On April 24, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired the next videoconference to discuss issues of population employment and the resumption of activities across economic sectors.
Going on for more than a month, the lockdown has been a test and experience for everyone, especially the heads of government bodies. Videoconference meetings are held regularly to address issues of alleviating the impact of the pandemic on the life of the population, the activities of entrepreneurs and economic sectors, and corresponding objectives are defined.
At such a session on April 22, sustainability of industries, employment matters, those of social support for needy families were discussed in the case of Samarkand and Namangan regions. At today’s meeting, the focus has been on the Ferghana and Kashkadarya regions.
Coronavirus was detected in 120 residents of the Ferghana region, while in the latter the figure stands at 6.
During the shutdown period, production fell sharply at 10 thousand enterprises in the former region and 11 thousand ones in Kashkadarya. As a result, the number of unemployed has grown significantly. In addition, 56 thousand families in Ferghana province and 91 thousand ones in Kashkadarya have been identified as living in poverty.
The President thus instructed the Ministry of Healthcare and hokims of these regions to analyze areas and activities for high, medium and low risk of contagion, and, building on the results, introduce proposals to the Republican Special Commission concerning phased mitigation of quarantine restrictions.
This year, 632 billion soums were allocated for the construction and reconstruction of 130 facilities in the Ferghana region, and 536 billion soums for 132 objects in Kashkadarya. However, as the first quarter figures suggested, the disbursement of funds and the implementation of projects lagged behind the targets.
Given that permission had been granted to continue projects in the construction industry in order to support employment, the President noted the need to accelerate work at all facilities in the regions under discussion.
Uninterrupted supply of food to the population and maintenance of stable prices in the domestic market are among the most pressing issues. In this regard, ample opportunities can be used by cashing in the space between the rows in gardens and vineyards.
In Ferghana and Kashkadarya, there are orchards and vineyards in areas totaling 34 thousand hectares and more than 22 thousand hectares, respectively. However, usually only 20 percent of the row spacing is planted. With this in mind, the regional hokimiyats were instructed to organize complete planting of row-spacing of orchards and vineyards with various crops and thereby make input into boosting the employment of the population.
The head of our state stressed the importance of the construction of wells on lands withdrawn from circulation and rain fed ones, and allotment of plots among the population. For these purposes, 15 and 11 billion soums had been allocated to Ferghana and Kashkadarya, respectively.
Shavkat Mirziyoyev urged the officials to provide work for low-income families through the distribution of livestock, poultry and bee hives, and increase the procurement of products.
Due to the anticipated shortage of water this year, difficulties may arise in the irrigation of re-cultivated crops in Uchkuprik, Uzbekistan, Yazyavan, Kushtepa districts in Feghana region, as well as Mirishkar, Nishan, Mubarek and Kasbi districts in Kashkadarya region. Therefore, as emphasized at the meeting, it is possible to grow export-oriented and less water-demanding legumes.
The President noted the feasibility of cultivating 50-60 percent of the land freed from grain by farmers themselves and the distribution of the remainder among the population temporarily left without job and in need of assistance under quarantine.
The hokims of the Ferghana and Kashkadarya regions reported on the upcoming work to resume – in compliance with lockdown rules – the activities of enterprises and ensure employment.
The session participants were also presented information about the efforts on targeted financial support for families in need as part of the nationwide movement “Generosity and Support” and about accompanying initiatives put forward by entrepreneurs.