Distinguished educators and tutors!
Dear compatriots!
I sincerely congratulate you, all dedicated workers of the sphere of education and upbringing on the national holiday – the Teachers and Mentors Day.
Certainly, it is not easy to express in words our great respect and best wishes proceeding from the heart to you, the hardworking teachers on this significant day. You, the people of high spiritual generosity, showing real dedication, create truly priceless wealth and an unfading heritage as well as pass it on to our people, the younger generation. The great wealth is knowledge and science, the most precious heritage is a good upbringing.
Our good wishes, gratitude and honors to you today are a sign of the boundless respect of all our people.
Dear compatriots!
In recent years in our country an unified and continuous system for the development of science, education and upbringing has been created to attach this area the status of a priority of state policy, provide comprehensive support for a child in the family from birth to adulthood, help him take a worthy place in life.
As part of this process, we are implementing the important programs and projects aimed at further strengthening the focus on human capital, and we are mobilizing all opportunities for this. Thus, if there were 5211 kindergartens in the country five years ago, now their number has reached 19316, the coverage of preschool education has made up 62%, and among children aged 6 years – 77%.
There are educational institutions of a new type and a qualitatively new level, in particular, the Presidential, creative and specialized schools in the country. It should be noted that currently 112 specialized schools have been established in mathematics, 14 in physics, 87 in chemistry and biology, 99 in computer science and information technologies, as well as 207 in foreign languages.
This is evidenced by the fact that 67 new universities, institutes and branches have been created together with leading foreign higher education institutions, the total number of universities amounted to 144, the coverage of higher education has increased to 3 times – from 9 to 28% over the past five years.
The university «New Uzbekistan», which was built in accordance with the most modern requirements and standards this academic year, received its first students.
In the process of such renewal, the attitude of teachers and mentors to their work and life changes, their responsibility dramatically increases, as well as they are constantly searching, striving for new things, mastering advanced pedagogical technologies and techniques, which is undoubtedly crucial.
Dear compatriots!
All of us see the challenges of today’s rapidly changing time. To achieve our goals, to compete with dignity on the world stage, we need, figuratively speaking, to equip our people, especially young people with advanced achievements in the field of science, spirituality and development.
To update the essence and substance of education with the involvement of scientists of our country, a national curriculum is being created and gradually implemented by the help of experienced teachers and foreign experts.
The first results have been achieved in drafting tutorials, as well as for the first time more than a million primary school pupils have already studied according to the new textbooks this year.
At present, we must continue at an accelerated pace the work, which we have begun to raise the higher education system to a qualitatively new level, eliminate existing problems in the field as well as turn our universities into major centers of science and education.
Another very important task of the education sector is the formation of a young generation with an active civic position, capable of protecting the interests of Homeland and the people, who think broadly and modestly. In this regard, I think there is an objective need to develop and put into practice the Concept of the order and principles of teaching social subjects in the system of continuing education.
Distinguished teachers and mentors!
The kindergarten teachers, schoolteachers, professors and university professors, scientific and creative intelligentsia are the four solid pillars of the Third Renaissance, which we strive for in our society. On this basis, we will certainly continue to work at an even higher level to increase the authority and status of teachers and mentors in the society as well as stimulate financial and moral incentives for their hard and honorable work.
Once again, I congratulate you on your wonderful holiday.
I wish all of you a sound health, happiness, great success in your noble activities, prosperity and well-being to your families, dear Teachers!
Shavkat Mirziyoyev,
The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan