On December 26, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the Abdulla Kadiri School of Literary Creativity and the writer’s museum.
In honor of the founder of the Uzbek school of novel, Abdulla Kadiri, in order to magnify his enormous contribution to the development of national literature, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev had initiated to establish a creative school and museum. Thus, the latter have been erected next to the Abdulla Kadiri Culture and Leisure Park in Tashkent. A monument to the great enlightener was erected at the entrance to the park.
The head of our state attended the opening ceremony of the monument, laid flowers at its foot.
The Abdulla Kadiri School of Literary Creativity, set up under a 3 December 2018 resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers, specializes in in-depth study of the Uzbek language and literature.
In the current academic year, 121 candidates, including the winner of the Young Booklover national contest Zilola Shomurodova, were selected out on the basis of creative exams for studying in the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades of the school.
The educational institution offers all the amenities for pupils: wide and bright classes, science rooms with modern equipment and teaching aids, a library with a rich stock of fiction, a gym and training sections.
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with the conditions created here, talked with faculty and students.
“The children of the Abdulla Kadiri creative school will create the future of the new Uzbekistan. All general educational institutions should take example from it in matters of spirituality and enlightenment. Since these kids wholeheartedly love their Motherland. We set up creative schools with a purpose to foster patriots,” the President said.
Hobby clubs like “Followers of Kadiri”, “Young Writers”, “Young Journalists”, as well as optional classes “Expressive Reading”, “Oratory” are organized in this educational venue. Enlightenment events on the life and work of Abdulla Kadiri are regular here.
The head of state stressed the need for master classes at the school from scientists, celebrated writers and poets, for lessons built on modern techniques. Talented students, in addition to studying here, must practice at universities, the President noted. Instructions were given on organizing trips for students to historical cities of the country so that they thoroughly learn the history of Uzbekistan.
“I believe this school will nurture individuals with care for the homeland, a generation devoted to this nation,” Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.
This year, Uzbekistan widely celebrated Abdulla Kadiri’s 125th birthday. Commemorative events in a special atmosphere took place also in the creative school.
The writer’s museum erected at the entrance to the Abdulla Kadiri Culture and Leisure Park also houses the Turon Library. The establishment of the museum was welcomed not only by the descendants of the outstanding novelist, but also the entire literary community, spiritual figures, and the Uzbek people as a whole.
The President got familiar with the museum and library.
A wise aphorism from Abdulla Kadiri adorns the entrance to the museum. The left side is home to a chronology of the writer’s life and work, exhibits from the period of repression, as well as objects reflecting esteem for the prominent litterateur during the years of national independence. On a huge monitor, visitors can watch films based on the novelist’s works, such as “The Days Gone By” and “Scorpion from the Altar”, along with other motion pictures.
Here at the hall, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev talked with writers and poets, literary critics.