
Dear mothers and sisters!
Lovely daughters!
I congratulate you, all the women of our country sincerely, wholeheartedly on the International Women’s Day - March 8.
Truly, the image of a sacred Mother, the role and significance of women in human life and the development of society are incomparable.
On such holidays, probably everyone would like to be a poet in order to write ode in your honor. It is impossible to imagine our life without esteemed mothers, kind, caring women, as it is impossible to imagine this whole bright world without earth, sky and sun.
For us, you are primarily the image of a mother, Motherland and family, a source of boundless love and tenderness, energy and inspiration. Nowadays, during the challenging pandemic conditions, we are fully aware of this eternal truth.
Thanks to you, selfless women doctors and nurses, to your act of heroism and resilience during the pandemic, thousands of sick people recovered and felt the joy of life again.
Distinguished mentors and teachers, your noble endeavors have made it possible to ensure the continuity of the learning and education process of millions of children.
Dear women, as a result of your productive and diligent work, the economic power of our country, its spiritual potential and international authority are growing.
Today we set ourselves high goals in all areas and carry out large-scale programs and projects. All of them are primarily aimed at improving the living and working conditions of our respected mothers and sisters, dear children.
I express to you, all women of Uzbekistan, my profound gratitude for taking the most active part in the enormous transformations in our country.
I also cordially congratulate the distinguished women diplomats, ambassadors of foreign states and representatives of international organizations, participating in today’s event on this holiday, and express my sincere gratitude for the effective cooperation with our country.
Dear friends!
Today, the role and influence of women is increasing in all fields and industries. A striking confirmation is that women make up 45% of the working population in the country.
Among them are well-known state and public figures, in particular, dozens of senators and deputies, ministers and khokims (governors), Heroes of Uzbekistan, academicians, professors, people’s poets, people’s teachers and people’s artists of Uzbekistan, activists of non-governmental organizations.
Currently, in Uzbekistan, the share of women in the management system is 33%. About 1.5 thousand women occupy leadership positions at various levels. With organizational skills, proactive women effectively work as khokims in 6 districts, in many territories – Deputy top officials, women manage large enterprises, banks, companies and business entities.
In order to further increase such a great potential, enhance the participation of women in conducting the state and society affairs, a personnel reserve has been formed, which includes more than 6 thousand of our female compatriots.
It would not be an exaggeration to say that he selfless women with modern knowledge, talent, leadership qualities are the golden fund of our people.
Dear women!
In recent years, much work has been carried out to ensure the rights and interests of women, to comprehensively strengthen the institution of the family. It should be emphasized that in order to implement the state policy in this direction, a vertical system has been created that reaches the makhalla (local community area) and the family.
As you are well aware, during the videoconference on February 26, we have scrutinized the work carried out in the framework of this system and the important tasks we face. I am sure that you, dear women, will take an active part in their implementation.
The Republican Working Grou, which was recently organized by the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan and the Ministry for Support of Makhalla and Family, has studied and identified the life problems of women in all regions. To carry out the targeted work on their solution, a completely new system named «women’s book» was introduced.
Thanks to this, over the past 3 months, the republican commission succeeded in resolving the problems of 80 thousand women, 32 thousand of those who found themselves in a difficult life situation and in need of social support were provided with work. Practical assistance was provided to about 17 thousand women at the expense of the Anti-Crisis Fund.
Within the framework of only the «Every family is an entrepreneur» program about 126 thousand of our compatriots were provided with concessional loans. Also, almost 215 thousand families have been allocated loans for the development of family entrepreneurship for a total of more than 6 trillion Uzbek soums. Almost 55 thousand women studied various professions at the centers of entrepreneurship, vocational education, handicrafts and home-based work.
As part of the implementation of the 5 Important Initiatives, the sewing workshops were organized in remote areas and 10 thousand women were employed. 1,250 women received initial contributions for purchase of housing in the amount of almost 22 billion Uzbek soums.
This noble work will be continued this year. Yesterday I signed a resolution, according to which a new system of comprehensive support for women at all levels is being created, reaching the makhalla.
From now on, not a single woman in Uzbekistan will be left without the attention and care of the state and society.
Also, this year, the funds at the amount of 210 billion Uzbek soums will be allocated from the budget to provide housing for women in difficult life circumstances and girls who are dependent on single mothers.
We will direct an additional 211 billion Uzbek soums to provide women with «social housing» on a rental basis. In addition, another 110 billion Uzbek soums will be allocated to provide material assistance to women who have lost their breadwinner, who in need of external care and qualified medical care.
Along with this, an additional 600 billion Uzbek soums will be allocated from the budget for training women in professions, employment and support of their entrepreneurial initiatives.
Another important question. In recent years, effective work has been carried out to prevent family divorces, which negatively affect the upbringing of the younger generation, the institution of the family as a whole. Through the efforts of makhalla activists, the society has managed to reconcile about 23 thousand families who were on the verge of divorce, to reduce the number of divorces by more than 3 thousand. However, we must admit the bitter truth that this figure is still high. More than 28 thousand families broke up last year alone.
Of course, we all have one desire: so that families do not disrupt in our country, children do not remain abandoned to the mercy of fate with living parents...
Time and again, I draw your attention to the following thought.
A family is a source of love and happiness, a source of firm moral and spiritual values. The family happiness is the greatest happiness in the world, about which poems and songs are composed all over the world.
In this regard, I want to address our young people: approach creating a family with great responsibility, as well as shaping your own destiny and the fate of your future children. This issue should not be taken lightly, ruining your own life and that of another person.
I hope that the activists of the makhalla, our respected veterans with rich life experience and authority, representatives of faith, youth who act as a role model for their peers, will strengthen their work in this area.
Dear compatriots!
As you are aware, I have recently announced from the high rostrum of the United Nations, that we will consistently continue working in order to enhance the role of women in the public, political and business life of the country.
One of the important steps in this direction this year will be the holding of a dialogue between the women leaders of Central Asian states and a regional women’s business forum in our country.
To further accelerate the pace of all this work, we need to adopt the Strategy for Achieving Gender Equality in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2020-2030 and begin its implementation.
We must pay a special attention to the education of girls, their preparation for independent life, the acquisition of modern knowledge and professions by them, employment, so that girls can occupy decent place in society.
Working on the basis of the «women’s book», to best address the existing problems, we need to use new mechanisms in the context of each makhalla, each family.
All of you are well aware that on the ground we are creating the new «IT-parks», expanding the scope of services in the labor market based on «smart» technologies and innovations.
Who will work in this sector? Who will occupy this market? Certainly, our boys and girls, young professionals.
Certainly, the art, literature, sports and reading habits should become an integral part of life of the younger generation. To this end, we have recently adopted a number of decrees and programs to strengthen spiritual and educational work in society. In their full implementation, we will primarily rely on your, dear women, activity, high intellectual potential, knowledge and experience.
Dear compatriots!
It has become a good tradition that every year on the eve of the holiday – March 8, our gifted girls, who have clearly demonstrated their talents and abilities, achieved great success in their studies, work, social activities, are awarded the Zulfiya State Prize.
Today, 28 more girls will join the ranks of the award winners. I am sure that in the future they like Zulfiya Khanum will be an example for all young people in selfless labor to their home country – Uzbekistan.
On the holiday eve, 297 women, who have been working in various fields for many years, achieving high results, who take an active part in the life of the state and society, received the award pin «Mo’tabar ayol» (‘The Esteemed Woman’).
In accordance with the Presidential Resolution, a group of our respected women was awarded high state awards – the honorary titles, orders and medals, for their great services in the development of the country, improving the well-being of the people, strengthening the family and society, educating the young generation in the spirit of patriotism.
Let us wholeheartedly congratulate them!
It is a great honor for me on this wonderful and unforgettable day to present high awards to the worthy representatives of the women of the country, as well as the girls – the laureates of the Zulfiya State Prize.
Dear friends!
We consider it our highest human duty to show attention and care for our mothers, dear sisters, lovely daughters. After all, the great poet and thinker Alisher Navoiy said that our duty to women cannot be measured by thousands of treasures.
Therefore, all of us, starting from the President to leaders and officials at all levels, must proceed from this important criterion in our activities.
We are well aware that in a society where the rights and interests of women are guaranteed, peace, justice and prosperity will definitely reign. If a woman is happy, the family and society are happy.
Dear women!
Once again, I sincerely congratulate you on the holiday of March 8th, I wish you a sound health, peace and prosperity to your families.
May you always be surrounded by love and care of your nearest and dearest, children and grandchildren, of all our nation!
May your life be long, happy and wonderful!
Thank you for your attention.