On August 31 the opening ceremony of the «New Uzbekistan» Park and the Independence Monument established on the 30th anniversary of the Independence of our country took place.
The President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev spoke at the event.
«Today, all of us, all our multinational people, are celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Independence of our dear Motherland with great joy and delight. Our hardworking and noble people, from the ancient times famous for their skill in the construction of cities and villages, the creation of gardens and parks, unique cultural monuments, despite the pandemic and the global economic crisis, meets this historic date with commendable labor victories, huge successes and achievements», - said the President.
The first trees in the Park were planted on May 1 this year. A particular attention was paid to the ideological content and architectural solutions of the ‘New Uzbekistan’ complex. In this process the opinions of historians, intellectuals, representatives of the older generation and youth were taken into account.
Viewed from above, the Park resembles a giant tree with five branches extending from it. This symbolizes the five priority areas of the Action Strategy.
In this beautiful garden, all modern conditions are created so that residents of the capital, Tashkent Region, guests from all our regions, from abroad can meaningfully relax with their families and children. An artificial lake, sports and playgrounds, an amphitheater, fountains, trade and service facilities, craft shops have been created and being established here.
In the central part of the Park there is a majestic example of monumental art – the Independence Monument.
«Today we widely celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Independence of our country. However, in fact, the history of national statehood on the territory of Uzbekistan is more than 3 thousand years old. This is a universally recognized scientific fact. When creating this monument, we have tried to reflect this conceptual idea in it», - said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
As you know, our country during its ancient history has experienced many memorable events, various trials and tribulations, both moments of triumph and tragic periods. This has found its artistic reflection in the Independence Monument.
«A nation that draws strength from the victories and successes of the past, learns from its mistakes and defeats, is able to correctly identify its path of development and guidelines for the future. Therefore, we have decided to capture in this monument the most important events that took place from ancient times to the modern history of Uzbekistan», - the President noted.
The complex reflects the rich and unique heritage of our people, the immortal images of our great commanders and warriors, scientists and thinkers, enlighteners – the Jadids. The life of Uzbekistan full of trials under the former totalitarian regime, the policy of repression, the courage and resilience of our people in the World War II are expressively displayed on the bas-reliefs of the monument.
A particular emphasis is placed on the path of our people to national independence under the leadership of the First President Islam Abduganievich Karimov.
The unique monument is in harmony with the idea of building a new Uzbekistan and the foundation of the Third Renaissance in our country. Before one’s eyes, in its full splendor and grandeur, a blue dome appears, symbolizing the state of Sakhibkiran Amir Temur and through it – our national statehood, the observatory of Mirzo Ulugbek in the background of a starry sky, the most important scientific discoveries of our great scientists who have made an invaluable contribution to world science and civilization.
The monument is crowned with the image of the proud bird Humo, spreading its wings, symbolizing peace and freedom, goodness and prosperity.
«The Independence Monument is a great monument erected to the glory of our Motherland, our courageous and brave, peaceful and hardworking people. At the foot of the monument are carved the words: «The eternal memory of the ancestors who left a bright mark in the history of the people will always live in our hearts», which express the deep respect of the present generations for the memory of their ancestors», - said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
The representatives of the older generation, scientists and cultural figures attended the ceremony. They congratulated everyone on this significant event.
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, together with the representatives of the public, unveiled the Independence Monument. The flowers were laid at the foot of the monument.