President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the Khabib Abdullayev makhalla in Mirzo Ulugbek district.
Over 4.4 thousand people live in the makhalla. There are about 50 trade, service and educational institutions. 38 apartment buildings and 4 social facilities are serviced by the management service company “Madaniyatli Hudud”.
All conditions have been created for the complete leisure of the residents. This year, a teahouse, an amphitheater and a Wi-Fi zone have been built, internal roads and playgrounds have been repaired.
Thanks to the attention and unity of the residents, the makhalla has taken on a whole new look. In the autumn, more than 2,000 saplings of ornamental and fruit trees were planted as part of the “Yashil Makon” (Green Space) project. Two artesian wells were dug, and an irrigation system for the green areas was set up.
Here, the Head of State spoke with community activists and representatives of the older generation. They talked about the work they were doing in their makhallas - landscaping, repairing electricity networks and preparing for winter.
The President stressed the need to save energy, to preserve heat in homes and to create a sense of belonging to the culture of energy saving in everyone.
“We can’t say that climate change is happening somewhere far away from us. Last year’s frosts showed that. We now need to change the way we think about climate change. If every citizen treats this as a care for his home, makhalla, district and native country, then the result will be as we expect”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.
In this makhalla, ten transformers were repaired and the electrical networks were replaced before winter. The entrances to multi-storey buildings have been overhauled and new doors installed. The heating pipes in the basements have been replaced.
The President was briefed on winter preparations in accordance with instructions given during his visit to the Chilanzar district of Tashkent.