher Navai, Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur created unique musical works and contributed immensely to the development of makom.
In the 20th century, art scholars such as Abdurauf Fitrat, Yunus Rajabi, singers Hojikhan Boltaev, Komiljon Otaniyazov, Turgun Alimatov, Fattokhhon Mamadaliev and others, continued these traditions.
The Head of State emphasized the significant contribution of the outstanding statesman Sharaf Rashidov to the preservation of makom art. In those difficult times, the Tashkent State Conservatory laid the foundation for the scientific study and international promotion of makom art. An ensemble of makom was created. Immortal masterpieces “Shashmakom” were recorded in notes and published in six volumes.
Our unique makoms, the pearl of classical music, are included in the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
Thanks to the attention of the President, this art has reached a new level. Today makom art is continuously studied throughout the republic, at all stages of education - from primary to academic. The Makom Centre is under construction in Tashkent. National competitions are held to support composers, singers and musicians active in this field.
The Head of our State expressed sincere gratitude on behalf of all people to the artists who devoted their lives to such honorable and responsible work.
- The Forum is undoubtedly a big holiday for creative people, who love art with all their soul and have rallied around the ideals of goodness and humanism. May Makom always serve as an inexhaustible source of strength and inspiration to art lovers around the world! - said the Head of our State.
Simona Mikulescu, President of the 42nd Session of the UNESCO General Conference, and Salim Muhammad AlMalik, Director General of ICESCO, who welcomed the participants and guests, also addressed the ceremony.
The event was also attended by Secretary General of TURKSOY Sultan Raev, President of the Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation Aktoty Raimkulova, General Secretary of the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic States Mehmet Süreyya Er, Deputy Secretary General of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Nurlan Seytimov, Chief Advisor to the President of Türkiye, Yalçın Topçu, Advisor to the President of Kazakhstan, Malik Otarbayev, Assistant to the President of Tajikistan on Social Development, Culture and Public Relations Abdullo Rahmonzoda, Minister of Culture, Information, Sports and Youth Policy of Kyrgyzstan Altynbek Maksutov, Minister of Culture of Azerbaijan Adil Gabil oglu Karimli.
In total, the festival was attended by about 400 guests from more than 80 countries in Asia, Europe, North and South America, Africa.
There was a colorful concert, including classical songs and dances.
Zaaminsay complex, where the festival was held, was decorated with festive decorations. Exhibitions demonstrating the rich culture and magnificent applied arts of our people were organized on a large area.
The Head of State together with foreign guests viewed these exhibitions and performances of folklore groups.
The Forum will last until June 30. In the end, the winners will be announced in the nominations “The best makom ensemble”, “The best soloist-instrumentalist” and “The best soloist-vocalist”. There will also be an international conference and round tables on the theoretical and practical foundations of makom art.