A family polyclinic and a kindergarten are organized on the first floors of apartment buildings erected in citizens’ gathering of “Kumbuz ovul” makhalla of the city of Nukus.
It is very convenient for residents, especially women with young children. The walking distance to institutions saves both time and money.
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev became familiar with these institutions.
10 five-storey affordable houses with all amenities and conditions are built here. Preschool education institution “Navshe” is provided with developing equipment, toys, methodical manuals. Courses of English, Russian languages, chess and checkers are organized.
The family polyclinic serves more than 46 thousand residents of 8 makhallas of the city. The institution, designed to receive 250 people a day, has necessary equipment.
A system of electronic appointment for a doctor has been established. People can make an appointment to the doctor without leaving home and visit the doctor at the appointed time. A social pharmacy is operating in the polyclinic.
The President, during the conversation with doctors, noted that along with high-quality service for residents, it is necessary to cover the population with patronage, to know the mood of each resident.
Instructions were given on the transfer of sick-leaves to and electronic form, organization of work on the basis of achievements of modern medicine.
A presentation of affordable apartment buildings under construction on Abdambetov Street, Nukus city project was held.