On February 23, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting on youth employment issues.
Youth is a priority in our country’s strong social policy. A constant attention is paid to the quality education of young people and their acquisition of professions and support for their initiatives. Each makhalla implements a “Youth Employment Program” and holds the “Five Initiatives” Olympiad, “Culture Caravan” and various festivals.
On February 21 this year, a Presidential Decree approved the State Program on the implementation of the “Uzbekistan – 2030” Strategy in the Year of Support for Youth and Business. It identifies a number of tasks to solve the problems of youth and to realize their potential, to provide employment through training in demanded professions.
In particular, 925 thousand young men and women will be employed this year. In addition, 300 thousand young people will graduate from colleges, technical schools and higher education institutions.
The issues of employment, training young people in modern professions and involving them in entrepreneurship were discussed at the meeting.
It was noted that additional opportunities for youth business will be created. For this purpose, at least 40 percent of the credit, provided under the family entrepreneurship program will be used. Competitions “Young Entrepreneur” will be held and winners with the best business projects and ideas will be sent abroad for training.
Responsible persons reported plans to provide employment for 100 thousand young people in new industrial projects, 150 thousand in the service sector and 200 thousand through the legalization of jobs and self-employment.
Nowadays, digital technology is a promising area for young people. Therefore, the State program provides for the implementation of the project “Two programmers from each makhalla”. In addition, it is planned to provide employment for 70 thousand young people in information technologies.
It was noted that for this purpose, it is necessary to identify capable young men and women and help them in the study of IT specialities and foreign languages, hokims were given relevant instructions.
Through the "Ibrat Farzandlari" project of the Youth Affairs Agency, 1 million children will be taught foreign languages free of charge. Unused premises in schools will be provided free of charge to language tutors and learning centres. One hundred private learning centres in rural areas with high student achievement will be reimbursed for rent for up to six months.
Also, young people who attend private courses and have received a “C1” certificate will be reimbursed for tuition fees, as well as the cost of obtaining a certificate for obtaining a “B2” certificate in German, French, Korean, Japanese and Chinese. Another innovation is that not only the cost of passing the examination for the certificate but also the six-month tuition fee will be covered.
Within the framework of the project “Ustoz”, 250 thousand young people will be trained in 30 modern professions, such as marketing, advertising, e-commerce and IT design.
In the agricultural sector, there are many employment opportunities. In recent years, 200 thousand hectares of land released from cotton and cereals have been distributed to the population for farming. This year it is planned to allocate 60 thousand 500 hectares of land to young people.
It was noted that a new procedure will be applied for effective land distribution. Thus, the khokims of the districts will be responsible for allocating plots in places with good water supply. The Makhalla Seven will propose how much land to allocate to each young person. The young people who have received land will be trained at the "School of Farmers" of Agrobank to grow high-yield export crops. Subsidies from the "Youth Notebook" fund and the Farmers' Fund will be provided to purchase mini-machines, seeds and seedlings. Young farmers will cooperate with exporters and processors. In addition, up to 2 billion sums will be granted to fruit and vegetable cooperatives.
The meeting considered the implementation of the Decree of the President of Uzbekistan "On additional measures to improve the procedure of leasing agricultural land plots” dated January 18 this year. The decree established an online auction of 15 thousand 626 hectares of agricultural land in 156 districts.
The Head of State stressed the importance of allocating these lands to places close to settlements, with good water supply and fertility, for the cultivation of export-oriented crops based on cooperation. The khokims have been given the task of increasing land development and employment.
The presentations by the responsible officials were heard at the meeting.