The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, at the invitation of President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, took part in the Fifth Consultative Meeting of the Heads of Central Asian States held in Dushanbe on September 14.
The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Japarov, the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev as a guest of honor, as well as the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General - Head of the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia Kakha Imnadze participated in the Summit. The President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon chaired the Summit.
The sides discussed issues of further expansion of multifaceted cooperation in the region, including development of political dialogue, promotion of joint programs and projects in trade, investment, transport, energy, agriculture and ecology, intensification of cultural and humanitarian exchange, as well as response to modern challenges and threats to security.
In his speech, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan highly appreciated the common efforts to strengthen relations of trust, good-neighborliness and partnership among the countries of the region.
“We have made serious progress in resolving vital issues and filled our cooperation with a qualitatively new content. Political contacts and inter-parliamentary exchanges have become regular. Various platforms for dialogue and cooperation have been launched,” the President noted.
Most importantly, Central Asia's stability and unity have been strengthened. Our region is becoming one of the key centers of economic growth and investment activity, regaining its historical role as a transport hub connecting the West with the East and the North with the South.
Having thoroughly analyzed the impact of global processes on the sustainable development of the region, it was noted that the possibility of effectively countering these threats directly depends on the consolidation of joint efforts aimed at deepening the multifaceted partnership.
In this regard, the President of Uzbekistan has put forward a number of proposals on the prospects for further interaction among the Central Asian states.
“Trade and economic cooperation is the main driver of regional partnership and integration. We in Uzbekistan are creating all necessary conditions for the development of practical interaction in this direction with all countries of the region,” the President emphasized.
In order to increase the volume of trade turnover, we propose the early formation of a full-fledged free trade zone without exceptions and restrictions.
In this regard, it is necessary to adopt a comprehensive regional program providing for the formation of sustainable trade and logistics chains in the region, opening up and expansion of cross-border trade and cooperation centers, harmonization of legislation and elimination of barriers to mutual trade, creation of common electronic platforms for customs administration, sanitary and phytosanitary control, certification of origin of goods, as well as the launch of a regional e-commerce platform.
Referring to the development of industrial cooperation between the countries of the region, the President of Uzbekistan cited examples of successful partnership in the production of cars, household appliances, textile products and food products, cross-border cooperation zones with Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, as well as Azerbaijan.
As perspective directions of further deepening of cooperation and realization of large industrial projects were identified the production of mineral fertilizers, polymers, finished metal products, assembly of agricultural machinery, as well as production of finished textile and food products for export to third countries.
In order to give a systemic character to joint efforts, it was proposed to develop a Strategy for the development of industrial cooperation of Central Asian countries for the long term.
A special attention was paid to the issues of transportation interconnectivity. It was noted that taking into account the geographical remoteness from the main foreign markets, the share of costs for transportation of cargo in our countries is up to the share of the cost of transportation of goods.
Transportation for cargo reaches up to 50% of the final cost of goods in our countries. At the same time, the global average does not exceed 11%. As a result, our economies have to bear a transportation burden two to three times greater than in developed countries.
In order to further increase the transport potential of our countries, it was proposed to develop an Agreement on Transport and Transit in Central Asia within the framework of the meetings of sectoral ministers, to formulate specific mechanisms to promote efficient transport corridors to access the markets of China, South Asia and the Middle East, the European Union with the application of through tariffs favorable for business.
In addition, it was proposed to prepare a program of measures to liberalize the market of transport services, optimize permitting procedures and consider the creation of an integrated digital platform for international transport.
“Unfortunately, the pace of energy infrastructure development in the region has not kept pace with the speed of industrialization and urbanization, as well as demographic growth. Today this is a serious challenge to the long-term sustainable development of our countries,” the President pointed to the problem of ensuring energy security.
The sides emphasized the importance of further expansion of cooperation between sectoral ministries and national companies in the field of geological exploration and development of promising fields, expansion of the existing and creation of modern infrastructure for storage and supply of energy carriers.
In addition, construction of new highways for electricity transmission and utilization of the significant potential for hydropower development should become important areas of cooperation.
At the same time, it was noted that sustainable development of the region is impossible without diversification of energy sources, attraction of investments and technologies in the sphere of alternative energy and production of “green” hydrogen.
The President of Uzbekistan noted the vulnerable points of ensuring food security in our region: insufficient scientific and technological development of the agricultural sector, acute shortage of water resources, long and inefficient value chains, instability to the climate crisis and logistical failures, and issues of healthy nutrition.
It is important to join efforts and prepare, with FAO's support, a Regional Partnership Program in this area, given that our countries have the capacity not only to fully meet the needs of the intra-regional market, but also to become important food exporters.
“Responding to climate challenges is becoming an essential factor in ensuring sustainable development of the region. In this regard, we intend to hold the first Samarkand International Forum dedicated to the climate agenda of Central Asia next spring,” the Head of State invited the delegations of the region's countries.
As a practical contribution to climate sustainability and green development, the adoption of the Regional Climate Change Adaptation Strategy was initiated.
It has also been proposed to establish a multilateral platform “Central Asian Climate Dialogue” at the level of ministers of environment to form a unified climate agenda for the region and jointly take effective measures.
Our key priority has traditionally been cultural and humanitarian cooperation rooted in common history, traditions, culture and values - the unity and diversity of the unique Central Asian region.
In order to ensure systematic work in this direction, it has been proposed to adopt an action plan to deepen cultural and humanitarian interaction between the countries of Central Asia.
At the same time, it is necessary to actively use the opportunities of mass media and non-governmental organizations, modern information and communication technologies to promote our cultural and humanitarian interaction in the international arena.
A practical step in this direction will be the creation of the International Media Platform “History and Culture of Central Asia: Shared Past and Common Future” with the involvement of scholars and representatives of the general public to form a common content aimed at strengthening mutual understanding and regional identity and regional identity.
Special attention is paid to the youth policy of the Central Asian states.
“In order to consolidate our efforts to develop the competencies of young people, promote their professional training and employment, we propose, with the participation of relevant international organizations, to establish a Centre for the Empowerment and Self-Realization of Central Asian Youth. We also consider it important to establish regional scientific and educational grants and scholarships for talented youth of our countries in honor of such great Central Asian thinkers, scientists and philosophers as Al-Khwarizmi, Farabi, Jami, Makhtumkuli, Chingiz Aitmatov,” the President of Uzbekistan said.
The expansion of cooperation in the security sphere has been identified as a key area. Support was expressed for the proposal to hold regular Security Meetings under the coordination of the Secretaries of our Security Councils.
The Interstate Program on Protection and Strengthening of Borders of Central Asian States and the formation of the Regional System of Forecasting, Prevention, Early Warning and Joint Emergency Response were initiated.
One of the key factors directly affecting security and stability in Central Asia is the situation in Afghanistan.
It was noted that Uzbekistan intends to continue to provide the necessary assistance to the Afghan people, to provide the International Hub in Termez for humanitarian aid to this end, to continue training Afghan citizens in a specially created educational center.
It was emphasized that along with further promotion of the Trans-Afghan railroad construction project the restoration of internal transport arteries of Afghanistan is in demand.
Besides, it was pointed out the importance of dialog with the Afghan side on border security, water use and trade development.
At the end of his speech, the President of our country expressed support for the proposal to establish a Council of National Coordinators for Consultative Meeteings and proposed to establish the Economic Council of Central Asian States. The Leader of Uzbekistan expressed confidence that the outcomes of the meeting will serve to further strengthen friendship, good-neighborliness, both strategic partnership of our countries and the development of full-scale regional cooperation.
The Heads of Central Asian States as well as Heads of Azerbaijan spoke at the summit and the Secretary-General of the United Nations addressed the participants with a video message.
The Summit is resulted by adopting the following documents: Joint Statement on the Outcomes of the Fifth Consultative Meeting of the Heads of Central Asian State, Agreement between the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan on General Directions of Youth Policy, Agreement on Strengthening the Land Transport Connectivity in Central Asia, Regulations on the Council of National Coordinators for Consultative Meetings of the Heads of Central Asian State, “Road Map” in Support of Health and Well-being in Central Asia for 2022-2025.