
Dear compatriots!
At these blissful moments, I sincerely congratulate you, our entire multiethnic people, on the New Year! I wish you all sound health and happiness in family!
The outgoing year has stood out as the one with bright events, accompanied also by various difficulties and trials.
Thanks to the dedicated endeavors of our people in the Year of Active Investments and Social Development, we have furthered significant goals.
New steps were taken towards boosting the potential and competitiveness of our country. Leading spheres and branches of the national economy are advancing dynamically. Modern enterprises built on high technologies as well as new transport and communications networks, are being commissioned.
Our skilled farmers and dehkans, despite the intricate weather conditions, have secured rich harvest.
Extensive opportunities have been opening up for small businesses and private entrepreneurship.
New jobs are being created, especially for youth and women.
In the course of the execution of national programs, the appearance of our cities and villages, and the whole country as a whole is under transformation.
In 2019, thousands of families, including low-income ones, threw housewarming parties.
Science, education and enlightenment have witnessed the dawn of a new stage in their development. Modern kindergartens are being built and commissioned, new universities, branches of leading foreign institutions, healthcare, culture and sports facilities are opening.
Crucially, the living standards in our country are rising, the sense of partaking in the fate of the Motherland and confidence in tomorrow have been growing among citizens.
The life of our society is increasingly associated with principles of democracy and openness, while the liberalization process is underway across all walks.
The recent elections to the Oliy Majlis and local Kengashes proved suggestive of that truth. They indicated once again that Uzbekistan is not going to turn from the path of democratic development.
The defense capabilities of the national Armed Forces, the guarantor of our independence as well as a safe and peaceful life, are being consolidated.
With a peaceful and constructive foreign policy, Uzbekistan’s standing in the international community has been growing.
In a word, the year 2019 will leave a bright mark in the history of the new Uzbekistan.
Dear compatriots!
We are entering an important phase in our development – the stage of national progress.
In 2020, we will continue to keenly pursue large-scale socioeconomic reforms.
Particular attention will be paid to creating new jobs and a framework even more favorable for private property, to promoting entrepreneurship and business-friendly environment.
The focus is to be on issues of increasing salaries, pensions, scholarships and allowances, real incomes of the population.
We will enhance the scope of the work we began to improve the living conditions of people and quality of public utility services, as well as build affordable housing.
We will direct all our strengths and capacities to give the young generation decent education and enlightenment, to contribute to the realization of their abilities and talents.
The efforts directed at bolstering the health of the population and encouraging healthy lifestyle in society will rise to a new level.
We will further sharpen the attention and care for our esteemed veterans and dear women.
Of primary importance will be issues of social protection, especially for those who need help and support.
Our main task will remain to fortify peace and stability, interethnic harmony and mutual understanding in the country.
We will expand comprehensive cooperation with the world community, primarily with neighboring nations.
Dear compatriots!
May there be peace, happiness and wellbeing in 2020 in every family, in our entire country.
May all our kindest dreams and hopes come true!
May our Uzbekistan prosper!
Happy New Year, dear friends!