
Dear Emomali Sharipovich!
Dear colleagues!
Participants of the meeting!
I cordially greet you and join in all the congratulations on the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
I would like to express special gratitude to the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, esteemed Emomali Sharipovich Rakhmon for the traditionally warm hospitality and excellent organization of our anniversary meeting.
We highly appreciate the successful chairmanship of the Tajik side, during which an open and productive dialogue was ensured in all the areas of our multilateral cooperation.
The Dushanbe summit is a good opportunity to exchange views on the role and significance of our Organization, to take a fresh look at its potential and prospects for joint work.
Indeed, over the past period, the SCO has become an important subject of world politics, and has taken its rightful place among influential international structures.
The regional partnership is being strengthened based on the principles of the «Shanghai Spirit».
Our joint potential is growing in confronting the new challenges and threats, as well as economic, cultural and humanitarian cooperation is expanding.
Dear colleagues!
Today, all of us witnessing growing tensions in the world and the region.
The negative effects of the pandemic remain. All this requires from us even greater solidarity and mutual support in the framework of our Organization.
We believe that for these purposes it is necessary:
- to preserve the openness, non-directionality of the SCO against third parties and other organizations;
- timely and jointly respond to common challenges and threats;
- to build up regional economic cooperation;
- to strengthen friendship, good-neighborliness and trust, to deepen cultural and humanitarian interaction in the SCO space.
Dear summit participants!
As it is noted in the statements of my colleagues, all of us are extremely concerned about the current situation in Afghanistan.
Today a new reality has developed in this country. The new forces came to power. This is an accomplished fact. In this regard, it is necessary to develop the coordinated approaches to the situation in Afghanistan, as well as develop a dialogue with the new authorities of the country.
In particular, it is important to achieve broad political representation of all strata of Afghan society in public administration; prevent the possible growth of extremism in the region and the export of radical ideology, the use of the territory of Afghanistan for subversive actions against neighboring states; ensure the observance of fundamental human rights and freedoms, including of women and national minorities; prevent a large-scale humanitarian crisis, an increase in the flow of refugees, continue to assist this country in tackling the social problems.
In this regard, the possibility of unfreezing Afghanistan’s state assets held in foreign banks should be considered.
To consolidate our efforts and broadly discuss the issues of political settlement in this country, we propose to regularly hold the high-level meetings in the SCO-Afghanistan format, with the involvement of observer states and dialogue partners. We stand ready to organize the first such meeting in Tashkent.
Dear friends!
Following the outcomes of today’s Summit, the honorary and highly responsible mission of chairmanship in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is transferred to the Republic of Uzbekistan.
I sincerely thank my esteemed colleagues for congratulations and good wishes.
In turn, I would like to outline the priorities and tasks of joint work for the coming period.
First. It is important to continue the efforts to further strengthen the potential and authority of the SCO.
We propose to prepare to our next meeting a Comprehensive program for the implementation of the Treaty on long-term good-neighborliness, friendship and cooperation for the next five years.
Second. We are in favor of developing a Joint Action Plan for the development of SCO intraregional trade.
It should include the joint steps to remove trade barriers, approximate technical regulations, digitalize customs procedures, as well as other measures to facilitate the mutual access to markets.
Third. It is important to expedite the adoption of the SCO Industrial Cooperation Program.
The practical mechanism for its implementation will be the creation of Industrial Cooperation Centers in our countries.
We are also ready to host the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Economic Forum and Industrial Innovation Week next year in Uzbekistan.
Fourth. The adoption of the SCO Strategy for the development of transport connectivity will allow us to fully use the transit potential of our countries and increase the efficiency of the East-West and North-South corridors system.
In addition, we are taking the initiative to jointly prepare a long-term Program of Infrastructure Development in the SCO area, which could include the cross-border projects in the field of energy, communications, and «green» development.
Fifth. The issues of poverty reduction and food security are of particular relevance to us.
We consider it extremely important to launch a mechanism of regular ministerial meetings and expert consultations in these areas in the near future.
Sixth. A key priority is to intensify efforts to ensure peace and stability in the SCO space.
This will be facilitated by the practical implementation of the adopted Decision on improving the mechanisms for countering security challenges and threats, including a more complete use of the potential of the SCO RATS.
The initiatives reflected in this document will strengthen our interaction in the fight against terrorism, drug trafficking and organized crime, as well as in the field of cyber security.
In addition, we propose to resume the meetings of the Ministers of Internal Affairs and Public Security of our countries.
Seventh. Taking into account the successful experience gained by our partners in the field of information security, it is advisable to establish an SCO expert Forum on this topic.
This will allow developing coordinated measures to adequately respond to modern threats and challenges in cyberspace.
Eighth. We appreciate the joint achievements of «public diplomacy», we are interested in the development of multifaceted cooperation between the regions of our countries, in holding joint cultural, scientific, educational, sports and other events.
To this end, we support the establishment of an SCO Goodwill Ambassador Institute.
We are also making a proposal to draft an intergovernmental agreement on cooperation between our countries in the field of tourism.
Ninth. The pandemic has highlighted the need for closer collaboration in the health sector. In this context, we should adopt a «Roadmap» for the cooperation in the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, post-Covid rehabilitation, and mutual recognition of vaccination certificates.
Tenth. Uzbekistan, as the chairman, intends to actively involve observers and dialogue partners in cooperation projects in the framework of our Organization.
We welcome the decisions taken today to begin the procedure for admitting the Islamic Republic of Iran to the SCO and granting the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Arab Republic of Egypt and the State of Qatar the status of dialogue partners.
Dear heads of delegations!
We support the candidacy of Mr. Zhang Ming for the post of SCO Secretary General and wish him a profound success.
I would like to thank my colleagues for supporting Ruslan Mirzaev’s candidacy for the post of Director of the Executive Committee of the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure.
I also express my gratitude to the Secretariat and the Executive Committee of the SCO RATS for their active work in promoting the common goals and objectives of our Organization.
Dear colleagues!
I am convinced that the most important decisions and documents adopted today will contribute to the further development of our countries and enhance the authority of the SCO.
Taking this opportunity, I invite you to the next meeting of the Council of Heads of States, which we intend to hold on September 15-16 next year in Uzbekistan.
Thank you for your attention!