On May 25, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting on the measures on improvement of the plant protection system.
The plant protection is a set of measures that are vital for ensuring the quality and safety of food products and increasing their exports. The implementation of these measures is currently being carried out by the joint-stock company «Uzagrokimyohimoya».
In recent years, the supply of mineral fertilizers and chemicals, which is one of the functions assigned to the joint-stock company, began to independently deal with clusters and farms, as well as other business entities. The demand for this area of activity and other services of JSC «Uzagrokimehimoya» is falling.
In this regard, the issues of creating a new plant protection system, effective deployment of agrochemical services in the field were discussed at the meeting.
It was proposed to abolish the JSC «Uzagrokimyokhimoya», to transfer its powers and functions to other structures. The State Plant Quarantine Inspection will get functions of plant protection and locust control. The fight against the unpaired silkworm will be entrusted to the Uzbekipaksanoat Association, its cluster branches, as well as regional khokimiyats (governors’ offices). The supply of mineral fertilizers and chemicals will be entirely given to the private sector in accordance with the free market principles. Entrepreneurs will also provide chemical plant treatment services on a competitive basis.
The President has approved this proposal and instructed to create a Republican Commission led by the Deputy Prime Minister and the territorial commissions headed by the regional khokims (governors) to implement the transformation processes.
The President has stressed the need to create biological laboratories and «plant clinics», attract high-skill agronomists and entomologists, and create a wide network of agrochemical services available to every farmer.
The task was set to take into account the peculiarities of each region. For example, the alfalfa bug is widespread in Surkhandarya, wilt disease - in the Bukhara region and tomato moth – in other regions.
The importance of studying foreign experience in the plant protection, developing a chemical use methodology, taking into account quantitative and temporary norms, was emphasized.
Agrobank was appointed responsible for financial support for the development of the sector. At the first stage, the bank will open a credit line for 150 billion Uzbek soums for the establishment of modern laboratories, the purchase of equipment and technology, as well as the provision of working capital to service enterprises.
The issue of support to the private sector in the plant protection will also be discussed. It was noted that interest on loans for laboratory and other equipment purchased by entrepreneurs, in the excess of the base rate, will be compensated from the budget. The Entrepreneurship Support Fund will provide a loan guarantee of up to 50%.
Entrepreneurs will be able to claim 30% of the costs of providing laboratory analysis of soil and plant composition to farmers and dehkans (peasants). The current tax rates for entrepreneurs providing biological and chemical services will be reduced by 50%.
The President paid special attention to the development of science and staff training of the sphere. He emphasized the need to improve the material and technical base of the Plant Protection Research Institute, to attract high-skilled personnel and foreign specialists.
The task on development of the government decree on strengthening the system of training specialized specialists at the Tashkent State Agrarian University and its branches, increasing the scientific potential and providing them with modern teaching and laboratory equipment was set.
It was instructed to conduct, with the involvement of foreign agronomists operating in our country, retraining of national mid-level specialists.
The need to expand protection services for fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs and flowers in cities was also indicated.
The executives of the sphere and khokims of the regions reported on the measures that will be taken for the effective organization of the new system.