On May 8, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting with heads of the Oliy Majlis chambers, political parties, judiciary and executive authorities, and representatives of the public. The outcomes of the referendum on the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan in a new edition held on April 30 this year were considered at the meeting.
In his speech, the President noted that the interests of all segments of the population were taken into account in the renewed Constitution. The active participation of citizens in its development, and its adoption through referendum indicate that the true authors of the renewed Constitution are our people.
«Millions of our citizens have actively participated in the nationwide discussion of the draft Constitution, which had been taking place at all stages prior to its adoption. Therefore, we have every right to claim that the true authors of the renewed Constitution are our people. Most importantly, now we will never abandon the path of reforms, we will move on and only forward on the basis of the new system “person - society – state”» Shavkat Mirziyoyev has said.
As the world faces new trials, threats, and challenges every day, Uzbekistan has firmly enshrined its status as a sovereign state in the Constitution.
«In such difficult conditions, in every area of work, in all the laws and decisions we adopt, the interests of our people and our Homeland must be our top priority», the President has said.
In the renewed Constitution, Uzbekistan proclaimed itself a social state. Thus, the social obligations of the state have been tripled.
«It is easy to say, now we must work hard in order to carry it out in practice. For these purposes, an additional 30-40 trillion Uzbek soums should be allocated annually from the state budget. Thus, we will need to build hundreds of new kindergartens, schools and hospitals every year.
As a priority, we will also use new opportunities to elevate the level of youth policy, develop education and upbringing, science, as well as culture and sports spheres.
We will regularly increase salaries, pensions, allowances and stipends. We will further expand the range of social services for our veterans, lonely elderly people, people with disabilities, and citizens in need of special attention and care», the President has said.
The renewed Constitution defines Uzbekistan as a state governed by the rule of law, and the number of norms on human rights guarantees has tripled.
It is defined that a person cannot be detained for more than 48 hours without a court decision, the provision that the restriction of freedom is only possible on the basis of a court decision is enshrined. For the first time, the right of an accused not to testify against himself, in other words, the right to remain silent is separately stipulated.
The principle «In the name of human honor and dignity» has become the main criterion in the Constitution, laws, and the activities of government agencies. It is established that human honor and dignity are inviolable and nothing can be a basis for their humiliation.
«This means that the rule of law, will be primarily ensured in all spheres. Henceforth, any ambiguity in the laws will be interpreted in favor of a person. Above all, the criterion of activity for every society member, especially for officials, must be the approach: «the law is sacred, justice must prevail in all circumstances»! the President has said.
The new version of the Constitution also consolidated the status of Uzbekistan as a democratic state aimed at building a state that cares about the people, and firmly moving along the path of democratic development.
In order to introduce a compact and efficient system of governance and ease the burden of people and businesses, a large-scale administrative reform was initiated, the activities of the government and ministries were optimized, and their working methods were changed.
«My biggest dream is to create a truly democratic system, whereby the makhalla independently resolves people’s problems. In this regard, it is intended to delegate no less than 30% of the powers in the spheres of finance, taxes and employment to the makhalla level», the President has said.
The renewed Constitution also provides for a number of important changes in activities of the Parliament. In order to ensure an effective system of checks and balances in the system of state power, the powers of the Oliy Majlis chambers have been reviewed. The number of exclusive powers of the Legislative Chamber has been increased from the current 5 to 12, and the Senate from 14 to 18.
«Along with this, the time has come for our deputies to focus on improving the quality and effectiveness of laws, working closely with the government to ensure their effective implementation. It is necessary to direct the activities of the Senate towards resolving issues related to the regions, providing comprehensive assistance to local kengashes, holding field sessions by sectors and regions, ensuring the implementation of laws on the ground, especially in makhallas», Shavkat Mirziyoyev has said.
The renewed Constitution has also established the status of Uzbekistan as a secular state to ensure interethnic and inter-confessional peace and harmony.
Our people decided in the referendum that Uzbekistan is a secular state and this will remain so in the future. It was noted that in accordance with the requirements of the Constitution in the new edition the policy of ensuring harmony and respect between the representatives of different nations and faiths in the country will continue, no manifestations of radicalism in society shall ever be allowed.
During the meeting, the tasks of introducing the renewed Constitution into life and ensuring its implementation were defined. It was noted that the relevant decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan was signed.
«In order to turn each provision and article of the Basic Law into a norm of life in our society, especially for the young people, it is necessary to create educational programs, textbooks and manuals, and educate young people through an effective system. We must set up the work aimed at the profound study of the Constitution in every educational institution, organization and department, enterprise and makhalla», Shavkat Mirziyoyev has said.
The President announced the holding of early presidential elections in accordance with Article 128 of the renewed Constitution.
The President explained the necessity of this decision and the reason for giving up the remaining three a half years of the presidential term on his own initiative:
Firstly, all the links of power are being reformed, the relations and balance between them are seriously changing.
Secondly, the renewed Constitution poses urgent, new political and socio-economic tasks to the President, parliament, government, ministers and khokims.
Thirdly, people expect significant and topical changes and reforms in all areas.
Fourthly, at a time when complicated processes are taking place in the world and in our region, the search for and implementation of a correct and efficient way of development becomes the most acute and urgent issue.
For the successful implementation of such large-scale tasks, it is advisable that in the renewed system of state power, our people give a mandate to the leader whom they trust.
The meeting participants underscored that this initiative is an embodiment of deep respect and devotion of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the Uzbek people and democratic principles.
At the same time, it was emphasized during the meeting that holding early presidential elections would serve to ensuring the state power functioning in accordance with the requirements of the renewed Constitution and the full implementation of the principle of people’s power.
The heads of the Oliy Majlis chambers, political parties and the Constitutional Court also spoke at the meeting and supported the proposals and initiatives put forward by the President.
At the end of the meeting, it was emphasized that no matter how high and difficult are the planned goals, there are all opportunities to achieve them. The source of strength and energy on this way will be the heritage of our great ancestors, creative power, intellectual and spiritual potential, entrepreneurial spirit and diligence of our people.