
Dear young men and women!
I sincerely extend my warm congratulations to you and all the young generation of Uzbekistan on the Youth Day.
This year it is taking place on the eve of the 30th anniversary of Uzbekistan’s independence, which undoubtedly gives it a special meaning and importance.
These days, in order to celebrate the greatest, most precious holiday for us with dignity, the large-scale creative work is being carried out throughout the country. The new industrial enterprises, modern residential complexes, social facilities are being built, communication networks are being laid, and infrastructure is being created. Certainly, together with all our people, you are taking an active part in this process.
The youth festivals held in all regions of the country with the participation of almost 6 million energetic, committed young men and women became a real look at our harmoniously developed and patriotic young generation. From now on, such festivals will be held not only in regional centers, but also in each district and city. To solve the pressing issues raised at them, the special programs will be adopted annually by the government.
It is encouraging that you, our dear youth, is a powerful force of the popular movement to build a new Uzbekistan.
We must set certain goals to turn youth’s enthusiasm, courage, and noble aspirations into practical actions.
As the history shows, the great achievements of our great ancestors, which are of a global importance, were primarily based on the high goal of serving the Motherland, its people. We are well aware and proud that outstanding scientists Abu Rayhan Beruniy, Mirzo Ulugbek, great poets and thinkers Alisher Navoi, Babur, famous writers and enlighteners Abdullah Avloniy, Fitrat, Abdulla Kadiriy created their immortal works and scientific inventions in their young years, right at your age.
It is our duty to be worthy successors of such bright, unique personalities, to live like them, striving for the great ideal humanity.
Today, mobilizing all the forces and capabilities of the state and society, we are confidently following the path of forming the foundation of the Third Renaissance in our country.
The fundamentally new in content and form Presidential, creative and specialized schools have been established. Their students are achieving the high results at the most prestigious international competitions.
For example, Durdona Mukhtorkhujayeva from Andijan, Firdavs Sobirov, Doniyor Ismoilov from Bukhara, Ilgor Kodirkulov, Nabikhon Nabikhonov from Syrdarya, Nodira Sadullayeva, Iskandar Buriyev, Dilshod Khujakulov and Rail Khashayev from Tashkent were awarded gold, silver and bronze medals at the international contests in physics, mathematics and chemistry. And we can rightfully be proud of such young people who have deep knowledge.
I take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude to caring parents, hardworking teachers and mentors for their great contribution to achieving such impressive results.
The next important task facing us is to educate the new generation of Beruniy, Ibn Sino and Ulugbek, Khorezmi and Ferghani. For this, such competitions as «Followers of Beruniy», «Successors of Mirzo Ulugbek», and «Heirs of Alisher Navoi» will be held, a system of encouraging winners will be implemented.
In recent years, a special attention has been paid to increasing the socio-political activity of young people.
As you are aware, a well-known politician, Secretary-General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Martin Chungong, recently visited our country. During the conversation, he noted with regret that despite the fact that more than half of the world’s population is young people under the age of 30, the percent of young deputies worldwide is less than 2,6%. The distinguished guest praised this high figure in Uzbekistan, which is more than 6%. This is certainly a great recognition of our efforts in this direction.
Continuing this important work, with the assistance of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, we will implement the noble initiative «Say Yes to Youth in Parliament!». On this basis, we will further involve politically mature and active young people in the national parliament and local Kengashes (Councils).
According to the recommendations of the Kengashes of People’s Deputies, such young men and women will be adhered to the deputies and senators of the Oliy Majlis (the National Parliament). In addition, schools of representatives of the youth parliament will be organized in the local Kengashes, as well as in the Senate and the Legislative Chamber. The high-potential employees of a new generation from among the gifted youth will form «Leaders of the Future».
Today, I would like to note with satisfaction that most of these young people are selflessly carrying out the responsible work entrusted to them. For example, Sherzod Rakhmonov in the Narpaу District, Sarvarbek Sultonov in the city of Shirin, Elbek Shukurov in the Sergeli District of the capital, Durdonа Rakhimovа is the deputy khokim (mayor) of the city of Tashkent, Odiljon Tojiyev is the deputy speaker of the Legislative Chamber.
Many of our gifted young men and women, who study in famous foreign universities, are engaged in science, work in large high-profile companies. We will create all conditions for representatives of such youth of deep knowledge and high competence, to return and work in their Motherland. We will introduce a new system for nominating such young people as the main candidates for leadership positions, providing them with housing and respectable wages.
In general, we will expand the policy aimed at comprehensive support and education of young staff. To this end, the regional, district and city Kengashes will annually approve the list of young high-potential employees consisting of at least 2 candidates for the position of khokims, ministers, heads of departments and banks.
Starting this year, the gifted youth will undergo internships abroad at the expense of the «El-Yurt Umidi» Foundation. Also, young specialists working in our republic who have graduated from a higher educational institution, which according to international ratings is one of the thousand best universities in the world, and who are engaged in scientific work abroad, will be paid a salary supplement.
Each khokim of the region and the minister at the beginning of the year will draw up a program for the involvement and employment of such qualified young specialists with the provision of respectable wages, housing, as well as other types of incentives.
Dear forum participants!
The Youth Forum held for the first time in our country in December last year left a bright trace on the lives of millions of our boys and girls. Most of the initiatives and proposals put forward by young people in such forums in all districts and cities are included in the State Program «2021 - Year of Supporting Youth and Strengthening Public Health».
In this regard, I want to advance an idea. In Uzbekistan, we will always focus on the education and vocational orientation of young people, creating decent living and working conditions for them regardless of the name, we give each year. Now, based on the proposals of the regional, district, city khokimiyats (Governors’ offices) and local Kengash, special programs will be adopted and monitored throughout the year.
Today, in every sphere and industry in the country we give special priority to young people and create new opportunities for them. In the last 4 years, the number of entrepreneurs under the age of 30 has increased 5 times; today their number is more than 500 thousand people.
From year to year, more and more young people become entrepreneurs, establish modern enterprises with the participation of foreign investors, create new jobs, and export their products. For example, significant results achieved by Muzrob Toshev in the Samarkand Region, Khurshid Normatov in Rishtan, Majidkhon Islomov in Urgut, Nuriddin Abdurakhmonov in Khujaabad, Dilshodbek Khojiyev in Khazarasp deserve attention.
All of us are certainly pleased that in connection with this holiday, a number of representatives of advanced youth have been awarded high state awards.
Certainly, such compatriots can rightfully be called young heroes of our time. I think it would be worth organizing the release of programs, analytical articles and conversations in the mass media about their first major accomplishments in order to widely familiarize peers and the public.
Dear young men and women!
As you know, recently we have introduced completely new systems for working with the younger generation – «Youth book» and «Youth Programs».
Over the past 8 months, 300 billion Uzbek soums have been allocated to solve the problems of 430 thousand boys and girls included in the «Youth book». As well as more than 2 thousand students from the «Iron book» had their tuition fees paid by the government.
From now on, the main goal of any investment project should be primarily to ensure youth employment. This should become an invariable rule nationwide.
The local responsibility for youth employment and training is vested in the khokim and sector leaders.
From this year and on, a procedure for compensating employers the sum of the social tax accrued for their employees under the age of 25 years has been introduced. As a result, in the second half of this year, entrepreneurs who hired 240 thousand young people will be granted 170 billion Uzbek soums, and the next year – 500 billion Uzbek soums. In addition, students of vocational and technical schools will receive 500 thousand of subsidies for 6 months of apprenticeship at the enterprises.
In addition, the budget has begun to reimburse 50% of the monthly rental fee to 62 thousand students who are not provided with places in the dormitories. Along with this, this year 2 trillion 300 billion Uzbek soums of soft loans were allocated for 92 thousand young people to support business projects.
In 186 «Zones of Youth Industry and Entrepreneurship», established in the regions, during the implementation of 3 thousand projects, 50 thousand new jobs were created for young people.
Dear friends!
At this hard time, the most important task for us is to educate physically healthy and spiritually mature youth. In this regard, I would like to cite a number of examples.
Over the past year, at international subject contests, our youth won 4 gold, 18 silver and 29 bronze medals.
This year, all 96 graduates of the Presidential Schools prematurely entered high-profile foreign universities on scholarships. So, Temurbek Sulaymonov from Tashkent was admitted immediately to 26 prestigious universities, Nursultan Duуssenbayev from Karakalpakstan – to 16, Charoskhon Uktamboyeva from Khorezm – to 8, Robiyakhon Nabijonova from Namangan – to 5, a secondary school student from Andijan Visola Asadullayeva to 12 foreign higher educational institutions.
We have not yet had such impressive results.
In order to train competitive personnel with deep knowledge and qualifications, we have increased the number of universities in our country to 127; branches of 26 foreign universities have been established. Over the past 5 years, admission quotas for higher education institutions have tripled, this year 182 thousand young people will be able to become students. Thus, the overall enrolment of young people in higher education will reach 28%. Moreover, just 4 years ago, this figure was only 9%.
The increase in the number of state grants from 21 thousand to 47 thousand, the allocation of individual grants for studying at universities for 2 thousand girls from needy families are all illustrative examples of caring for the future of young people.
Recently, another higher educational institution has been established in our country – the University of New Uzbekistan. Its rector was a famous professor from Germany, who for many years was the head of one of the prestigious universities in Europe.
The new university, which will work in collaboration with high-profile educational and scientific centers in the world, plans to receive 300 students this year.
As you know, this year about 560 thousand graduates of schools, secondary special and higher educational institutions have entered into independent life. In this regard, youth employment will remain one of the priorities of our national policy.
We will pay a special attention to the following issues.
First. It is necessary to establish the practice of adopting graduate employment programs at the district, city, region and republic levels following the results of each academic year.
In these programs, it is necessary to accurately determine how many young people should be educated for the professions, provided with work, how many start-ups and entrepreneurial projects will be implemented in the context of each makhalla (the local neighborhood community areas), district, city and the region. This will be peculiar programs in the field of employment, innovation and investment in working with young people.
Khokims (governors and mayors) of the regions, districts and cities, as well as sector leaders will be responsible for solving the problems of young people, meeting with them on a weekly basis, listening to their ideas, proposals and initiatives.
Second. Currently, there are almost 80 thousand vacancies requiring higher education. At the same time, thousands of young people with knowledge and skills in the fields of transport, geology, agriculture, culture, sports cannot get a job due to the lack of higher education.
In this regard, the classification of professions and positions requiring higher education will be revised this year. Such requirements will be invalidated for at least 150 professions, which will allow employing more than 10 thousand young people.
Third. It is necessary to establish a system of educating students in grades 10-11 of schools for the professions that are especially in demand in the labor market.
In this direction, the experience of Andijan Region should be widely disseminated in all territories, where youth employment is ensured through vocational training of 25 thousand out of 41 thousand school graduates.
Now it will become a mandatory for school graduates to master one of the professions in demand on the labor market before receiving a graduation certificate.
This system will be established jointly with non-state educational institutions through public-private partnerships.
Khokims of regions, districts, cities every year until September 1, in the context of schools, will discuss and approve in local Kengash (Council) the program and lists of students in grades 10-11 for educating for professions in demand.
It is advisable for the Chamber of Parliament to entrench this requirement at the legislative level.
I think all parents will support this initiative. After all, a person who owns a profession does not depend on anyone financially, does not succumb on third person’s ideas and for sure finds his way in life.
Fourth. This year, more than 230,000 boys and girls living in rural areas have been allocated 61,000 hectares of land for farming. 170,000 young people are given 75 thousand hectares were made free from grain crops for re-sowing.
In the framework of land reforms initiated this year, a lease system for a period of 10 years for provision of lands removed from cotton and wheat will be established. Thus, khokims of regions and districts, sector leaders will be able to provide permanent work for another 500,000 boys and girls.
Fifth. Based on the soft loans and leasing for young people, over 50 thousand modern points of car service, household services, retail and catering of light-weight construction will be built.
The khokims and sector leaders in this matter should certainly extend the Alat practice begun by the Khokimiyat of the Bukhara Region on their territories.
Sixth. We attach a profound importance to the development of information technologies.
To this end, we plan to commission the youth technology parks in Karakalpakstan, Andijan, Samarkand, Syrdarya and Navoi Regions by the end of the year.
Next year, such technology parks will be created in the Bukhara, Jizzakh, Kashkadarya, Namangan, Ferghana, Khorezm and Surkhandarya Regions. A system for selection of the startup ideas of the youth will be established, to finance the best projects from the budget. It is planned to allocate 100 billion Uzbek soums.
Khokims of the regions will hold competitions on startup projects of the youth «First Step in Business» and at least three winners from each district will receive grants from the local budget. The size of one grant is 50 million Uzbek soums.
The Ministries of Information Technology and Innovation, the Agency for Youth Affairs and their offices on the ground are responsible for the effective organization of this work.
Seventh. Involving young people in entrepreneurship and supporting their business initiatives are the main tasks of the chairman of the National Bank (A. Mirsaatov) and the heads of all its branches.
In this direction, it is necessary to create a new constantly operating, convenient and attractive system for young people to educate them for business, prepare innovative projects based on new ideas developed at «project factories», and finance them. The bank also needs to establish a system of support for young people who are abroad and want to return to their homeland, in the organization of their business, housing arrangements. To finance this work, we will allocate an additional $100 million from the budget.
It should be emphasized that young entrepreneurs are currently mastering $100 million allocated during the last forum.
The National Bank, the Agency for Youth Affairs, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan, together with prestigious foreign higher educational institutions, should create a new business school in Tashkent for educating young people for entrepreneurship. Starting next year, its branches will be established in all regions.
The Deputy Prime Minister S. Umurzakov shall be responsible for organizing this work.
Dear representatives of youth!
Each time I meet you, I repeat: «Appreciate science, strive for knowledge!».
You see how countries and peoples are rapidly developing, deeply mastering modern knowledge and professions and educating their younger generation in this spirit.
We will take every opportunity for the youth of Uzbekistan to elevate.
In this regard, special attention will be given to the following issues.
First, we will create a new system of support for gifted youth, who are experiencing financial difficulties when paying the tuition fees at the university.
As you know, today parents sometimes take a maintenance loan for a period of 3 years at 22-28% per annum for the education of their children in universities. However, it is not a secret that this is not easy for many of them, especially for families living in remote areas.
Based on this, from the new academic year, the maintenance loan will be allocated to everyone on favorable conditions for a period of 7 years at the base rate of the Central Bank, this year - 14%. In addition, funds aimed at repaying maintenance loan will be exempt from income tax.
In addition, we will introducel a procedure for paying for the tuition fees for the first year of study at the university from the budget for children from the family included in the «Iron notebook».
Second, the schools need to prepare not just students who can use the computer, but specialists who can receive income from this skill.
Thus, providing secondary schools with high-speed Internet will be completed by the end of this year. It is planned to create an additional 5 thousand computer classes throughout the republic.
Computers classes at schools will be organized according to modern «Cambridge» programs, on the basis of which teachers will also be retrained. It is scheduled to introduce the same system in all the universities.
Thirdly, we pay special attention to ensuring the social protection of young families.
As a part of the mortgage program, it is planned to allocate an additional 2 thousand quotas to young families for the purchase of housing, 60 billion Uzbek soums will be allocated from the budget. At the same time, the funds of young families intended to repay the mortgage loan will be completely exempt from income tax.
It is planned to establish a system for allocating loans without collateral in the amount of up to 33 million Uzbek soums to young families included in the «notebooks» for the construction of additional housing on their land plots. In addition, based on last years’ experience in August, families included in the «Iron notebook» will be provided with material assistance in the amount of 500 thousand Uzbek soums per child for the purchase of educational supplies and school uniforms.
Dear friends!
Another topical issue that I constantly care about is related to the way of life, the level of culture, in a word, to the education of our youth. We are doing extensive work in this direction. However, in order to improve its effectiveness, we should pay particular attention to the following factors.
First, the constant focus of our attention will be on the development of reading culture among young people.
In order to increase the number of fiction books for young people, as well as to stimulate authors, a competition «Best Book for Children and Young People» will be organized.
Thus, the author, who takes the first place, will receive a monetary reward of 100 million Uzbek soums, the second - 75 million Uzbek soums, the third - 50 million Uzbek soums.
Second, today we should discuss how to solve some of the problems that concern our public.
As the President, I am seriously concerned about cases of crime, drug addiction, excessive drinking, family divorces among young people, falling under the influence of destructive forces and radical movements. In addition, such a concern is reasonable. I will give you just one fact. Over the past 5 months alone, more than 7 thousand young people have committed crimes; almost 40 thousand are now on preventive remands.
I was very upset by the recent indecent behavior of some poorly educated young people on the monuments of Alisher Navoi, Amir Temur, and the Grieving Mother. Where are their parents, grandparents, teachers and mentors, makhalla activists and those responsible for working with young people thinking about?
In our society, there should be no place for such negative facts that are not characteristic of the youth of our Motherland and disgrace us. If it is necessary, we will strengthen penalties against those who disdain the values, symbols and shrines of our people. If we do not stop such unacceptable actions today, tomorrow it may be too late.
The question arises: why is there no prompt and principled reaction from organizations responsible for the education of young people, from parents, pedagogical teams?
This extremely hard time requires us to use every opportunity and rostrum to discuss openly all the problems and shortcomings that impede the progress of our reforms. We must solve such problems since no one will do it for us. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the status, strengthen powers and responsibility, and change the work practice of the first deputy director of the Agency for Youth Affairs, deputy heads of regions for youth issues, vice-rectors of the universities responsible for this work.
The Chambers of Parliament are encouraged to strengthen the legal framework for corporate leader responsible for this area and to introduce mechanisms for hearing their reports. In addition, the Government needs to develop and implement measures to increase the authority and effectiveness of these leaders.
The Academy of Public Administration should organize training courses to enhance the knowledge and skills of all executives responsible for youth issues. They should be personally responsible for the spiritual education of young people in their spheres and districts, schools, vocational and technical schools, universities, analyze the situation every month and report to the local Kengashes.
I think we all perfectly understand how important today is the military-patriotic education of young people, strengthening their civic position.
The situation in our region and the world is worsening. The challenges and threats to our national security, peaceful and tranquility lives are becoming more serious.
You see on television, on social networks, that the situation in neighboring Afghanistan is getting worse. This requires harmonization of work to increase the potential of our Armed Forces and military-patriotic education. In this regard, increasing vigilance, strengthening harmony and cohesion in our society, a willingness to adequately respond to any challenges are of dire necessity.
Every citizen of Uzbekistan who considers himself a patriot, especially young people, must protect the immature minds of young men and women from negative influence, to help those who made a mistake to get back on track.
Today, young people serving in the national army, the ministries of internal affairs, emergency situations, the National Guard, border troops actually show that they are valiant sons of the Motherland, worthy descendants of our brave ancestors. We all know well that thanks to them, the flag of our Motherland rises high at international military and sport competitions.
As you know, in order to increase the physical and intellectual potential of our members of the armed forces, we decided to create a «School of Courage». We are doing specific work in this direction. Along with this, we pay special attention to improving the activities of military universities, lyceums and vocational colleges, including «Temurbeklar Maktabi».
The military art of our great commanders, their knowledge and experience, most importantly - patriotic qualities should serve as an example for every young man in our country. Who will continue their glorious traditions? Certainly, you and millions of young people like you.
We should give priority attention to studying and solving the problems of young people, especially disorganized ones, ensuring their meaningful leisure, military-patriotic education and sports inclusion. In this regard, I support the initiative to organize the «Vatan O’g’loni» children and youth military-patriotic movement under the Ministry of Defense. The units of this movement, which will be created in each school, should include more than 200 thousand students and become a powerful force in raising children and adolescents.
The Ministries of Defense and Public Education, together with the khokims of regions, districts and cities, will be responsible for the effective organization of this system.
Third, one of the main tasks of the heads of regions, ministries and departments should be to create the necessary conditions for young people who demonsterate their abilities in the fields of culture, art, science, education.
To this end, in the Bostanlyk District we will establish the Republican camp for the gifted youth operating all year round at the premises of the «Yoshlik Oromgokhi» (‘The Youth Camp’) of the Uzbek Metallurgical Plant. It will be managed by the Agency for the Development of Presidential, Creative and Specialized Schools. The Uzmetkombinat will bear all financial expenses.
In this camp, young people will improve their knowledge and skills during the year, along with the exact sciences, in the field of fiction, fine and musical arts. Every year, district, city, regional and republican festivals will be held on the abovementioned directions.
The duty of each of us is to protect and cherish the great spiritual heritage of our ancestors, multiplying and preserving it for the future generations. We should pay special attention to the development of folk applied art, the popularization among young people of its outstanding examples, which have become symbols of national identity - such as doppi (scull-cap) , chapan (Uzbek quilted dressing gown), atlas and adras (types of ikat), suzani (embroidered decorative rectangular cotton or silk fabric), embroidery, musical instruments - dutar, gidjak, tanbur, dombra, chankovuz.
To do this, it is necessary to organize contests, and festivals dedicated to the Navruz holiday and Independence Day in each makhalla, in each village and district, in schools, secondary special and higher educational institutions.
In addition, to grow up our children courageous, brave, and physically developed, we need to instill in them a love of equestrian sports, to turn it into a youth movement. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the horses of the Karabair breed. In this regard, horse-riding school will be organized in each region and district.
At the recent prestigious equestrian competitions in Germany, a graduate of the Samarkand school Abdurakhmon Abdullayev won gold and silver medals in two categories. For the successes achieved in international sports contests, our young compatriot was awarded the «Mard O’g’lon» (‘Courageous Son of Motherland’) State Prize.
To increase the number of such skilled riders, we will organize equestrian competitions at the district, regional and republican levels, as well as national games, such as ulok-kupkari, chavgon, and poyga (national equestrian competitions). Khokims of regions and districts, the commander of the National Guard will be personally responsible for organizing this work.
Fourth, I am very pleased to note that more than 100 of our boys and girls have been eligible to participate in the Olympic and Paralympic Games, which will be held next month in Tokyo.
Taking the opportunity, let us wish our gifted athletes success and victories.
Talking about the popularization of physical culture and sports, we need to mention one problem. Many sports facilities in the regions are located mainly in district and urban centers, so young people living in remote villages do not have access to them. In this regard, coaches, who organize sports classes will be provided with subsidies for the purchase of sports equipment, and vacant buildings will be leased on preferential terms. In addition, we will implement the procedure for paying salaries from the budget to coaches regularly attracting at least 100 boys and girls to sports.
Within two months, the Ministry of Tourism and Sports should develop a government program for the construction of sports facilities in remote regions made of light-weight construction, sandwich panels, and submit a model project.
Fifth, our country is famous for its historical monuments, holy places. However, many young people from remote and difficult-to-reach areas have not visited our ancient cities - Samarkand, Bukhara, Shakhrisabz, Khiva, Termez, Kokand, Margilan, Tashkent.
In this regard, we should pay special attention to organizing trips around the country for young people during the holidays within the framework of programs for the development of domestic tourism. It is also necessary to organize excursions to nature reserves - Chatkal, Zamin, Surkhan, Nurata, Kyzylkum.
Dear forum participants!
Dear young men and women!
Today I briefly dwell on only some of our plans and programs aimed at more fully realizing your intellectual, spiritual and physical potential.
We all understand that the challenges ahead require the adoption of new programs and plans. Heads of ministries and departments, khokims on the ground will listen to your opinions and suggestions during regular meetings with young people. On the basis of such an effective system, we will continue our activities aimed at ensuring the vital interests of young people.
As you can see, you and I have a great deal of work to do.
Relying on your knowledge, strength and energy, confidence in the future, love for the Motherland, we set ourselves high goals. I am deeply convinced that together we will definitely achieve them.
Today, our multinational people are working selflessly for the prosperity of our Motherland, building the foundation of the new Renaissance of Uzbekistan. In this direction, our main support is the youth, who is entering the adulthood with great expectations and plans.
You in the full sense of the word are the pride of the country, the creators of our bright future!
As our outstanding poet Erkin Vakhidov said, both the Motherland and the people and youth itself will be grateful to the young men and women who have directed all their strength and energy for the benefit of the country.
I wish each of you to receive such a great honor and such happiness.
Once again, I congratulate all of you on a wonderful holiday – the Youth Day. I wish you a sound health, well-being and further successes!
Happy holiday, our dear young men and women!