
Dear compatriots!
Dear veterans of the war and the labor front!
Today, being together with you in this majestic complex of Victory Park, first of all, I cordially congratulate you, as well as all the veterans who are watching the broadcast of today’s celebration in the studios, on the ground, in military districts, in the family circle on television, all our multinational people on the Day of Remembrance and Honors and the 76th anniversary of the Great Victory in World War II.
I express my sincere respect and best wishes to all of you.
Celebrating this glorious date, we always feel both great joy and endless pain. We honor the bright memory of our fathers and grandfathers, who showed true heroism in the battles and selflessly worked in the name of the freedom of our Motherland and the current peaceful days.
We are grateful to you, dear veterans, for your endless courage, unwavering will and fortitude, for your greatest feat, forever written in the history of mankind.
Once again I sincerely express my great respect and gratitude to all of the veterans of the war and the labor front, who are among us in good health and in good mood today.
All of us highly appreciate, dear veterans, who bravely overcame a lot of difficulties and bitter trials in their lives, your worthy contribution to the comprehensive development of our native Uzbekistan, bringing up young people in the spirit of love and devotion to the Motherland, highly motivated personalities with a strong will.
We – today’s grateful generation – will always be proud of our brave fathers and grandfathers, like you.
In these exciting minutes, we bow our heads before your great feat on the battlefields, your selfless work for the reconstruction and development of the country in the post-war period.
Dear veterans, your glorious way, which became an integral part of the heroic chronicle of our people, has always been and remains for us a worthy example, as a powerful source of energy.
Especially in this difficult time, when the pandemic continues, your feat and fortitude give us strength in the fight against the dangerous disease, serve us with the necessary support.
No matter how many years or centuries have passed, our people will always keep in their hearts the memory of your courage in the fight against fascism. The important values of the people and the nations are formed and further developed on the example of the highest heroism of our fathers and grandfathers.
Dear compatriots!
As you all know, the World War II was the most terrible and bloody one in the history of mankind, it took the lives of millions of people.
The brutal war, which lasted six years, involved 62 of the 73 states of the world at that time, 80% of the world’s population.
It is striking that 110 million people were mobilized to participate in the military operations that directly involved 40 countries in Europe, Asia and Africa, and a total of 70 million people died in that war. At the same time, the largest number of deaths fell on the republics of the former Soviet Union, about 27 million people became victims of the war here. And today we remember them all with great sorrow.
The people of Uzbekistan joined the fight against the fascism and mobilized all the forces and capabilities to defeat the enemy, along with all progressive humanity, from the first days of the war.
In this regard, I would like to remind some of the most significant figures and facts that have been established recently.
It is known that in 1941 the population of our republic was more than 6 million 800 thousand people. During the war, about 2 million of our compatriots were sent to the front. More than 500 thousands of people dear and real heroes died in the fierce battles.
Every year on May 9 – the Victory Day, we talk about it again. And it is not just numbers. Behind them – the incredible grief and suffering of our beloved mothers and grandmothers, courageous fathers, and all our people.
No numbers, no words can express this pain. More than 500 thousand lives lost by the war – are the millions of human tragedies. Thousands of women were widowed, and millions of children lost their parents. So many years have passed, but this terrible wound in the heart of our people does not heal and will never heal, this endless grief and sorrow will not subside.
The people of Uzbekistan, whose losses are enormous, made an invaluable contribution to the Great Victory. The clear proof is that more than 200 thousand of our soldiers and officers were awarded the military orders and medals. 301 of our compatriots were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union, more than 70 were awarded the Order of Glory of all three degrees.
In those hard years, when the destiny of humanity was at stake, Uzbekistan turned into a reliable rear to back-up the front.
The call “Everything is for the front, everything is for the Victory!” became the main meaning, the leitmotif of the life of our country. Our people worked tirelessly day and night, continuously delivering the large quantities of food, clothing, weapons, and medicines to the front. About 170 factories were evacuated to Uzbekistan from the territories where bombs and shells were continuously exploding and restarted the production in short time.
Uzbekistan received more than 1 million 500 thousand old people, women and children affected by war. Among them – more than 200 thousand orphans.
During the harsh war years, our country showed an example of the highest humanism. The people of Uzbekistan showed selfless generosity and sincere care towards people of different nationalities who were evacuated to the republic and shared with them all, sometimes the last piece of bread. It proved once more that «Tashkent is a city of bread», «Uzbekistan is a land of kindness and mercy».
The courage and generosity of our people were found out all over the world, and we are rightly proud of it.
Dear compatriots!
As you know, in recent years, a lot of work has been done to the comprehensive study of enormous contribution of our people to the Great Victory and to make the public widely aware of the obtained data. The discovery of previously classified archival documents, the expansion of cooperation with archival institutions of the former Soviet republics and foreign countries, museums and foundations, scientists and specialists, and the public are important for this.
Currently, the new information, facts the unique facts from the history of our country during the World War II are being discovered. The scientific research is carried out, and numerous literary works, films, albums, paintings and monuments devoted to this topic are created.
At the educational institutions and makhallas (the local neighborhood community areas) are organized the expositions reflecting the images of warrior-heroes – our fathers and grandfathers, as well as contain important historical data about them. We must continue this work even more actively.
Today is as a tribute of deep respect, we have laid flowers at the foot of the monument to the family of Zulfiya Zakirova, who lost five brave sons during the war. Bowing to this woman-mother, who had incredible resilience and spiritual strength, we express our respect to all the mothers of Uzbekistan.
I am convinced that the feat of such selfless women devoted to their dear spouses and children, to their family, to their country will become a symbol of love for the Motherland and a model of loyalty and fortitude for the younger generation, our sons and daughters. Therefore, it is so important to convey the deep meaning and philosophy of all the thematic objects created on the territory of the memorial complex to each of our compatriots, especially young people. According to the decree by the President on the organization of the activities of the Victory Park, significant work is being carried out in this direction.
It will take a lot of time to describe it in detail. I want to briefly focus only on the most important points.
First of all, the work has begun on turning the Victory Park memorial complex into the scientific center for learning our military history, the feat of the war participants and the labor front. According to this goal, the working group created and launched the electronic platform of the complex, online programs, and improved the website. A complete list of the names of almost 2 million Uzbek citizens who participated in the World War II is being formed, and on this basis, the book of memory «Selfless Sons and Daughters of the Motherland» is being prepared.
Over the past short period, despite the quarantine restrictions, the Victory Park was visited by about 350 thousand of our citizens and foreign guests. It is noted that there are students and veterans, military personnel, citizens of the CIS countries and other states, members of official foreign delegations.
I think no one will be indifferent by the high appreciation and sincere words about the great attention and respect shown in Uzbekistan to the memory of the participants of the World War II, expressed by the people who visited this unique complex.
It is gratifying that the Victory Park has become a sacred place, a kind of scientific and educational center, where he meetings of generations, military and patriotic events are regularly held in short time. The festival of military glory with the participation of more than 300 thousand young people, exhibitions of works by young artists, and creative competitions made indelible impression on many people.
Today the State Museum of Glory, which contains about 12,500 exhibits, operates in the park and their number is constantly growing.
Speaking about it, it is appropriate to remind that the book-album «The contribution of the people of Uzbekistan to the victory over fascism» was published last year. This year, as a logical continuation of this work, on the eve of the holiday, the books-albums «Uzbekistan during the World War II» and «The Philosophy of Victory Park» were published. They contain much of the previously unknown data about the heroism of our people during the war years.
I would like to pay your attention to an example.
Before the war, one of the leading actresses of the former Khamza Theater, now the Uzbek National Theater, was the famous Masuma Koriyeva. Her father-in-law was a popular representative of the Jadid movement, Abduvokhid-qori, her brother-in-law was the talented poet Oltoy Koriyev, and her husband was the head of the Art Department of the Ministry of Culture, Bosit Koriyev, they were unfairly subjected to political repression in the 30s. Her father-in-law and husband were sentenced to death.
In the difficult days, when the enemy unleashed a brutal war, Masuma Koriyeva, having overcome herself, despite the personal tragedy, sent both her sons – Shavkat and Botir Koriyevs to the front to fight against fascism. She headed the trade union committee of the theater and did a lot to support her native team during that extremely difficult time.
The war was over, but there was no news from the sons of Masuma-aya. Then the loving mother went to Moscow. There she found out that both her sons had died on the battlefields.
For the courage demonstrated in the battles, Shavkat Koriyev was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, and Botir Koriyev was awarded the Order of the Red Star for their courage in the battle. Unfortunately, Masuma Koriyeva never found out about it. The grieving mother could not stand the loss of her sons and died in Moscow in 1946.
When we learn about such tragic pages of history, we understand more clearly how much we owe to the bright memory of our fathers and mothers, and we realize deeply that we should appreciate today’s peaceful and free days.
I think it would be appropriate for our scientists-historians, writers and publicists, filmmakers and artists to create and present to the public a new scientific research, works of art about the monuments and exhibits located in the Victory Park.
From this point of view, we still have a lot to do for a comprehensive objective study of the history of the World War II, immortalize the memory of the heroes. I am confident that every village, makhallas (the local neighborhood community areas), educational institution, governmental and non-governmental organizations, as well as the general public of our country will take more active part in collecting materials and covering this topic.
We are waiting for the new ideas and initiatives in this direction, first of all from our young people who have modern knowledge and learn national history with great interest.
It is time to create a complete electronic database of war participants in the country. And it is necessary to organize the work on the basis of studying the best experiences in this area, including of such states as Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.
In this regard, the Cabinet of Ministers shall be instructed to prepare and submit a draft resolution within two weeks on the creation of the electronic database on participants in the World War II, increasing the number of special websites and in accordance to the Internet resources.
Dear friends!
In the course of time, many things are forgotten – this is the law of life. However, there is one great, immutable truth in this world: the courage and bravery in the name of the freedom of the Motherland, peace and happiness of future generations will forever remain in the memory of the people.
We will always consider it our sacred duty to honor the veterans of the war and the labor front, immortalize their memory. In this regard, much work has been accomplished on the eve of the holiday. In particular, honoring and congratulating veterans and their family members took place in a solemn atmosphere with the participation of the heads of relevant ministries, departments and organizations, military units, and they were presented with gifts. The houses of single veterans were renovated and highly equipped. The medical and social patronage services were organized, as well as care for every participant and disabled person of the World War II. Our veterans improve their health in the health resorts of the country, while taking into account their wishes and preferences. On the holiday days the memorable events are held in all cities and villages.
Certainly, we will consistently continue this noble work as an integral part of our spiritual life.
Dear friends!
Today, at the time of unrest and anxiety, it is extremely important for us and all the peoples of the world to make conclusions and learn from the bloody tragedies of the World War II. The struggle for the global peace and strengthening of friendly relations and cooperation between the states are becoming more relevant than ever.
It is on this basis of these principles that we are implementing our Strategy for building a new Uzbekistan and will never deviate from our chosen path.
Our priorities will always continue to be the preservation of our priceless wealth – peace and stability, interethnic friendship and inter-confessional agreement, and further strengthening of our independence.
In the conditions of an increasing tension in the world, including around our region, we must be even more vigilant, improve the potential of the Armed Forces and educate our young people in the spirit of courage and patriotism.
Undoubtedly, the courage and glorious traditions of our ancestors, respected veterans will always be an example for us in the effective implementation of such extremely important tasks.
The nation who follows the testaments of its heroic fathers and is proud of their great achievements, will surely achieve its noble aims.
Dear veterans!
You are the honor and pride of our people!
Your feat is immortal!
Glory to all our brave warriors who won the Great Victory for their people and all mankind!
Eternal memory to the heroes who gave their lives in the name of peace and freedom!
Dear compatriots!
Once again I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on today’s significant holiday – the Day of Remembrance and Honors.
I take this opportunity to sincerely congratulate all of you on another upcoming bright holiday –Ramadan holiday – Eid Al-fitr.
I wish you and your families a sound health, peace and prosperity!
Let all our good dreams and aspirations come true!
Let there always be peace in our land, our people will be happy!