The President Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting on December 21 on the issues of land registration and formation of state inventories, introduction of digital technologies in the sphere.
The systematic work on the conservation, equitable distribution and rational use of land resources is being carried out in our country. This year, the law on the distribution of agricultural land based on the open competition, privatization of non-agricultural land through the auction was adopted.
On September 7, 2020 the President signed the Decree «On Measures for Fundamental Improvement of the System of Land Records and State Cadasters». Pursuant to it, the Cadaster Agency under the State Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan was established. The decree, along with many other innovations, defined the tasks of registration of sites of state cadasters and including them into the National Geo Information System.
Thus, for the first time in the history of Uzbekistan a comprehensive inventory of agricultural land is being carried out. As of today, 23 million hectares of such lands are electronically mapped. The state registration of 22 million hectares of them has been done.
Besides, 412 thousand unrecorded real estate facilities were registered in the cadaster base, a cadaster value of 478 thousand objects where additional constructions were detected was reconsidered.
However, in the process of inventorying many deficiencies are revealed. For example, there is a discrepancy between the data of electronic accounting of agricultural land and the data of land fund accounting, which was done in a paper form.
In addition, there are many problems in the cadasters of roads, electricity, gas, water, landscaping and the territories adjacent to apartment buildings.
It shows that there is still a lot of work to be done.
In this regard, the important tasks for the future were defined at the meeting.
First of all, as it was emphasized at the meeting, it is important to complete the inventory of agricultural land until April 1 of the next year. For this purpose it is necessary to specify category of 2,7 million hectares of lands in the land balance.
A task has been set to conduct state registration and only after that to bid 80 thousand hectares of land to be leased to the population next year.
There are many non-agricultural lands in the regions not used effectively. For example, the State Committee for Forestry has more than 10 million hectares, the Ministry of Water Resources has 820 thousand hectares, and 450 thousand hectares of land are around highways. 3 million 300 thousand hectares are the reserve of khokimiyats (governor’s and mayor’s offices).
The President has underlined the necessity of creating an electronic map of these lands and their registration as state property.
It was noted that the territories adjacent to inland roads and multi-storey buildings could be given for permanent use.
Another problem is that the land balance of the residential stock of the population is indicated as 223 thousand hectares, while actually it exceeds 1 million hectares. In this regard, it was instructed to make an inventory of a real estate, create its electronic map and place it in the public domain on an online platform.
Also, the instructions to improve the material and technical base of cadastral departments and modernization of their equipment were given.