
Dear compatriots!
Distinguished guests!
Ladies and gentlemen!
These magnificent days, we see the nature awaken and bloom, and welcome the delightful Navruz to our blessed land.
Today, as it always happens on this splendid holiday, itself an integral part of the spiritual life of our people for thousands of years, our hearts overflow with special joy and high feelings.
It is a great honor for me to cordially congratulate all of you who have gathered in this brilliant Humo palace in the heart of our capital city, and in your person – the entire multiethnic people of Uzbekistan – on the holiday of Navruz.
I express to all our compatriots, who on these beautiful days in all cities and districts, villages and auls carry out Naviru-dedicated sayili, a tremendous respect and the kindest wishes.
Let your life like a spring morning be bright, joyful and prosperous!
May Navruz bring prosperity and happiness to every home, every family!
Dear friends!
In this unique, amazing time, we all feel a surge of strength and energy. Time and again, we discover for ourselves the deep meaning of our centuries-old values and traditions, we realize that we are the heirs to a great history and culture, and a feeling of pride grows in our hearts.
It is symbolic that this year, the celebrations of Navruz holiday take place in this resplendent palace. After all, Humo is a bird-herald of kindness, a symbol of happiness, and Navruz is a holiday when the soul soars, it is a festival of spring and abundance. Let the harmonious combination of these two great symbols – Humo and Navruz – make our life even brighter and more meaningful.
Dear compatriots!
As we all know, Navruz means a new day, the start of a new year in accordance with the Eastern calendar.
Today, the nature, the whole wonderful world around us is once again entering a time of rebirth and renewal.
And our native Uzbekistan is amid a new stage of national development.
This is a new era of our free and independent life, a new, higher level of creation and wellbeing.
This is a time when, thanks to our work, our noble principle “The interests of the people are above everything else” finds practical confirmation. We build new residential buildings and modern enterprises, facilities in the sphere of education and healthcare, culture and sports, the beautified villages and cities enhance the splendor of our country.
It is a time when respect for elders, respect for the younger ones, kindness and mercy, assistance to all who need it, become the norm.
This is a period when the doors of friendship and cooperation with the world community, especially with neighboring nations, are opening wide.
This is a cardinally changing new Uzbekistan being filled with might and power, gaining increasing acknowledgment in the world.
Meanwhile, all this is only the first steps on the long and difficult path we have chosen.
Today, our courageous and noble people by their selfless labor create a new era in the glorious history of the Motherland.
With all my heart, with filial love I bow deeply to our generous people devoted to our country and confident in its future.
Dear friends!
The life-affirming ideas and the humanistic spirit of Navruz occupy an increasingly important place in the system of universal values. According to the UN decision, March 21 is widely celebrated around the world as the International Day of Navruz.
I will take this opportunity to congratulate the distinguished ambassadors of foreign countries, representatives of international organizations, all our guests, people from near and far abroad who are present in this hall, to wish them peace, prosperity and wellbeing.
Dear compatriots!
Today, sincere words such as these, “May our every day be joyful like Navruz!” are heard throughout the country during folk festivals.
Indeed, thanks to its great strength, Navruz awakens and renews the whole nature, and the large-scale transformation we carry out contributes, like Navruz, to the renewal of society, qualitatively changes the outlook of people, reveal their potential.
All the reforms realized in Uzbekistan are aimed at ensuring that our people are satisfied with life, so that each of our days will be like Navruz. To achieve such noble goals we have to address rather critical challenges. Together with our creative people we will certainly further our goals and reach those high levels.
Today, our skilled dehkans and farmers with high hopes are starting a new agricultural season. May this year be prosperous for all of us, and the harvest abundant, may your conscientious work yield worthy results, my dear ones!
Dear veterans, dear mothers and sisters, sons and daughters!
Once again, earnestly, with all my heart I congratulate you on the holiday of Navruz!
May Navruz bring happiness and prosperity to the land of our native Uzbekistan!
May all our good hopes and aspirations come true!
May peace always reign in our country, the life of our people be affluent!