
Distinguished Ilham Heydarovich!
Distinguished heads of state and government!
Esteemed Director General of the World Health Organization!
Dear friends!
First of all, I express my sincere gratitude to President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Heydarovich Aliyev, who took the initiative to organize today’s extraordinary summit of the Turkic Council.
Our meeting in the form of a videoconference seeks to address the extremely critical and urgent issue of counteracting the coronavirus pandemic, which causes great concern and unease around the world.
I completely agree with my colleagues that this terrible disease that has affected many countries of the world has not spared our states with a total population of over 160 million people.
And, unfortunately, it continues to spread.
The pandemic that we all have encountered has grown into an unprecedented global crisis in terms of the pace and scale of its contagion, and has become a very serious challenge for the entire human race and the global economy.
As we know well, over their centuries-old history, the Turkic peoples have had to endure many thorniest and severest of trials, and, with cohesion, managed to courageously overcome all those difficulties.
I feel convinced that the current summit meeting will allow us in these intricate times to identify common approaches and coordinate our actions in order to jointly resolve emerging pressing issues quickly and efficiently.
Our cooperation on this front should be carried out, I think, in the following main areas:
elaboration of effective and comprehensive measures to prevent the widespread contamination of the pandemic, strengthen the protection of human health and life;
reduction of the negative impact of this threat on the sustainable socio-economic development of our countries;
development of systemic interaction in this area.
Dear colleagues!
In Uzbekistan, for the treatment of patients infected with coronavirus, a regular exchange of experience has been established with highly qualified doctors from South Korea, China, Russia and Germany, including through telemedicine, with extensive application of their most advanced treatment methods.
In order to conduct effective surveillance of the epidemiological situation, we have implemented all necessary measures building on international practice.
First, a strict lockdown system has been introduced nationwide. In order to boost the responsibility of the population in these matters, we have made appropriate amendments to the legislation within a short period of time.
Second, to effectively combat coronavirus in all regions of the country, specialized medical institutions and quarantine zones have been set up.
For example, in the Tashkent region, a specialized shutdown zone for 20 thousand beds was commissioned, 10 thousand of which have already been launched for operation. By the end of this month, construction of a 10-thousand-bed modern modular clinic will be completed. Both facilities are outfitted with everything necessary, including appropriate equipment and machinery. To prevent the further spread of this dangerous disease, this experience is widely used also in other regions of the country.
In the meantime, comprehensive stimulation and social protection of our dedicated medical workers, who are at the forefront of the fight against coronavirus and the first to take the blow, have been bolstered.
Third, in order to prevent the spread of the disease in advance, a wide explanatory work is carried out among the population.
Fourth, to ensure the continuity of the education system, all institutions in this field carry out their activities in full, remotely, online.
Fifth, the population is provided with food, medicines and essential medical products, as well as other vital goods uninterruptedly.
A system has been formed for the provision of gratuitous targeted assistance to persons with disabilities, low-income and vulnerable segments of the population.
Non-governmental organizations and civic institutions as well as the general public are also actively engaged in this process.
Sixth, specific mechanisms of comprehensive support for all spheres and sectors of the economy have been formed. To this end, an Anti-Crisis Fund has been set up.
Entrepreneurs were granted opportunity to “freeze” interest on bank loans and with tax holidays. We significantly reduced tax rates and customs duties on imported goods.
As the next step on this way we are introducing a national system of in-depth monitoring and forecasting of the epidemiological situation in the country.
Dear participants of the summit!
The extremely dangerous situation in the world requires the adoption of urgent and effective measures not only at the national level, but also at the regional and international levels.
Building on this, I would like to voice following proposals.
One. It is necessary to form a permanent common system of epidemiological monitoring within the framework of the Turkic Council.
Two. Extensive mutual exchange of information and experience in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment of especially dangerous infections, epidemiological studies and scientific research in this area should be established among the ministries of health of our states.
In particular, based on the current situation, I propose in the coming days to hold the first videoconference with the participation of leading experts of our countries.
Three. In the Secretariat of the Turkic Council, it is crucial to set up a coordination group to combat the pandemic. It should establish close working contacts with the national headquarters operating in the participating nations.
It also seems appropriate to create a separate database for operational coverage of measures implemented by our states, for broad exchange of experience and its application.
Four. In the current very difficult conditions, in order to uninterruptedly supply our peoples with the necessary food products, medicines, medical devices, it is necessary to:
make full use of the capabilities of the cargo transportation infrastructure and transport communications;
provide practical assistance in facilitating the passage of vehicles through checkpoints.
For the prompt resolution of emerging issues and effective coordination in the field of transport and logistics, it is required to establish a working group that would include the heads of ministries of transport of our countries.
Five. The help of international organizations is crucial in mitigating the effects of the pandemic.
In this regard, we are in favor of further enhancing the status and powers of the World Health Organization, as well as establishing partnerships between this prominent international organization and the Turkic Council.
Dear friends!
We all well understand that not a single state can cope with this terrible pandemic on its own.
The guidelines for action for us should be the principles of unity, cooperation and mutual assistance. Together we are capable of much.
In this respect, I support the adoption of the final declaration based on the results of our video conference.
Esteemed colleagues!
In this difficult time I ask the Almighty for strength, energy, good health to all of you, peace and prosperity to our fraternal countries and peoples.
Thank you for attention.