President Shavkat Murziyoyev enquired into the activities of private enterprise Yangiobod Invest Service in Muzrabat district.
Poultry business is the source of diet meat and eggs, important in the daily diet of people. Numerous poultry farms are being set up across the country to ensure abundance and accessibility of these products.
The new poultry complex in Muzrabat district was launched quite recently. 7 hen keeping and 2 chicken keeping premises and an administrative building were erected at the ten-hectare area of the comolex. On 220 hectares they cultivate foods for the poultry. As a result, it allows to husband 500 thousand hens and 1 million and 735 thousand chickens here. 150 individuals are employed. A fridge warehouse is to be commissioned soon with a thousand-ton capacity.
Chicken hot dogs and other goods, as well as feather pillows and blankets are projected to be produced here in the future.
The head of state recommended to expand the activities of the enterprise and ordered to establush such complexes in other districts of the region, too.
The enterprise managers plan to realize a project jointly with Chinese specialists to produce biogas and biofertilizers. As a result, the complex will be able to suplly itself with gas, and an additionally 50 jobs would be created.
Then, Uzbekistan's President was briefed about agricultural projects desihned to cultivate and export early ripening goods, to effectively use backyard lands and other schemes.
The President drew special attention to the works underway to promote courtyard farming. 400 thousand home owners in Surkhandarya region boast 48 thousand hectares of kand. This year, 644 thousand tons of various agricultural goods have been harvested on the first yield. Up to three yields can be harvested in the climatic conditions of the region through the creation of minor greenhouses.
For instance, for the first time in the history of our country, the exports of potatoes have been launched. More than 270 thousand tons of this product has been prepared in Surkhandarya region, 100 thousand tons of which are to be exported.
"Courtyard farming is one of the base points to secure decrease in the cost of food products and in inflation. Owing to it, many people are employed and family incomes are growing. Those who effectively cash in the opportunities of backtyard farming never become dependent, but will be rich. A system needed for this to become reality is created," Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.
The head of our state got familiar also with the mobile plant presented by the joint stock company Uzbekistan Railways to produce combined foods for animals.