
Distinguished heads of delegations!
Ladies and gentlemen!
I am sincerely glad to welcome all participants of the summit. I join in the words of gratitude to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, distinguished Kassym-Jomart K. Tokayev, for the excellent organization of our meeting.
I share the assessments of the activities of Conference that have been made today.
Over the past period, this structure has shown its relevance as an important platform for a broad and open dialogue on security, strengthening mutual trust and sustainable development in Asia. We express our readiness to take part in joint work on the transformation of our forum.
Distinguished participants of the summit!
Today we are witnessing an unprecedented lack of dialogue and trust, growing uncertainty in international relations.
All this undermines the foundations of multilateral cooperation, provokes the escalation of conflicts, and leads to systemic failures in the global economy.
The new geopolitical realities have a negative impact on the stability of the entire Asian region.
The crisis phenomena directly affect the states of Central Asia and hinder our efforts to enhance the economic integration.
Considering this we need to focus on the following priorities, in the interests of common security, development and prosperity.
First. The situation in Afghanistan requires a special attention.
Unfortunately, the issue of an Afghan settlement has begun to recede into the background against the other acute international problems.
We cannot allow the sad experience of the past to be repeated, when that country effectively became an international terrorist hub.
We cannot allow the sad experience of the past to repeat itself, which saw the country transformed into an international terrorist hub.
It is necessary to elaborate a COMMON, COORDINATED APPROACH for the interaction with Afghanistan's interim government.
In order to reach a broad consensus on the Afghan issue and to take practical steps at the global level, we propose to consider the possibility of a joint appeal by the Asian nations to the United Nations General Assembly for the formation of a high-level international negotiating group to draft the following Consider a joint appeal by the Asian nations to the United Nations General Assembly to form a high-level international negotiating group to draft and agree with the Afghan authorities on an algorithm for the gradual implementation of the parties' obligations.
Second. More and more, we are confronted with the widespread EXPANSION of RADICAL IDEAS.
The destructive forces are actively recruiting young people into extremist organizations, using new methods of propaganda and ideological influence.
In this regard, we need systematic cooperation to keep our youth away from radicalism and to channel their energy into a constructive path.
Young people need to believe in themselves, to feel involved in shaping a just future and to be able to realize their potential and hopes.
As co-chairs of the Youth Council of the Conference, we additionally propose launching a new format - DIALOGUE OF GENERATIONS - to encourage greater mutual understanding among the people of different ages, as well as a joint search for solutions to the current issues of the youth.
We are willing to host the first such meeting in April 2023 as part of the Youth Leaders Forum in Samarkand.
Third. The key issue on today's agenda is the adaptation of our ECONOMIES to escalating the negative consequences of the global crisis. It is important here:
- to prevent strengthening the protectionism, as well as introducing the new restrictions that destabilize the global markets;
- to increase the connectivity in the Asian Region, primarily through the establishment of production and logistics chains, as well as transport corridors that effectively connect Central Asia with South and East Asia, and the Middle East.
Fourth. The promotion of the KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY as the basis for the transition to a new stage of the global industrial revolution shall serve to overcome the challenges of sustainable development.
We consider it expedient to use the potential of innovation transfer more fully, to actively stimulate digitalization, the development of «cloud» technologies, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things.
The Asian countries have every chance of gaining the global leadership in these areas.
Fifth. The majority of our continent’s states are also major food importers and are acutely suffering the effects of the FOOD CRISIS.
The World Food Programme estimates that nearly half of the world's population suffering from hunger lives in Asia.
The paradox lies in the fact that our countries are the world’s biggest producers of food.
As a result, a NEW approach is required today in the following areas:
- forming the sustainable food production schemes and optimal food supply chains;
- harmonizing the technical regulations to increase intra-regional trade;
- establishing the coherent monitoring system for food security in Asia.
We propose that all of these issues shall be discussed at the FAO international conference next year in Uzbekistan.
Sixth. In order to address the issues of ECOLOGY AND CLIMATE CHANGE, I propose to unite our efforts and launch the regular expert consultations under the conceptual program «GREEN ASIA», on intensive landscaping in our countries and support for vulnerable ecosystems.
Dear friends!
I am convinced that it is possible to effectively overcome modern challenges only through dialogue, consideration of each other's interests and compliance with universally recognized norms of international law.
Therefore, the main goal of the SAMARKAND SOLIDARUTY INITIATIVE put forward by us in the name of common security and prosperity, is to involve in a constructive dialogue all those who care about the humanity's future, who strive for peace, harmony, and joint prosperity.
Distinguished heads of delegations!
Participants of the summit!
We support Kazakhstan’s intention to continue its presidency in this Conference until 2024, and we wish success to our Kazakh partners.
I am confident that by the joint efforts, strengthening partnership and trust, we will be able to achieve noble goals - to ensure peace, stability and prosperity of our countries.
Thank you for your attention.