
On June 13, a videoconference dedicated to the state of affairs on ensuring justice in the system of judicial authorities, problems and objectives for the future was held in Tashkent. It was attended by the heads of the Oliy Majlis chambers, Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, members of the Supreme judicial council, chairman of the Supreme court, heads of law enforcement bodies, judges of regional, district and city courts. The meeting was also attended by the chairman of the Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional khokims, the city of Tashkent, cities and districts, heads of territorial law enforcement departments, veterans, members of the public through videoconference.
The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev made his address at the meeting.
The head of our state noted that justice from time immemorial was criterion of calm and prosperous life of our people, a source of humanism. Sahibkiran Amir Temur conducted his state affairs on the basis of “Strength – in justice” principle and achieved peace and prosperity in the country. At present, the most important task for establishing a legal democratic state and civil society in our country is to ensure the rule of law and justice. In this process, the role and importance of the judicial system, which is an independent branch of the state power, is very important. We are even more aware of this truth in the process of implemented large-scale reforms aimed at raising our country to a new level of development, said President Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
It was noted that in the years of independence large-scale activities aimed at ensuring independence of judiciary authority and increasing its authority, transforming it from a punitive body into an institution that reliably protects human rights and freedoms were implemented in our country. Shortcomings and problems in the sphere were comprehensively analyzed, important practical conclusions are drawn.
In the Strategy of action on five priority development directions of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021, priority areas of reforming the judicial and legal system are increasing citizens’ access to justice, ensuring true independence of judicial authority, strengthening guarantees of reliable protection of human rights and freedoms. In order to implement the Strategy of action, 7 articles of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan were introduced fundamental amendments related to reforming the judicial and legal sphere. A new body of judicial community – the Supreme judicial council of the Republic of Uzbekistan has been established for improving the system of selecting candidates and appointing judges, forming a highly qualified judicial corps. This is recognized as confirmation of consistent continuation of reforms in this direction.
At the meeting, it was noted that important practical steps in development of the judicial system became the reformation in accordance with requirements of time of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan as a single supreme body of the judicial authority in the sphere of civil, criminal, administrative and economic legal proceedings, abolishing of non-corresponding entity of sending justice of direction practice by courts of criminal cases for additional investigation.
The need of not confining the achieved results, but applying a critical approach to the development of the sphere in a new way, effectively organizing activities of the judicial bodies and judges on the basis of concrete proposals and sound initiatives that forward effective mechanisms and ways of solving important and actual tasks, which life itself confronts us, was emphasized.
The fact that a significant part of appeals from citizens to the People’s receptions and the Virtual reception of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan concerns exactly activities of courts and judges, testifies existence of many problems in this direction, said the head of our state.
The state of compliance with principles of justice in the judicial system was analyzed in detail.
Our main goal is to strengthen people’s trust in the judicial system by protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, turning the court into a true “Abode of justice”, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
Today, the most important task is formation of a judicial corps that has a strong will, high professional and moral qualities, capable of taking comprehensively considered fair decisions. Lawyers who do not know their sphere perfectly, who do not have professional skills and life experience, as well as high moral qualities, should never be appointed to the position of a judge.
It was noted that justice and spirituality are interrelated concepts. There can be no justice where there is no spirituality. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to these issues in training of judges, legal personnel and appointment to the position of a judge.
At the meeting, the situation when there are cases of illegal actions, corruption, indifference to people’s concerns, decision-making that violate principles of justice because of lack of spiritual qualities among judges was severely criticized. Serious shortcomings and problems in the sphere have arisen due to the fact that former leaders of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan did not pay attention to these extremely important issues. New leaders of the Supreme Court have specific tasks for prompt elimination of such shortcomings and problems, taking necessary measures for effective organization of activities of judicial bodies and judges in accordance with requirements of the law and principles of justice.
It was emphasized that it is necessary to prevent bureaucratic arbitrariness in courts, to give proper assessment to judicial officers who allow untimely consideration of cases and red tape. Participants of the meeting fully supported the forwarded proposal on introduction of the procedure of conduction by judges of an open dialogue with population at places at least once a month.
It was emphasized that it is time to establish practice of presenting report by each judge on his/her activities in local Kengashes of people’s deputies. First of all, people themselves will evaluate activities of judges, said the head of our state.
Issue of further improving the system of training and professional development of judges was also thoroughly considered. Participants of the meeting supported the proposal forwarded by the President of our country on organization of a specialized educational institution – the Academy of justice in order to increase the effectiveness of activities carried out in this direction.
At the meeting, another important proposal was forwarded and supported by its participants – organization of broadcasts on television and publication of articles in the press on a regular basis under headings such as “Judicial club” and “Under protection of a court”, telling about life of judges who earned respect of people, as well as promoting positive practice in the sphere of justice.
Issues of expanding the scales of practice on conducting exit court meetings in makhallas, enterprises and organizations aimed at prevention of violations, widespread introduction of information and communication technologies in activities of courts, including electronic stenography and videoconferencing, formation of an inter-agency electronic information exchange system on ensuring unconditional execution of court decisions, constant study of the process of administration of justice, timely identification of problems and their solutions. Specific recommendations and instructions were given on each discussed issue.
President of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev emphasized that critical analysis, strict discipline and personal responsibility should become a permanent and invariable rule for all employees of the state governing bodies and judges.
Employees of judicial bodies, heads of the state governing bodies, representatives of public expressed their gratitude to the head of our state for the great attention paid to the development of the judicial and legal system in our country and noted that cohesive and effective work towards implementation of fully justified actual tasks and objectives is responsible task of the entire judicial community of Uzbekistan, each employee of the judicial and legal system.