President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the Temurbeklar Maktabi School in the city of Ferghana.
In the process of consolidating the Armed Forces of our country, special attention is paid to bolstering the patriotic education of young people and uplifting the intellectual potential of military personnel. Today, the army and military schools have become schools of national identity and pride, of unshakable will. Now, young soldiers and cadets are examined on the discipline “History of Uzbekistan” and the book “The Code of Temur” before taking military oath.
An important step in this direction was the adoption of a presidential resolution outlining measures to improve the effectiveness of youth policy and support the activities of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan, signed in 2017. In order for the bravery and patriotism, courage and justice of the great commander Amir Temur to serve as a reference point for young people, all military lyceums in our country are called “Temurbeklar Maktabi”.
Every young man, especially the one who chooses the military profession, should know in depth the history of the Motherland, the life and feats of national heroes, outstanding commanders and military leaders, and be proud of them. This fosters national self-identity, patriotism and dedication.
Building on these principles, educational process has been established at the Temurbeklar Maktabi school in Ferghana. Today, 437 cadets study here. They are taught by 31 teachers and 22 military servicemen.
The school specializes in training young people for admission to higher military schools under the Ministry of Defense and other educational institutions with a focus on exact sciences. All the conditions are there in spacious classrooms, computer halls, and the library with specialized and historical literature.
For the meaningful arrangement of free time, there are various scientific hobby circles and sports clubs.
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted that the essence and substance as well as quality of education in schools should be in tune with their new title and the deeds of our great ancestor Temur.
“Temurbeklar Maktabi schools should be admired by both young people and parents. For this, it is necessary to raise the status of these schools, their authority, and the level of education here,” the head of our state insisted.
The President came up with a new development system for the Temurbeklar Maktabi school. Thus, young people in these institutions will be selected out on a competitive basis, cadets will have to master contemporary information technologies and at least two foreign languages, regularly engage in physical culture, become fully harmoniously developed individuals and leaders of young people. School graduates will be admitted to universities without exams.
The head of state enquired into the conditions created at the school, and talked with cadets.
A meeting with Second World War veterans took place here. President Shavkat Mirziyoyev congratulated them on the upcoming Day of Memory and Honor. Veterans offered a prayer with wishes of peace and prosperity to our country.
A bus has been donated to the Temurbeklar Maktabi school.