President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the Republican Specialized Scientific-Practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology.
The Center has 10 treatment blocks with 370 hospital beds. During a year, it provides an in-patient care for more than 9 thousand patients, the outpatient care for 43 thousand patients.
There are local branches of the Center in Tashkent, Kokand, Karakalpakstan and in the regions. Each branch has a palliative care department. For the first time, all 22 oncological institutions were equipped with modern radiation therapy devices. The telemedicine was established between the Center and all branches. Over the past three years, 150 specialists in the field have been trained paid for by state in prestigious foreign clinics.
Most often, the patients face the problem of finding and buying the medicines. Therefore, the state is expanding assistance in this matter. If in 2016 8 billion Uzbek soums were allocated for the purchase of medicines and equipment for oncological purposes, then in 2021 this figure reached almost 62 billion Uzbek soums.
The President wished the children treated at the Center a speedy recovery and expressed words of support to their parents.
«This is a challenge. All of us will be happy if you overcome this misfortune, heal quickly and return home. I speak a lot about children and youth, I have high expectations for them. May these children quickly move beyond the illness and be ready to serve our people in the future. This is what we ask from the Almighty on these bright festive days», said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
Having noted about that the current capabilities of the Center were not sufficient, the President instructed to build new buildings of the Republican Center of Oncology on the spare territory of the clinic of the Tashkent Medical Academy.
A videoconference was also held on the site on the measures to improve the system of oncological care.
It was underscored that it is necessary to create mobile teams for early detection of diseases and conduct the preventive examinations of people from the risk group. For this purpose, mobile mammographs and positron emission homographs will be delivered to each region. The laboratories for early detection of cancer will be created and tests for tumor markers will be carried out.
The second key issue is to improve the quality of treatment. To this end, the task was set to renovate the local oncological and hematological hospitals, provide them with modern equipment and involve qualified specialists. The issue of providing prostheses for patients, who experienced amputation as a result of the disease, was also discussed.
The chairman of the Jokargy Kenes (Supreme Council) of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and the khokims (governors) of the regions, doctors made suggestions for improving the treatment of oncological and hematological diseases in their regions.
Taking into account the set tasks and proposals, a Presidential Decree will be adopted regarding the cardinal transformation of the system of treatment of oncological and hematological diseases.
After the meeting, the President visited the Tashkent Medical Academy and examined the construction site of the future new building of the medical center for oncology and radiology. It was instructed to use the South Korean experience in the design and construction.