The President visited walnut and almond plantations established by Sag Agro Yakkabog LLC in Yakkabag district.
Uzbekistan pays special attention to development of agriculture, especially stimulating and further improving the efficiency of rainfed lands, increasing the production of export-oriented walnut, creating modern walnut plantations due to the broad involvement of foreign investment and introduction of scientifically based methods and intensive technologies in this sphere.
In accordance with the resolution of the Head of the state “On establishment of the Walnut Producers and Exporters Association and organization of its activities” of June 1, 2017, as well as his instructions during a trip to Kashkadarya region in January this year, it was planned to establish walnut and almond plantations with a total area of 1,140 hectares in the area of Sag Agro Yakkabog LLC at the expense of 25 billion UZS. Currently, walnut trees of Chendler, Cisco varieties and almonds of Avijor and Guara varieties are planted on 700 hectares. Next year another 440 hectares will be developed. Walnut plantations will begin to bear fruit after 4, almond – after 3 years.
After full completion of the work, the plantations will give about 7 thousand tons of products per year, 500 people will be employed. It is planned to export 60 percent of the grown products. In the future, the company intends to expand its activities and exports.
The President planted a walnut tree here.
The Head of the state gave instructions to responsible persons on creating high-yielding walnut plantations appropriate to local natural and climatic conditions, increasing the volume of walnut cultivation in the regions, organizing for agronomists, involved in the care of walnut seedlings, special courses on proper conduction of agrotechnical measures on plantations.
A presentation of projects on organization in 2019-2020 of pistachio, bitter almond, walnut and sea-buckthorn plantations in the reserve lands of Kashkadarya region, development of turkey breeding in the state forests of Kamashi district, organization of pistachio plantations in forests and farms, development of Karakul breeding, viticulture, creation of modern intensive garden in Kitab district by Nasaf Agro Impeks LLC.
The Head of the state was provided with information on activities carried out in the region on development of fish farming, poultry farming and animal husbandry.