On September 18, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a video-extended meeting with officials to discuss the state of drinking water supply and sewerage systems, ways to perfect them, as well as streamline preparations for the autumn-winter season.
But before switching to the topic, the head of state spoke on the epidemiological situation in the country. The scale of COVID-19 contamination throughout the world, the President noted with regret, remains alarming, and that the number of infections detected in recent days in Uzbekistan has been rather high, too. Shavkat Mirziyoyev reiterated the need to strictly adhere to sanitary requirements, ensure iron discipline and order.
Given the risk of an outbreak of respiratory diseases in the fall season and the growth of ailments associated with coronavirus, the head of our state gave directives to expand the reserve of beds, provide hospitals with necessary equipment and medicines. The President insisted that priority emphasis be placed on influenza vaccination of healthcare workers and school teachers, as well as citizens over 65 years old.
The session participants then proceeded to deliberate on the subject matter of the meeting. Sustainable operation of public utilities sector is critical in providing for the quality of modern life. This issue is therefore attached vital significance in Uzbekistan. During a video session on July 17 earlier this year, the President discussed drawbacks in the sector and gave instructions to organize work anew.
Thus, the system of elaboration, implementation and oversight of projects in drinking water supply and sewerage has been undergoing cardinal review, while the procedure of working out tariffs is to be coordinated from now on with local councils (kengashes) of people’s deputies.
For example, owing to the overhaul of 52 pumps in Almalyk, the total expenses of the local drinking water supply company decreased by 22 percent, and the cost of electricity halved. As a result, the town residents are now provided with high-quality drinking water around the clock. The problem of pure water supply in Gulistan has also been fully resolved thanks to the implementation of expedient projects over the past 3 years.
In light of this experience, the President instructed the Ministry of Housing and Utilities to spearhead 28 new projects for the next year in close coordination with local kengashes. 360 projects scheduled for completion this year are to be transferred also to this Ministry.
According to estimates, the centralized water supply to almost 2 thousand settlements is equally inexpedient from technical and economic points of view. In this regard, it is preferable to supply drinking water to such areas by the help of private sector.
For example, in Ferghana region’s Uzbekistan district, owing to the construction of a well on the basis of social partnership, 11 thousand residents of 6 remote villages are provided with pure water. The project paid off in 2 years. In addition, 8 water processing plants have been built in Karakalpakstan’s Amudarya district, and 7 mahallas with more than 5 thousand people are supplied with clean drinking water. The project is expected to pay off in 3 years.
The advantage of this system for the private sector is that the willing entrepreneurs are provided with loans for the construction of corresponding facilities and the purchase of equipment, while the amount exceeding 14 percent interest of the loan rate is subsidized by the state.
The President criticized work on drinking water supply in 27 districts around Uzbekistan. 32 percent of the existing 70 thousand kilometers of water pipelines are long outmoded, Shavkat Mirziyoyev pointed out. As a result, the degree of losses in them reaches 40-50 percent. This means almost 500 million cubic meters of water per year, or an average of 300 billion soums. In addition, pumping machinery and special equipment on the ground need repair.
In this regard, starting from next year, investment programs will envisage allocation of 10 percent of the funds to the sector for the installation of energy-saving equipment and the purchase of special apparatus for water supply facilities.
The video conference participants also discussed preparation of economic sectors and social facilities for the fall-winter season.
Specialists have warned of colder winter this year, with air temperatures 2-5 degrees lower than in previous years. To this end, Shavkat Mirziyoyev ordered the Cabinet of Ministers to work out individual normative acts on preparation for the season in 12 districts of Tashkent, in Karakalpakstan and regions, building on the actual situation on the ground.
The Prime Minister will be responsible for the organization of works in the districts of the capital city, and his first deputy will coordinate efforts in the regions. The head of state suggested that 56 districts and towns with tough conditions on this front be paid special attention.
Shavkat Mirziyoyev set the task to complete by November 1 the preparation for the fall-winter season of more than 3 thousand apartment buildings in need of repair; to cardinally overhaul 131 social facilities, and carry out mending in 3 thousand more. The readiness of medical and educational institutions for the season is of primary importance, it was stressed.
Taking into account the need for 6 million tons of coal products for the upcoming autumn-winter period, measures have been determined to procure reserves and deliver coal. In order to reduce the cost of this energy resource, the President said, it is essential to provide discounts to importer entrepreneurs for rail transportation of coal.
Shavkat Mirziyoyev urged the Prosecutor General to prevent cases of unjustified elevation of coal prices, corruption and theft.
The Hududgaztaminot joint-stock company was instructed to supply 385 thousand tons of liquefied natural gas to areas with insufficient access to natural gas.
Electricity demand is expected to rise by 7.5 percent this season. Thus the head of state emphasized the importance of supplying thermal power plants with natural gas and fuel oil, repairing power lines, substations and transformers for the stable operation of networks.
Government members, chiefs of relevant industries and regions reported on ways to address issues discussed at the meeting.