The candidate for President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Business People - the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev met with the body of electors of Kashkadarya Region on October 11.
The meeting was opened by the candidate’s authorized representative in the region T.Poyonov.
The candidate for the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev made a presentation on his election program, which consists of ten priority areas for the development of economic and social spheres.
“Thinking about Kashkadarya, preparing for this meeting, I was most concerned about the issue of providing the population of this region with a decent life, prosperity on the table and sources of stable income”, - said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
The main goal of the candidate’s five-year program is to create 400,000 jobs in the region. It was noted that for this it is necessary to develop entrepreneurship and effectively use the infrastructure of large enterprises.
In particular, it is planned to establish 75 new small industrial zones in the region next to large enterprises and create 25,000 permanent jobs. Another 10,000 jobs will be created by organizing an industrial technopark on 120 hectares of land near the Karshi Airport.
In Kashkadarya, many people depend on agriculture for their income. Therefore, the program pays a special attention to the development of this sector, increasing the production. The measures are planned to improve seeds and varieties, renew the fleet of agricultural machinery and ensure the sustainable provision of land with water. In particular, it is planned to reconstruct the Karshi cascade of pumping stations and improve the water supply of 400,000 hectares of land.
The candidate also announced his investment and export plans. It was emphasized that over the next five years, more than 2,000 projects for about $10 billion will be implemented in industries and 150,000 new jobs will be created.
In particular, it is planned to organize a new chemical cluster and implement 12 projects in it for a total of $2.7 billion. The textile enterprises will open in Nishan, Kasba, Mirishkor and Yakkabag districts. It is scheduled to carry out 430 projects for $740 million in the field of construction materials, and 185 projects for $320 million in the food industry.
In general, 60 trillion Uzbek soums will be allocated from the state budget for the economic and social development of the Kashkadarya Region in the next five years.
The candidate’s program also defines the large-scale measures to create decent living conditions and improve the health of the population. In particular, in the next five years it is envisioned to increase the level of provision with a potable drinking water from 47 to 80 percent.
It was emphasized that from this year, on the basis of the experience of the Baghdad District, the "New Uzbekistan" arrays will be constructed, including housing, industrial enterprises and social infrastructure. The sixty kilometers of the Tashkent-Termez highway and internal roads will be repaired.
The issues of medicine, education, culture and sports were also touched upon.
Shavkat Mirziyoyev talked with the participants of the meeting, the voters who gathered in the district platform. They have expressed their views on the possibilities for the development of the region, the existing problems on the ground. The candidate has promised to include in his program and implement the proposals enunciated at the meeting.