My dear children!
Dear school graduates!
First of all, I want to congratulate all of you on entering a new and more responsible stage of your life, leaving behind the wonderful school years, saying goodbye to your school and caring teachers.
On this joyful day, the last bell rings in all schools of the country, about 438 thousand graduates are awarded school certificate.
This event is very exciting not only for you, my dear children, but also for us – the parents, teachers and mentors. Indeed, in you - such goal-oriented young men and women, full of strength and energy, pure thoughts and bright hopes, we see the practical result of our efforts in the key area of education and upbringing, as well as the future of our people and our Motherland.
For the past two years, you have had to live and study in a pandemic, overcoming difficulties. Undoubtedly, these difficult testing days will soon be filed as a history.
I am convinced that all of you, as representatives of the young generation, who were educated and raised in the new Uzbekistan by the requirements of modern development, will appreciate and effectively use all the opportunities created for you by our state and people.
My dear sons and daughters!
As you know, we attach great importance to education and upbringing, which are the essential factors in achieving our lofty goals.
In a short time, important reforms have been carried out in the system of preschool, higher and specialized secondary education. The development of school education on the basis of the principle «New Uzbekistan starts from the school» has turned into a nationwide movement.
It should be noted that over the past four years, 134 new schools have been built, 2,965 schools have been reconstructed, rebuilt and equipped.
In our country, modern Presidential, art and specialized schools with completely new form and content are being established.
Currently, there are more than 10 thousand public schools in the republic, 171 non-state schools and 18 schools based on public-private partnerships. 56 specialized schools in mathematics, 28 - in chemistry and biology, 14 - in information technology were established.
We are consistently continuing this work, paying special attention recently to the opening of specialized schools of physics and foreign languages. I would like to emphasize that in September this year, 14 such schools in physics and 207 in foreign languages will start operating.
The key is, by such education and upbringing, our children win prizes at International Academic Olympiads, in creative festivals and competitions, go ton prestigious national and foreign universities.
This is confirmed by the fact that over the past year and a half our gifted schoolchildren, participating in international Olympiads, have won 4 gold, 18 silver, 30 bronze medals.
Our country attaches great importance to stimulation of the hard work of representatives of a noble profession - teachers, educators and mentors, improving their living conditions, and raising their status in society. One example of such support is the introduction of a financial encouragement mechanism for the International Olympiads’ winners and their mentors.
The practical work has begun on the development the new generation curricula and textbooks for school education based on the best practices of the developed countries of the world.
Within the framework of five important initiatives that have now embraced the whole of our country, a lot of work is also being done so that you, dear boys and girls, can become harmoniously developed personalities.
A significant step in involving children to the world of art was the organization of activities in more than 800 cultural centers of more than 4.500 clubs, providing them with musical instruments and the necessary equipment, attracting 1,1 million boys and girls to created more than 36,500 school clubs.
In addition, thousands of our children regularly engage in for physical activities and sports in more than 49 thousand sections created at schools of the republic, about 26 thousand sections of junior sports schools.
The phasing-in of all schools to the broadband Internet, as well as the establishing 133 educational centers for digital technologies in our country, serves to build the demanded modern knowledge and skills in the digital technologies among the younger generation.
Another important issue under our special attention is the popularization of the reading culture among young people. The 201 information and library center already has about 25 million books, school libraries last year got over 150 thousand new books, which, of course, is of great importance for increasing the intellectual and spiritual potential of young people.
I am sure that youth forums and festivals dedicated to five important initiatives, in which local youth participate with great enthusiasm, in tune with graduation events, will leave a bright mark on the youth lives.
My young friends!
In these unforgettable moments – when you are on the threshold of a new life, make plans for the future – we are aware that great opportunities are opening up before you, and there are demanding tasks on you.
For the fulfilment of cherished desires and hopes, you have 137 higher educational institutions of the country, 339 vocational schools, 193 colleges and 196 technical schools.
You can get higher education and work at the same time. There are extramural departments in 71 higher educational institutions and evening departments in 18 universities.
Based on the needs of the spheres and sectors of the economy, over the past 5 years, 134 bachelor's degrees and 147 master's degrees were opened.
From the 2021/2022 academic year, distance learning will also be gradually introduced in the training of personnel in higher educational institutions.
Currently, our young people have the opportunity to pass entrance exams at once in 5 higher educational institutions.
The enrollment rate of graduates to higher education has grown from 9% in 2016 to 25% in 2020. Our main task is to bring this figure up to 28% this year, and up to 50% by 2030.
For you, our dear youth, the New Uzbekistan University, which is being established in the capital, the city of Tashkent, in cooperation with the world’s most advanced universities, will soon open its doors.
Dear graduates!
For your happiness, your future, one more new system is being introduced in the country these days. Representatives of khokimiyats of regions, districts and cities, leaders of local sectors hold meetings with parents and students, initiating initiatives to create the necessary conditions for all graduates.
Not a single youth who graduated from school will be left without attention. Each of you will feel the care of our people, our Motherland.
Addressing you, the youth of our country, I want to say: remember - you are the builders of a new Uzbekistan, builders of a new Renaissance.
Our state and society will continue to make every effort so that you can take a worthy place in life.
Always strive to justify such a high trust of our people!
Set high goals and milestones for yourself, effectively and meaningfully use your precious time, constantly improve your knowledge and skills, master new professions. And your tireless work on the way to your cherished dream will undoubtedly become the guarantor and guarantee of your future success.
Stay strong in the pursuit of your goals!
Once again, I sincerely congratulate you on your successful graduation.
I wish you all sound health and great success.
My dear sons and daughters, make your first step into adulthood, independent life confident and successful!
I believe in you, my young friends!
Shavkat Mirziyoyev,
The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan