President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the Institute of Mathematics of Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences on June 12.
It is worth reminding that in his Address to the Oliy Majlis in January, the head of our state initiated a system whereby a few priority areas of science would be afforded special promotion every year. This year, mathematics has been identified as one of these important tracks.
It has deep historical roots in Uzbekistan, and its development today has been acquiring particular significance given, among other things, the trend towards massive digitalization.
The Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences is instrumental in promoting this science in our country. Founded in 1943, the institution has become one of the crown centers of mathematical research. The academic schools of algebra and functional analysis, differential equations, probability theory and mathematical statistics that emerged here are recognized by the world scholarly community.
But so far, the Institute has been working in an old building in desperate need of repair. To create a modern, comfortable environment for mathematicians, a new edifice was erected and commissioned in the Student Village in Tashkent’s Almazar district.
The President inquired into the amenities offered here for the academics. The new structure has seven laboratories and the Young Mathematicians Center. The building is home to an information resource center and classes for seminars, offices of scholars and researchers, a library, a conference hall and a dining area. The rooms are outfitted with state-of-the-art technology and equipment.
“This modern institution should become a training center for all scientists. Mathematics paves the way to many sciences. It is no coincidence that we’ve constructed the building here on the campus. The institution should ensure a close relationship between education and science, lay the foundation for the development of our country,” Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.
The head of our state held a conversation with officials in the field of science and education, rectors and mathematicians.
“The cornerstone of mathematics was laid by our great ancestors like Al-Khorezmi, Ahmad Fergani, Abu Raihan Beruni. The math is in our blood. But over the past twenty years, the level of knowledge in this science has declined. Since we did not pay due attention to teachers, nor rewarded them with decent salary. The consequences of this are now felt in many areas. Today, our goal in the development of this field is to create a competitive environment in mathematics, to train good industrial and engineering personnel,” the President pointed out.
Meeting with scientists on May 31 this year, the head of state had emphasized the need for the formation of mathematical consciousness from a very early age. Therefore, a system is being created whereby the Mathematics Institute will coordinate the process of teaching mathematics in preschool educational institutions, schools and universities.
“It is impossible to accelerate the development of mathematics by yesterday’s teaching methodologies,” Shavkat Mirziyoyev insisted today. “Therefore, it is essential to retrain educators by creating syllabi built on well-established foreign practice. The methodology should arouse love for mathematics in children. Students ought to understand that this science is needed in life, in every field. Young people should not study it just in order to pass the exam, but in order to become specialists in demand.”
It is important to find, it was noted, young people who over the past five to ten years graduated from universities majoring in mathematics and invite them to school, and seek out PhDs to offer position in higher educational institutions. The President requested that heads of mathematics departments be elected to their post, that a council of the heads of departments be set up and a regular exchange of experience established.
The Institute of Mathematics has 72 research fellows of diverse levels and titles, including five academicians. Over the past two years, 11 doctors and 14 candidates of science (PhDs) have been trained. 422 scholarly articles have been published, including 245 in foreign countries, so have 9 monographs (5 abroad).
Funding for basic research in this area has been increased 1.5 times. A system of incentives has been introduced for winners of international scientific Olympiads as well as their teachers.