President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the creative school named after Khalima Khudoyberdiyeva in Gulistan.
At the initiative of the President, a large-scale work is being carried out on perpetuating prominent cultural figures of our country and engaging young people to their heritage. Thus, nine creative schools, inter alia, named after Abdulla Kadiri in Tashkent, Ibrahim Yusupov in Nukus, Abdulla Aripov in Karshi have been organized.
Khalima Khudoyberdiyeva, born in Syrdarya Region is a national poetess of Uzbekistan, who has made an outstanding contribution to the development of Uzbek literature with her unique talent, artistically abundant and philosophical poetry, as well as publicistic works.
During his visit to Syrdarya Region in 2019, Shavkat Mirziyoyev advised to create a creative school to immortalize the name of the late poetess and create conditions for talented youth. Following this, a relevant resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers was adopted and on December of the same year, the school was commissioned.
The President laid flowers at the monument to Khalima Khudoyberdiyeva by the school entrance, visited a nice little museum devoted to her life and work. The students performed her poems.
In addition to general education subjects, the school also provides in-depth lessons in the native language and literature. Currently, 180 talented boys and girls are studying here. The classrooms, computer room, laboratory, gym and dormitory are modernly equipped. The school library has more than 3,5 thousand art books.
In a conversation with schoolteachers and intelligentsia, the quality of education and reforms in the field were discussed.
«From the very first day we have been making efforts to improve the quality of education, elevate the status and prestige of teachers. The relevant norms are also being enshrined to the Constitution. As you can see, times are getting tougher and tougher. How will we stand up to the competition? If we are educated. Therefore, we are reforming the content of education and creating the conditions for young people. As the years go by, conditions will change. However, our people will definitely see the result of the foundation we lay today. Many like Bukhari, Beruni and Ulugbek will emerge from our youth», Shavkat Mirziyoyev has said.
The instructions on securing the universities with creative schools, expanding their cooperation with other schools of the region, publishing talented young people’s books were given.
The President’s visit to Syrdarya Region concluded, the Head of State returned to Tashkent.