The ceremony of exchanging the signed documents took place on conclusion of the talks.
The Presidents of Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan adopted a Joint Statement. There also was an exchange of signed documents between the heads of ministries and regions of the two countries. In total, during the visit, 22 documents were signed covering almost all areas of the multifaceted Uzbek-Kyrgyz partnership.
These include the Plan of Practical Measures for Enhancing and Deepening the Industrial Cooperation, which provides for the implementation of almost 50 joint projects, the Agreement on the Establishment of the Uzbek-Kyrgyz Investment Fund, documents on mutual supply of electricity and cooperation in the construction of hydropower facilities in Kyrgyzstan.
The «Road Maps» for further enhancing of cooperation between Andijan and Osh, Namangan and Jalal-Abad Regions, between the Ferghana Region and Batken, Naryn Regions will undoubtedly serve to strengthen the interregional cooperation.
A program of interaction between the foreign ministries, a number of important documents in the field of customs, military and military-technical cooperation, healthcare, agriculture, food security, plant quarantine, education, science and culture were signed, as well.