On March 13, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev arrived in Surkhandarya Region.
The President has begun his visit by visiting the mausoleum of the great scholar Hakim at-Termizi.
The supplications to the Almighty for bestow peace and tranquility, well-being and prosperity upon our country were read out.
In a conversation with religious figures, the conditions being created for developing science and enlightenment, as well as ensuring religious freedoms were mentioned. It was noted, that in recent years, many opportunities have been created for Muslims to freely perform their religious rites: new mosques as well as science and enlightenment complexes have been established, thousands of our compatriots make the Hadj and Umrah pilgrimages every year.
It was underscored that the main goal today is to bring the importance of these undertakings and the spiritual light to the people. It was noted that first and foremost, the imam-khatibs should visit regions systematically and profoundly study the heritage of Khakim, Imam Termizi, Imam Bukhari, Imam Maturidi, Burkhoniddin Margilani, Abu Muin Nasafi, and other outstanding scholars. For this purpose, a development of a new program was proposed.